On the other hand, taking the Adam Curry view ‘o life, this could all be a covert government sponsored attempt to sedate the population.

In Los Angeles, where medical marijuana dispensaries outnumber Starbucks and McDonald’s restaurants combined, a mood-altering beverage with a cannabis-oriented marketing campaign is gaining traction. Southern California has become the bestselling market for Mary Jane’s Relaxing Soda, a sugary drink laced with kava, a South Pacific root purported to have sedative properties.

Matt Moody, a Denver nutritional supplement developer who created the beverage, said the name is an unabashed reference to weed, though the relaxant compounds in kava are chemically unrelated to those in marijuana.

Along with drinks like Slow Cow and Ex Chill, Mary Jane’s is part of a new group of so-called slow-down or anti-energy drinks, which are expected to be among the top food trends of 2010, according to advertising agency J. Walter Thompson.

They rely on folk-medicine sedatives, including kava, camomile and valerian, to provide an alternative to caffeine-laced and jitter-inducing energy drinks such as Red Bull.
These “relaxation” drinks have become popular fodder for food bloggers, with some calling Mary Jane’s “weed in a bottle.”
The calming effect is probably real, said Michael Pollastri, a pharmaceuticals chemist at Boston University.

“If there were not therapeutic effects, it would not be a 1,000-year-old folk medicine,” Pollastri said.

  1. Animby says:

    “The calming effect is probably real…
    “If there were not therapeutic effects, it would not be a 1,000-year-old folk medicine”

    Oh? Never heard of an old wive’s tale? Mother’s immemorial have claimed getting cold will cause you to CATCH a cold.

    This guy should join the AGW Heavy Science Team.

  2. Phydeau says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same people who sell the energy drink. We’ll jack you up, we’ll mellow you out… got it all covered! 🙂

  3. Improbus says:

    Weed is cheaper and better for you than this crap. Soda is on my do not drink ever list.

  4. Floyd says:

    Chamomile tea is inexpensive, widely available (try any organic grocery store), mellows you right out without getting you high, and all you need is a teakettle, a tea infuser, and a tea cup. Add sugar, lemon and/or honey if you want.

  5. serrin says:


  6. AdmFubar says:

    so much for the pepsi gernation
    uhm lets see

    it is the ultimate un cola…
    coke! original recipe!

    yes!!! that is it!!!
    coke is it!!!
    i’d like to make the world sing in perfect harmony………

  7. Gavionne says:

    I used to take kava for treating anxiety and it definitely does work. That being said, you gotta watch it with this stuff. If you have too much of it, it’ll cause liver toxicity. It was actually banned in a few countries due to that.

  8. JScott says:

    If this stuff is for real, I know what issue some sleazy politician will be campaigning on next year. More do as I say, not as I do morality police.

  9. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    I’ll take a keg.


    What happens if you mix it with booze?

  11. deowll says:

    #11 You fall down but you don’t actually need to add the Kava for that.

    Okay to be serious a downer with alcohol has been known to cause people to be planted.

  12. sargasso says:

    Traditional Fijian kava, is prepared from a tuberous root plant. The white woody fibrous root is chewed raw, then spat out into a kava bowl, and is left to ferment.

  13. Jeff says:

    I fear a great moral enterprising movement coming on.


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