Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week Andrew is in Mexico (some Skype problems on recording). We talk about everything from Apple-Nokia to the crotch bomber.

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Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

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  1. qb says:

    First Nokia cuts R&D. Then they sue Apple. Now if they are really stupid and release multiple, incompatible OS’s then they’ll really be in trouble.

    Oh, never mind.

  2. Raff says:

    Did he feel the earthquake?

  3. DroppOut says:

    Shouldn’t your stolen images you insist on posting on your website sometimes show a person falling off the top of a building, mangled, laying on the ground with broken bones, and occasionally dead, to reflect what investing in the stock market is like for many people who lose everything, I mean com’on, roller coasters? Please, spare us the roller coasters, this is real life, not a theme park. It makes me immediately distrust the financial advice as you can’t even get the images right.

  4. petit male says:

    Good show!

  5. grayven says:

    andrews voice broke up like yours does on no agenda. So when your voice breaks up on no agenda, you could theoretically have a copy of the interaction where your voice didn’t break up. A program that spliced the two feeds, either you and andrew on dhunplugged or you and adam on no agenda would be useful. If you crowdsource development, I’ll take no credit for the idea.

  6. deowll says:

    For many small investors about all they can do is try to pick a few solid companies they think will do well in the long term and hope the stock is high when they have to sell.

    Programmed trading is beyond them. What some of the programmed traders are doing is beyond Horowitz.

    What Horowitz is doing is of course way beyond most of us though you could do worse than invest with him. At least the guy seems to be making money for his clients no matter which way the market goes.


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