Interesting how the comment is made that most of the protests are of a peaceful nature. Most of the reporting I’m seeing is centred around violent confrontation. I guess peaceful protest doesn’t make for good infotainment.

  1. deowll says:

    Thomas Pain said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

    Mao said, “All power comes out of the barrel of gun.”

    The civilians are disarmed and the government thugs are armed. I guess we’ll see.

  2. bobbo, some things are oh so obvious says:

    So Do-ill, you are providing two excellent examples of the pro’s and con’s, the applicability, of long term versus short term thinking.

    So, the real question then must be: “Who has the most patience?”

  3. Derek says:

    Ah yes. The joys of unarmed citizenry. Makes it so much easier for the government squelch any dissenters.

  4. amodedoma says:

    These kids are just like the student protesters in Tiananmen, they weren’t violent either. However, they were treated violently. I remember when the US had student protesters too, Kent State comes to mind. Maybe it’s the only way they can get their leaders to hear them.

  5. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    The thing that I first noticed is after five posts, not one idiot has dared to claim Global Climate Change is a hoax.

  6. ECA says:

    Cameras have no DEPTH perception.
    think about that.
    They only see what they are focused on.
    If an idiot runs the camera, then you only see what he wishes you to see. that goes for the NEWS group also.

  7. Dr. DoLittle or not much anyway says:

    Who gives a shit. Maybe we can get a chance to try out our new glass making machinery developed since Japan.

  8. deowll says:

    Exactly Bubu.

  9. Reader1 says:

    check this link out

    China is supplying Iran with Anti-Riot vehicles which are very cool check them out.

    A Note about the Armoured Vehicles from China to Iran.

  10. Rick Cain says:

    Peaceful protest works, which is why George W. Bush still carried out his War for Jesus despite millions of protesters worldwide.

    Iran’s army is the wild card. The moment it decides to stop carrying out the orders of the central government, the revolution will be surprisingly quick.


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