Could Adam be right about this? From the Daily Mail:

‘One day the President is pointing the finger and blaming the intelligence services, saying there is a systemic failure,’ said one agency official. ‘Now we are heroes. The fact is that we are doing everything humanly possible to stay on top of the security situation. The deaths of our operatives shows just how involved we are on the ground.’

Some CIA officials are angry at being criticised by the White House after Abdulmutallab, 23, was allowed to slip through the security net and board a US-bound flight in Amsterdam despite evidence he was a terror threat. The president complained that a warning from the former London engineering student’s father and information about an al Qaeda bomb plot involving a Nigerian were not handled properly by the intelligence networks.

  1. bobbo, a scholar of the mob mentality says:

    What we have here is “systemic failure to appropriately categorize, define, and accept the truth.”

    The front line CIA operatives as part of the “Intelligence Community” is not the same group back home in the Department of Homeland Security as part of the Intelligence Community.

    Words/labels have great power in how they illuminate or dissemble cogent thinking.

    Not very difficult to lament the passing the the CIA Agents and to kick some butt and FIRE SOME PEOPLE over the failure to connect dots sitting in plain sight.

    Who is upset and why?

    War on Terror. A tight downward spiral.

  2. The Warden says:

    This is typical OBama. Trying to be on both sides of every issue to appease everyone. It’s a bad habit of his. It was noted during the campaign but many wanted to ignore just how disingenuous and incompetent this man really is. OBama’s chickens are coming home to roost. And as it has been said, Obama loves America like OJ loved Nicole. We can only hope that Nov 2010 ushers in more Republicans to stop this idiot and make him an early lame duck.

  3. bobbo, a scholar of the mob mentality says:

    #2–Warden==NAME the issue that Obama is on two sides of.

    You must be thinking the CIA operatives in Afghanistan were incompetent, or that the failure to catch the Crotch Bomber was the result of good intelligence work.

    Wiggle otherwise.

    PS–stop being so stoopid, unless of course you are part of the Obama does nothing right crowd. We offer absolution for your one trick pony in such a case.

  4. Dr Dodd says:

    It’s difficult to come up with anyone who has cultivated more enemies and disrespect in so short a period of time as Obama.

    Sure would hate to be a secret service agent in charge of protecting the great pretender.

  5. FRAGaLOT says:

    Maybe he was on the “inept terrorist list” so they let him on knowing he wasn’t going to amount to anything. Especially considering he had his explosives in his undies. Don’t bomb sniffing dogs go right for the crotch anyway? Hell I’d let him on just for the pure comedy of the idea he will blow his junk off. Kina pointless for those 70+ virgins….

    But really even real terrorists are ashamed of this guy for not pulling this off. Which leads everyone to think this was completely staged.

    Though another possible theory was the TSA was already holing a few dozen people for interrogation already (whom weren’t terrorists) so they were understaffed on the holidays anyway and the let this grease ball though.

  6. Dennis says:

    The reason for the 9/11 attacks were supposedly due to the two agencies (FBI & CIA) not ‘communicating”. So they created Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Agency to correct this. Now we hear that this has also failed. Due to Communication.
    Huh? It worked as an excuse before, so now they are using it again? How stupid do they…oh, wait….never mind. All Hail the NEXT new agency that will be created to correct THIS issue.

  7. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Dr. Dodd (aka I played doctor when I was a little kid and that is why they call me doctor, hee, hee, hee, hee!!!!!!!!!!!) per #4

    It’s difficult to come up with anyone who has cultivated more enemies and disrespect in so short a period of time as Obama.
    End of quote.

    It is not difficult for me: Dr. Dodd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    RIM SHOT!!!!!!!!!

    This is getting easier every day!

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    Well if it isn’t Obamaforever.

    How’s that new job working out for you? For the life of me I can’t figure out how you can make a living sucking farts out of dead birds.


    Obama looked at all past Presidents and agreed with many of us that Jimmy Carter was the worst. He then looked at Carter and determined that he could do worse than carter in a heartbeat. He is succeeding (which is why Rush wants him to fail.)

  10. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Dr. Dodd (aka Hi!! kids, let’s play doctor!!) per #9

    How’s that new job working out for you? For the life of me I can’t figure out how you can make a living sucking farts out of dead birds.
    End of quote.

    Let me figure it out for you. I can’t; you were in front of me.


  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    Yup, the right wing nuts are sharing their intelligent insights today.

    And I just love these “opinion” pieces with a lot of unnamed sources for quotes.

    Some CIA officials are angry at being criticised by the White House after Abdulmutallab, 23, was allowed to slip through the security net and board a US-bound flight in Amsterdam despite evidence he was a terror threat.

    It was the CIA that didn’t turn over the tip to Homeland Security. They sat on it for five weeks.

    Cherman/pedro isn’t the only hypocrite.

  12. Who says:

    If our Intelligence agents can’t handle the situation, maybe we should turn it over to the Israelis and let them do some of that Jew-jitsu.

  13. MikeN says:

    He should not have called them heroes. That was his biggest screwup to date, admitting the intelligence operation like that.

  14. Dr Dodd says:

    #11-Obamaforever-Let me figure it out for you. I can’t; you were in front of me.

    You must be thinking about your cell mate. He’s the only one that would let you behind him, and vice versa.

    Mr Fusion isn’t it?

  15. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Dr. Dodd (aka Dr. Quack) per #15


    You lose!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS Look it up, Quack!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Dr Dodd says:


    Giving up already?

    Come on, give it the old college try, or in your case the old prison library try.

    Ah, what’s the point… you had your shot.
    You coulda had class.
    You coulda been a contender.
    You could’ve been somebody – instead of the sucker of farts from dead birds.

    Back to the minors for you.

  17. brm says:

    Eh, who cares. I quit paying attention. Feels like the last eight years, with some minor variation, but not enough to keep me interested.

  18. testtubebaby says:

    To: Obamaforever

    Why did they take away Obama’s neck ties?

    You seem to view the comments section of this blog as a competition. Why? You should be worried about being upstaged by Mr. Fusion.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Dr. Dudd,

    You could’ve been somebody – instead of the sucker of farts from dead birds.

    Another piece of intelligent discourse. One of your most intelligent. Right up there with Patrick and pedro/Cherman.

  20. Rick Cain says:

    I didn’t know the CIA went emo on us. Can’t take a little criticism so they start cutting their arms and burning themselves with cigarettes.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, Rick,

    Since these people are always un-named, we’ll never know if they are actual CIA agents, wannabes, former agents, Republican shit disturbers, or it is just “literary license”.

    My suspicion is there are still enough people left from the Bush purges that have risen to their level of incompetence to allow screw ups like this to occur.

  22. Uncle Patso says:

    President Obama didn’t have to cultivate any of it, it was automatic. Just like the GOP Party-of-NO!!! in Congress — “if any Democrat is for it, I say NO!!!”

    It’s time President Obama made a major speech praising The Flag, Motherhood and Apple Pie, just to make the “NO!!!”-sayers’ heads explode…


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