You need to read the entire article to find out how things we are being told by the government are not what they seem. Confusion at the beginning is one thing, but this has been going on for days. Who are they trying to protect? This is just a small quote from passenger Kurt Haskell about what happened right after they landed:

We were then marched out of the baggage claim area and into a long hallway.

Lori and Kurt Haskell

This entire time period and until we left customs, no person that wasn’t a law enforcement personnel or a passenger on our flight was allowed anywhere on our floor of the terminal (or possibly the entire terminal) The FBI was so concerned during this time, that we were not allowed to use the bathroom unless we went alone with an FBI agent, we were not allowed to eat or drink, or text or call anyone. I have been repeating this same story over the last 5 days. The FBI has, since we landed, insisted that only one man was arrested for the airliner attack (contradicting my account). However, several of my fellow passengers have come over the past few days, backed up my claim, and put pressure on FBI/Customs to tell the truth. Early today, I heard from two different reporters that a federal agency (FBI or Customs) was now admitting that another man has been held (and will be held indefinitely) since our flight landed for “immigration reasons.” Notice that this man was “being held” and not “arrested”, which was a cute semantic ploy by the FBI to stretch the truth and not lie.

  1. ArianeB says:

    The Government lied to us?

    I am completely and utterly shocked and dismayed. The Goverment never lies!

  2. Reader1 says:

    Yea this story was very fishy from the first time I heard it.

    I was watching CNN yesterday, and some guy (was one of GW Bush guys) came on and said if people were not so concerned with their privacy the security agencies could have done their job more effectively and he made a case that those new scanners should be introduced in Airports and made compulsory, despite concerns over privacy.

    I was like ,you idiots (referring to CNN), he didn’t even board on a US airport , and now this, he didn’t even have a passport, that is just great, We don’t need more scanners and security screening, other countries do.

    Government is using this to mandate the new scanners, that is sick,

  3. Perplexus says:

    You mean hope and change hasn’t produced the most open and transparent government ever?

  4. Floyd says:

    I’m not saying that Haskell is lying, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. He needs more proof, such as additional credible witnesses that will back him up.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Actually, I hope this is correct. For the police to just allow everyone to go their merry way after getting off the plane would be so typically Republican stupid.

    Holding everyone until it is sorted out is standard procedure, perfectly legal, and unremarkable. BTW, they were not under arrest, they are Material Witnesses.

  6. LDA says:


    What is extraordinary about his claim? Aliens, telepathy? Oh, that the FBI is not being completely transparent, yeah that is mind-blowingly extraordinary.

    I would like corroborating evidence too, but claiming it is an extraordinary claim requiring extraordinary proof is, extraordinary.

  7. Floyd says:

    The guy is talking about seeing some other person that was apparently arrested. He is the only person saying this. He needs someone else that can back him up or he doesn’t look too credible.

  8. Coolio says:

    Floyd – the fact that a second person was arrested is common knowledge.

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    #8: Read the article. He talks about how unlikely the second person was from a different flight unless the FBI is totally incompetant.

  10. tbeale says:

    #5. I can’t even express how fucking wrong you are…but it’s your typical response. I use to have some respect for your opinions, now I just realize you are a such a numbnuts shill for your party that everything you say is to be immediately dismissed.

  11. AC_in_Mich says:

    Hmmm, read this story here

    The Same guy – Haskell – Making other assertions that are even more outrageous – either he’s a publicity hound or something isn’t right


  12. Father says:

    I want to know how the billions of dollars that have been spent on the wars in Iraq and Afganistan have helped stop this latest bomber?

  13. the Grim Peeper says:

    You are right #11, something isn’t right! All the FBI had to do was say that the 2nd guy had important information, and we don’t want them to know we have him, so pretend you didn’t see anything. If they wanted to squash this story, they could. So all this is just smoke and mirrors.

    So what’s really going on?

  14. TooManyPuppies says:

    This entire ordeal has bullshit written all over it. This kid was led onto the plane, bypassing normal security, with no passport, then they lay out his “explosive” underwear that he supposedly ignited on TV and…. not a single fucking scorch mark on it!

    Now all the sheeple are crying for more full body scans so some fatass in a room can jerk off to their little child’s naked pictures. Which has absolutely nothing to do with any of this.

    Bravo America, Bra-fucking-O!

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, tbeale,

    #5. I can’t even express how fucking wrong you are…but it’s your typical response. I use to have some respect for your opinions, now I just realize you are a such a numbnuts shill for your party that everything you say is to be immediately dismissed.

    Well since I posted #5, lets look at why you think I’m wrong.

    Your first argument, …

    OK, so lets move on to the next point. …

    And, well, your next counter, …

    So yes, I have such a hard time refuting your ideas I’ll have to go back to what I said before: you’re a fucking idiot and my #5 comment is directed straight at people like you.

  16. tbeale says:

    Your response makes absolutely no sense..not surprising.

    Like I said, there was a time when I really loved and agreed with your position, and my respect for you was very high. Now, all I see is a shill. So, very disappointing. Someone who cannot see that their party is as screwed up as the other.

    Signed: the fucking idiot.

  17. agp says:

    #11 “either he’s a publicity hound or something isn’t right”

    Yah! I’ll say something isn’t right. It looks like their drinking green beer and that’s just f’in WRONG!

  18. noname says:

    Just because the supreme court says it’s ok for police to lie and frame people doesn’t mean that the FBI or our government is lying to us.

    The FBI is America’s most virtuous government agency. FBI would never lie.

  19. jccalhoun says:

    Oh goody. Another conspiracy. So someone comments on a website and claims to be someone who is on the plane tells a story about how he wasn’t told everything and that the fbi didn’t know everything that happened right away and that’s enough for people to believe a conspiracy.

    Amazing how little evidence it takes for people to believe a conspiracy…

  20. smaki says:

    I am sorry, I have to call BS on at least part of the story. This crap about not having a passport, no way. Not only would he have had to have a passport to board, he would have been required by KLM to have one when he bought the ticket. Airlines have to validate Visa status before they can allow someone to fly to a country (especially the US).

    While I will agree there is still some fishiness with the whole thing, I am not buying this Lawyers story. Sounds like he is enjoying his 15 minutes of fame.

  21. sargasso says:

    Imagine being some innocent Muslim guy from Nigeria who just happened to be on the same plane as the whack job who tried to blow it up.

  22. Karnak The Magnificent says:


    It is not surprising therefore to learn that the knicker bomber apparently received special treatment at Amsterdam airport before he boarded his flight to Detroit. Eyewitness Kurt Haskell reported that a sharply dressed Indian man escorted him to the gate and told the attendant that the knicker bomber had no passport but needed to get on the flight. The sharply dressed man was told that he would have to speak to the manager, which he apparently did and successfully got the young ‘terrorist’ on board.

    Now this requires some serious string pulling, and all the hoopla in the press about whether or not the security system worked is just hubris, because if the knicker bomber appeared at the gate without a passport, it is unlikely that he went through the normal process up to that point, including check-in which requires passengers to show their passports. In all probability he was escorted as a VIP to the gate by the sharply dressed man. So how do two suspicious looking terrorists, at least one of them without a passport, get to the gate in an airport and then onto the flight? The answer is they don’t unless they have some diplomatic credentials or high-level contacts in the airport.

    Guess who runs the security at Amsterdam Schipol airport? ICTS of course! the same Israeli owned security company that somehow managed to let the shoe bomber on his Miami flight in 2001 and several of those mythical hijackers who allegedly flew out of Boston’s Logan airport on 9/11. It is also useful to remember that the shoe bomber was cleared through ICTS and El Al security at Amsterdam airport on a flight to Tel Aviv in July 2001 for what was apparently an all-expenses paid week-long trip to the Israeli city. What precisely he did there remains a mystery.

  23. Karnak The Magnificent says:


    Let’s review what we know thus far:

    * Our terrorist traveled to Yemen to meet with terrorist there

    * The terrorists in Yemen had been in Guantanamo but had been ordered released by the Bush Administration though they were, perhaps the most dangerous detainees held

    * The government of Yemen tells us that Islamic terrorists there have been arrested who have proven ties to Israeli intelligence

    * Our terrorists father, though we are told is a retired “Nigerian banker” actually ran their defense industry in close cooperation with Israeli Intelligence (Mossad)

    * Our terrorist’s visa to the US was never with withdrawn, though he was on a “terrorist watchlist”

    * Our terrorist, though flying from Nigeria, entered the Netherlands without passing thru customs, something impossible to do without assistance from an intelligence agency

    * Our terrorist, while at the Amsterdam airport, was being assisted by a man appearing to be Indian, who claimed our Nigerian terrorist was a Sudanese refugee with no passport (no passport was used entering the EU, something technically impossible)

    * However, Dutch authorities, the same ones who confirmed he entered the country with no passport also confirmed he had a valid US visa, though on a terrorist watch list that is shared with Dutch authorities.

    * Airport security in Amsterdam is contracted to an Israeli controlled company with, not only the most sophisticated technologies, but, in fact, the company that had developed the concept of security profiling.

    * The parallels between this case and the Richard Reid “shoe bomber” case are much more than admitted.

  24. Faxon says:

    I read the whole article. My head hurts. I don’t like this guy. Balloon boy, anyone?

  25. bob says:

    For once I agree with Fusion.

  26. RBG says:

    Can’t we forget all this crappola and just say it’s all some kind of Bush plot.


  27. qb says:

    It’s Dick Cheney. He’s behind the whole thing. Although, I’m not ready to discount the whole Barry Bonds theory. If everyone is worried about gonch bombers then maybe no one will notice if Barry signs with Brewers.

  28. qb says:

    Seriously US dudes. If you’re arch-nemesis is some guy with saltpeter and charcoal stuffed into his granny panties then you’re not really a superpower.

  29. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: All Tea Baggers

    Dear Tea Baggers;

    You are seeing shadows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. canucklehead says:

    #12 Father — so far you have the most astute comment


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