Daylife/Reuters Pictures used by permission

Danish police have shot and wounded a man at the home of Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad sparked an international row…

Danish officials said the intruder was a 28-year-old Somali, who they did not name, but said was linked to the radical Islamist al-Shabab militia…

Police said the man had entered Mr Westergaard’s house armed with a knife and axe and had shouted in broken English that he wanted to kill him.

Mr Westergaard ran to a specially designed panic room where he raised the alarm.

Fritz Keldsen, deputy chief superintendent of Aarhus city police, told the BBC: “We got the alarm message from this address, yesterday evening. And we came in strong numbers.

“When we saw the suspect, he was moving away from the scene. Then he attacked the police patrol. He did that with such skill, that they had to shoot him.

I don’t think they shot him – enough!

  1. deowll says:

    I wonder how many more people need a panic room or an AK-47 and a lot of ammo?

    Islam does not tolerate dissenting views. A fact that they make every effort to share but we still have people on this blog that can’t comprehend that these people are acting based on their religious beliefs.

    The deniers want to have discussion groups to try and figure out why Muslims do what they do. Twenty minutes reading a translation of the Koran or maybe about as much time on Youtube and they should have it figured out because the message is out there in the words of the believers themselves.

    I don’t know which group I consider to be the most dangerous. The Jihadist or the Jihadist deniers who can’t accept that the Jihadist want to kill infidels.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Broken English?

    “SILENCE! I KILL you!”

  3. Pagon says:

    I agree with #1’s comments on the lack of tolerance of a large percenmtage of Islamic believers for the beliefs of others.

    I just wish he would stop at that point. People who want to discuss the issue are considered as dangerous as the people who actually want to kill us.

    Get serious, please. The world is more complicated than a phrase you can fit on a bumper sticker – unless you want to simply kill everyone who does not agree with YOU!

    btw – visit a site called something like “religion of peace”

  4. HeeHee says:

    Mac Guy made a Jeff Dunham reference. 🙂

    His show is being cancelled – too bad.

  5. Father says:


    So by your logic, the Jordanian man who gave me a taxi ride in East Jerusaleum (which is Not Israel), sinned because he didn’t kill me and my girlfriend? Why would he commit that sin?

  6. Cursor_ says:

    #1 deowll

    As a non-Muslim that frequents two Muslim businesses here in the states and has neighbours that are Muslim; I find it offensive that I should be considered naive just because you have no contact with moderate people that came to live in The USA.

    I suppose to you all the abortion clinic bombers and doctor killers are Christian and so all Christians are threats?

    If that is not the case then perhaps you should consider that many Muslims are in the same boat as these supposed Christians that kill and destroy.

    Your fear is getting the better of you.

    #5 HeeHee

    Saw it, no loss. I think he is much funnier doing stand up alone. But most of them are that way.


  7. clancys_daddy says:

    Pretty much any religions primary tenant is to scare the bejeezuz out of the believers so they straighten up and fly right (the first social engineering). I find the older that I get the less I believe in any organized religion or higher power. That said any religion can be corrupted to provide justification for anything. Because once you can be convinced that god is on your side, and you truly believe it you can do no wrong in his/her/its name.

  8. Milo says:

    How do people like this get into a country in the first place?

    There’s no right to immigrate!

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    “a man wielding an axe and a knife broke in.”

    What was that about bringing a knife to a gunfight??

  10. Milo says:

    Meanwhile a blasphemy law is being fought in Ireland.

  11. bobbo, a scholar of the mob mentality says:

    Group dynamics are interesting. Most large groups are “controlled”/directed by much smaller group of dedicated single issue type assholes.

    You can see that in the GOP with the Teabaggers and the Anti-Abortion types. You can see that with the Dem’s and their constant wishy-washyness.

    You don’t see suicide bombers in the Buddhist religion because the religion as a whole is not about hurting other people. When these people are radicalized, they self immolate in protest.

    But to be a Christian or a Muslim, you have to “forbear” the violence and exclusion of basic tenets of your religion, and “conservatives” who are moved control positions find power by moving their group to the more extreme positions, the more pure positions.

    Ebb and flow and counterweights in all things but overtime, water will seek its own level, religions based on being saved will turn on those choosing to be different.

    Silly Hoomans.

  12. clancys_daddy says:

    I know I’m crazy the voices keep telling me so.

  13. Father says:

    Great litterate post Bobbo.

    Suggestion, instead of sending 20 somethings overseas to kill people, put in place a system where every 20 something worldwide must take a 3-month vacation to three different locations in the world (outside his home country) seperated by at least 4000 miles. If we the taxpayers paid for this, maybe it would calm the fears of people who have lived in isolation ( deowll ).

    This travel would eventually have the unfortunate effect of reducing the power of nationalistic propaganda on a population. So, maybe we should just bloody the earth with each others gut instead. I nominate those who disagree with the the enforced-travel idea to be the first ones we send to do the killin.

  14. sargasso says:

    Somalian ninjas, get noticed in Denmark. You know, they sort of stand out.

  15. Floyd says:

    #8 for the WIN! The old Bob Dylan song “With God on Our Side” sums it up nicely, both antiwar and antireligion.

  16. Nappy Headed Ho says:

    I’d axe him to leave.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #1, doill,

    I don’t know which group I consider to be the most dangerous.

    How about the one you belong to. You, and your ilk, are the biggest part of the problem. Instead of solving the issues, you continue to exacerbate them. Every time the wounds between cultures start to heal, your kind picks the scabs so they bleed anew. And every time you stand there all innocent like and ask “why are they so angry?”

  18. brave_blog says:

    You guys have some Cojones!
    I can clearly see the offending cartoon of the Profit over his shoulders. Show them YOU won’t be intimidated!

  19. RBG says:

    # 12 bobbo

    If only the People would follow you.

    #3 qb “Wow. Who would have thought that a hopeless, uneducated person from an impoverished country torn apart repeatedly by foreign financed wars would become a religious fundamentalist tool?”

    Certainly not all the other hopeless, uneducated persons from an impoverished country torn apart repeatedly by foreign financed wars.


  20. Flat Piece of Paper says:

    The cartoon invades millions of homes worldwide and in response the cartoonist home gets invaded. Sounds fair.

  21. Rick Cain says:

    Killing somebody over a cartoon.

    I think Islam is the worst cartoon ever.

  22. Uncle Patso says:

    I think we are squandering a tremendous PR opportunity by not constantly harping on the fact that any “religion” that consistently (or even occasionally) advocates mass killing is no religion at all, but merely our territorial, xenophobic ape-brain acting out…


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