Compassion, charity, etc, etc isn’t as important as following the rules in our increasingly control-freak government. You will obey!
If you can’t see the video, read about it all here.
If you can’t see the video, read about it all here.
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The jokes on the HOA. The purpose of an HOA is to make rules to keep housing values up. The couple trying to sell the house at half what they paid for it, means the value of all the houses in the neighborhood has been cut in half.
HOA should be illegal period. Im disgusted, heartless pieces of shit. If i ever get lucky enough to own a home, I will not move to HOA neighborhood.nuff said
Once again why family values are obviously dead and why senior citizens have so much stigma from those of us who actually give a rat’s ass about other people.
#2 yeah!!! that’ll teach ’em!!!!
“It takes a village to raise a child” but apparently not that one. It never ceases to amaze me at the amount of inhumanity that can exist in first world nations. Nothing like bringing corporate immorality into the community and the home. Great “values” lesson for a 6 year old.
Old news….
HOA’s are for power-hungry idiots with nothing better to do….
HOA’s / POA’s are a dumb idea. Its based on the wrong belief that if you have upkeep of a neighborhood the property values stay up, which is of course a falsehood. We all know the value of a property is dictated by the corrupt Realtor’s Association when they pump up prices artificially using “comps” rather than by evaluating the brick and mortar value of a house.
Its like saying your chevy cavalier is worth $50,000 because all your neighbors have chevy cavaliers with 22″ spinner rims, and its supposedly a desired car.
# 7 – Realtors are sales persons their job is to sell the real estate for the maximum possible.
The value of real estate is what ever someone will pay for it and is pretty much controlled by supply and demand. The current “crash” in real estate values in some areas has been caused by a over supply and significant decrease in demand.
I live in an area where the selling price of homes has not decreased at all. Of course we never had the high increase in prices that some areas had, which were caused by “fake” demand (poor to illegal lending practices and speculators (flippers)).
In this case the grandparents knew the HOA bylaws and agreed to them prior to taking in the grand child. I am not heartless though, I suggest that an agreement be made to provide a specific time frame for selling the home at a mutually agreed assessed price. If the house doesn’t sell the HOA purchases the home. Not in a huge defense of HOA’s they do have uses. In Missouri a valid HOA is needed for continuing authority involving non municipal supplied utilities such as wastewater service.
It’s not the covenants that are that bad. Most of the residence don’t want the hassle of even attending meetings, much less serving on a board. What you get serving are people of a particular profile. Same with local school boards. They are uncompromising and have their own agenda. We all know the type.
This is American culture…. it’s “I got mine so screw you Jack”.
It’s no wonder the banker-criminals who stole $700 billion from taxpayers as “bailouts” are receiving bonuses.
What does this have anything to do with “control freak government”?
The reason they can’t sell the house is because the price is too high. Nothing else. Price can overcome everything; bad market, property condition, everything. Knowing that they HAVE to move, is it any surprise that they’re not getting full price? So, Grandma, either lose some money or lose the kid. She’s the one making the evil choice.
HOAs aren’t necessarily to keep property values up, they’re more for setting a certain standard for the community. HOAs are voluntary, if you don’t like the idea, don’t live there.
And worrying about the price drop on their house is pretty stupid. The new house they will buy will also be much cheaper.
This is just a story about some people who don’t feel that they should be held to an agreement they made.
Attempting to form a HOA should be made a capital offense. You buy a piece of property and it’s yours – period. “private” property is the foundation of freedom. Your neighbors have not right at all to tell you what to do with it.
This story is flipping 4 months old. I guess no one vetts anything before posting stupid stories…
Here is a link to an updated story pretty much nothing has changed