A missile fired by a pilotless U.S. drone aircraft on Friday killed at least three militants traveling in a car in Pakistan’s North Waziristan region on the Afghan border, security officials said.

The United States carried out at least 50 drone air strikes in northwestern border regions in 2009, killing about 415 people, including many foreign militants, according to tally reports from Pakistani officials and residents.

  1. Phydeau says:

    MIRANSHAH, Pakistan (Reuters) – A missile fired by a pilotless U.S. drone aircraft on Friday killed at least three militants traveling in a car in Pakistan’s North Waziristan region on the Afghan border, security officials said.

    “The bodies were burned beyond recognition. We are trying to determine their identity,” said one security official

    Uh, if the bodies were burned beyond recognition and they are still trying to determine their identity, how do they know they got the right guys?

  2. GF says:

    They helped to fly planes into the WTC, blow up the U.S.S. Cole and U.S. embassies, attacked U.S. military bases, helped hide OBL and Al Qaeda and they wonder why the U.S. drops bombs on them. Retards.

  3. frankiedog says:

    Oh well, better luck next year. 😉

  4. Angry says:

    “And they wonder why people attack the US.”

    And I wonder why Cherman thinks of himself as a journalist…

  5. Father says:

    Yup, each one of the 415 killed (including any collateral children) were just about to hop on a plane to blow me up on my recent trips overseas and domestically.

    Thank God for the Bush+Obama team to protect me, I feel better now that they are gone and I don’t have to rely on their families to report them to Uncle Sam.

    I’m sure nothing bad will come of our attacks.

    Maybe we can triple our productivity in 2010, go for 1245!

  6. Reader1 says:

    That is a nice photo , I like the angle the photographer took.

  7. Father says:

    “Pakistan worries the strikes could undermine efforts to deal with militancy because the civilian casualties inflame public anger and bolster support for the fighters. Pakistan has pressed the United States to provide it with drones to allow it to conduct its own attacks.”

  8. Unimatrix0 says:

    Yeah…that is terrible….cause we are SLACKING. Need to kill more of them..get on it.

  9. sargasso says:

    Pilotless drones are extremely cool right now around the brass. If you’re a startup with a pilotless solution, especially field operable UAV all weather recon and elint, you’re ahead of the queue at any Lamborghini dealership.

  10. Father says:

    GF said:
    “They helped to fly planes into the WTC, blow up the U.S.S. Cole and U.S. embassies, attacked U.S. military bases, helped hide OBL and Al Qaeda and they wonder why the U.S. drops bombs on them”

    I will remind you that the US had actionable intelligence on OBL prior to the WTC/Pentagon attacks, knew where OBL was after these attacks, knew about the latest bomber prior to his attack, and I’d be surprised there weren’t other things we knew about but failed to take action on before it was too late (Cole?).

    These same intelligence people claim to be able to identify the worst of the worst, and take them out pre-emptively. I really hope we are killing the correct people, as I don’t like having the blood of innocents on my hands.

    I don’t know what excuse I’m going to use with Saint Peter at the gates.

  11. Lou says:

    The last war the USA won was back in 1945. They bombed the Germans into oblivilan. They nuked Japan. That’s how you win a war. It’s sad and It’s ugly. But that’s how you win.
    Packistan is where you have to do it again, if you want to win. Until you cut off the supply lines you will Never win in Afgaistan.
    When I say bomb Packistan. I’m talking about the border area that the Pakastan Gov has no controll over.Grow some fucken balls and get the job done right or go the fuck home.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Luckily for Pakistan the USA doesn’t have a lawless Christian area where extremist groups plot to blow up muslim planes and kill muslim citizens with suicide attacks, well other than Rush Limbaugh’s district anyway.

  13. The Warden says:

    Why is Obama killing Pakistanis? I thought he was going to make friends with them and beg them to stop targeting us? I guess this isn’t the hope and change the Pakis were hoping for.

    Btw, where are all the rabid anti war protesters that were out in full force against Bush. They are strangely quiet now that Obama is still continuing the same war policy as Bush. I wonder why that is?

  14. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Good start! Who really needs a Pack of Stanleys?

  15. Derek says:

    Go go hypocrite liberals! Come on! Bash the anointed one for fighting a war. Condemn your president for not negotiating and making friends with our enemies. Attack him for “potentially” killing innocent women and children. Go on liars. Where’s your attack ads now?

  16. Dallas says:

    Cherman wanted say “US killed 415 militants in 2009” but the marketing department opted for the term ‘Pakistanis’ for effect. It worked!

    Lots of Bush morons have come forward to help interpret this as 415 women and babies in order to imply that this administration is just as sinister as the previous one.

    This is effective with Fox News sheeple but not quite everyone.

  17. MikeN says:

    #15, careful, that argument is what broke up Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins.

  18. sikander says:

    Violence cannot give birth to peace.

  19. qb says:

    This strategy might have worked eight years ago, but it’s a little late now.

  20. Faxon says:

    I am reading Gibbon’s Decline and Fall right now.
    Seems that the Near East was a constantly troubling area to the Romans. For centuries.

    There is no solution for the problems radiating from that area, and the people there just don’t like Christians or Jews. Period.

    So what is there to do? I don’t know. But green glass sounds like a start.
    In Korea, McArthur considered spreading extremely radioactive material all along the Korean-Chinese border. Clever, eh?
    An invisible shield, like Colgate toothpaste used to have in the fifties.
    Then, just shoot down any air traffic coming out of the place.
    To appease the wonderfully decent liberals, continue to catapult food and cash into the place.
    Before doing this, give everyone one week to leave, if they consent to a full cavity search and eat a pound of bacon.

  21. amodedoma says:

    I was watching my kids play Modern Warfare 2 on th PS3, calling in a predator strike, marking the target with a laser. It’s a strikingly impersonal way to destroy a target. Just another mission in the game according to them.

  22. bill says:

    Well, you have to start somewhere.
    How many points do you get for a ‘foreign militants’?

  23. Steve S says:

    Phydeau said,
    “Uh, if the bodies were burned beyond recognition and they are still trying to determine their identity, how do they know they got the right guys?”
    That is one of the advantages of killing people in this manner. Since there is no evidence to the contrary, they are ALWAYS the “right guys”.
    I’ll never forget what a friend of mine told me about what what he was taught by his police academy instructor. He was told (in private), “If you are alone with a suspect and you have to shoot, shoot to kill and don’t stop shooting until you are sure the suspect is dead. The last thing you need is another person’s testimony that contradicts yours”.
    Makes you wonder why in many police involved shootings where there are no other witnesses, all the cops shoot the suspect until their weapons are empty (and sometimes reload and shoot some more). Hmmmmm

  24. RSweeney says:

    If many are foreign militants, how can they be Pakistanis?

    It would seem the post title is contradicted by its quote.

    I suspect that if the Al Qaeda and other Islamist combatants would just abide by the Geneva Convention and wear uniforms and not pretend to be civilians, then this war might be a bit more tidy for those who don’t understand that war really can solve problems.

  25. Mr Fission says:

    What do you call 415 dead Pakistanis? A good start. These people are not are friends, they hate us. We are just returning the favor.

  26. Father says:


    So because they refuse to play fair by wearing uniforms, hopefuly brightly colored ones that show up well to the UAVs’ cameras, how about we firebomb the whole country? I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

    I seem to remember hearing that during the US Revolution, our forefathers sometimes hid in the forest to pick off the brightly colored British Officers. Please correct me if my memory is faulty.

    All is fair in love or war, until “captured” that is.

  27. pakhater says:

    Duh..just 415..come on America you can do better

  28. deowll says:

    #5. You sound confused. I tried reading it as sarcasm but you still sound confused.

  29. soundwash says:


    -at the end of 2007, during a casual conversation with a close friend in the Air Force, he mentioned the number of dead U.S. troops in the iraqi theater was “closer” to 7000. (it was “officially” in the sub 4000’s at the time)

    The possibility of this 415 number being anywhere near accurate is farcical at best.

    The military by nature, will never give accurate “intel” no matter what the agenda is. -to do so would be tactical suicide.

    There has been no “Just” war for *ages*. They are all strictly vehicles to manipulate politics and acquire profit, power and real estate, period. Anyone who believes otherwise is still wet behind their ears and smelling themselves.

    We are engaged in a war with no defined borders, no defined enemy and best of all (for weapons dealers, private “security firms” -and those frothing at the mouth with wet dreams of a perpetual global police state)


    To top it off, we have a Sunni president with an itchy “Shiite” nuke finger looking to continue his bloodline’s hostilities and has no qualms about spilling American blood to do it.

    Only a moron is blind to these facts.

    -the lunatics are now fully in charge of the insane asylum..

    Wake the F up people. Time to shit or get off the pot.



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