This should come in handy when [insert catastrophe here] happens.
Springing from the legendary scouting, tracking, wilderness survival skills of Apache warriors, onPoint Tactical offers superior training for modern-day professionals and civilians who require or desire advanced outdoor skill sets to survive and thrive in today’s demanding world.
onPoint Tactical offers professional certification in Scout, Tracker, and Wilderness Survival disciplines. Course topics include Urban Escape and Evasion, Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) training; Search & Rescue (SAR) tracking, primitive wilderness survival, winter survival, scout reconnaissance, animal trapping, booby traps, sniper fieldcraft, camouflage, off grid medical care, force protection, combat and pursuit tracking, counter and anti-tracking, animal tracking, hostile environment training, and land navigation.
From their Urban Escape & Evasion Course:
While on an international business trip, you are kidnapped and held for ransom. Or, a terrorist attack closes the business district of your city and you find yourself in a dangerous, chaotic fix. How do you stay alive? How do you get to safety on your own?
[…]Topics covered include covert movement (day vs. night), the judicious use of caches, understanding urban baseline movement and urban awareness training, the use of disguises and false papers/identification, lock picking, escaping from unlawful custody, obtaining and driving local transportation, the use of “specialized” urban gear, and instruction on how to develop urban escape and evasion go-bags.
Saturday’s exercise will begin at 8:30 am and involve putting your new skills and mindsets to the test in a real-life scenario lasting most of the day until around 5:00 pm. You will be “kidnapped”: hooded, cuffed and taken somewhere dark and uncomfortable to start your day. You will be expected to escape, find your own transportation legally using your social engineering skills, and make your way to the first cache location, where directions for a series of tasks using all your new skills await.Meanwhile, expert trackers will be hunting you down, and if they catch you, you will have to start again from a more distant location.
Looks more like scenes from a gay fantasy video. Looks like a plastic knife and the guy kneeling is not resisting.
Do you have anything along the lines of the angry prison warden?
Since war is a booming business, this could look good on a resume for a private contractor.
That would be similar to the Escape and Evasion exercise the Army put trainees through in the Vietnam era. No, I didn’t get caught.
Don’t-don’t-don’t-don’t-look at what’s in front of you.
(Boots-boots-boots-boots-movin’ up an’ down again)
Men-men-men-men-men go mad with watchin’ em,
An’ there’s no discharge in the war!
If you’ve been to SERE this Kipling classic probably still wakes you up at night. It does me.
Does Jack Bauer run this program?
Hey, merc’s need a place to train, don’t they?
The way things are going this might come in handy.
I still recall my training at the navy survival school, Warner Springs, CA. But that was a different time, when someone named Charlie was the enemy not Mahmoud.
More ways to waste your money for bored caucasians.
#10 I am sure they are an equal-opportunity trainer. Why do that when one could put a set of 22’s on their ride?
The fact that there is a market for these skills gives me the creeps.
>> Birddog said, on December 29th, 2009 at 7:10 am
>> The way things are going this might come in handy.
You mean living with the results of 30 years of conservative social Darwinism?
I’ve heard rumors of this kind of gay fantasy action. Maybe it’s time to set my browser’s content filtration a little higher.
I just want all you white folks to know when the shit breaks out I am on the side of the white guys with the guns.
Pfff… we did all that in Boy Scouts. 🙂
Hey greg fact is things are not good no matter how we got there. I am not gonna blame any one group because everyone is to blame…..greed. With that said I have had survival and tactical training for my job nothing wrong with having a few skills that might save your life one day. Look at the people that died in the recent traffic problems with the snow in the northeast nothing to do with violence. Be prepared or be scared.
The only three real life skills any modern man needs to know about – cleanse, tone and moisturize.
@ #9 Sparkyone:
I also did S.E.R.E. at Warner Springs in the late 80’s (Navy Also). Good times. LOL I lost 16 pounds over the week. So its good for weight loss if anything.
Ive wondered these days seeing they have females on frontline duty, how the S.E.R.E. program is handled. Weather it is dumbed down PC program now or what. When I went thru it wasnt set up to be a mixed company thing, In light of some of the stuff they had you do and go thru.
Me? I did US Army Ranger E&E out of Fort Carson (Colorado) in the 70s. Hard to evade when you’re walking through 3 feet of snow. Women? Please. We were Rangers. We didn’t need no wimmin. I can’t imagine how the training has changed with women in combat roles.
Did another course out of a town near Atlanta (I can’t recall the name). That was DOJ and only two days but really training us to be safe hostages, not escapees. More psychological than physical.
Nowhere in the military do women meet the same physical standards as men – not in the military academies, not in basic training, and certainly not in the field. “equal opportunity” has been allowed to trump military readiness and national security.
My brother in law was a SERE instructor and now works for a private contractor in NC. I have heard some stories.
I’m to old and to fat.
The times they are a changing. We have had the luxury to live soft and for some of us to get fat headed.
That sort of thing isn’t going to last. When the bleep hits the fan the tough and the lucky survive and the rest die without issue. Hard on the individual but good for the species.
“Springing from the legendary scouting, tracking, wilderness survival skills of Apache warriors….”
What, not ninjas?
I signed up for this but washed out on the first day because I could not crack a walnut with just my buttocks.