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I don’t remember ever seeing the shoe-bomber’s shoe.
Does this remind anyone else of Victoria’s Secret?
You just ruined my breakfast
It looks like he blasted the head off of a dove. This guy is not big into peace.
No more babies for you!
Don’t mean to sound like a proponent of porn but, it’s his dick I wanna see.
What’s “Ow! My Balls!” in Yoruba? I mean, come on: 72 virgins, and nothing with which to schtup them? Great thinking – if you can call it that.
I love how they have the ruler at the bottom.
GOD DAMN IT! This guy stole my panties!
Brand; ‘Fruit of the Boom’ ?
After the long flights that guy took those babies are probably nasty!
Slightly OT…driving home listening to CNN on my XM last night, Larry King was interviewing Tom Ridge. I gotta say, he sounded very reasonable and and thinks Napolitano is doing a fine job. He said that only the most hyper-partisans would be concerned about her first statement on Saturday. He also says government culture is –and has long been– the issue. State Dept, FBI, CIA, they’ve always lived as need-to-know, and DHS requires ‘need-to-share.’ That’s where the system failed in his opinion.
@Faxon (#1), Here you go:
And why is there almost no news coverage about the man in expensive suit who got the crotchbomber on the plane without a passport?
“In a further twist, a Michigan lawyer, Kurt Haskell, has said he saw Abdulmutallab in the company of a well-dressed Indian man at the Northwest Airlines gate in Amsterdam.
The Indian man explained that his friend was Sudanese and did not have a passport. Later Mr Haskell recognised the man without the passport as the suspect.”
O-boy,It looks like some people are going to be suicided very soon. Kurt should have kept his mouth shut.
I think the virgins will be disapointed.
In the left corner with blue trunks:
871 newsitems with “Haskell”
And in the right corner with charred trunks:
40.884 newsitems with “Abdulmutallab”
Jopie, I’m going to guess an answer. Were this something the right-wing press could use they’d be all over it 24×7. But it’s not, it plays against their never-ending Obama attack.
Meantime (sic) the legitimate press is waiting for corroboration, typical of any responsible journalist. If they find a second witness then this story goes big.
Weren’t they suppose to have caught fire yet, no discoloration, no blood. Honestly, I could have staged a better false flag then this. Come on Al-CIA -DA your getting lazy. You need to hire some new people with fresh ideas.
#18 jim
Hey we agree for once, as a terrorist this guy isn’t very scary. I mean, he must’ve looked funny squirming around with his balls on fire, but as a terrorist he seems woefully inadequate. Even so, mainstream media is propping this guy up as the worst thing since 9/11, I’ve had foot fungus more dangerous than him. If the idea is to maintain the US public in a haze of fear to keep the war on terror going, then I guess it’s OK, or not.
#10 for the win!
amodedoma…it’s a slow news week. The regular media has nothing else right now, the right-wing media is using it as yet another way to demonize the black guy who won the presidential election last year.
That does not look like enough explosive to do crap. This must be a set up or he it gust a dum ass.
#12 Thanks.
#19 He DID start a fire in the cabin. I don’t think you guys would continue watching the in- flight movie if that happened. As John and Adam mentioned, this idiot should have set this stuff off in the toilet. Probably might have worked if he could have had more time and control of the chemicals.
The headline on my local paper today:
“Carry-on bags banned on flights into U.S.”
Yes, that should fix it. You can’t bring a bag on board the plane – but you can still stuff your crotch with explosives.
Oh well, I guess the U.S. didn’t need international travelers any more.
Jopie..the “no passport” was bullshit. This is well documented. Here is one report:
ask yourself why whatever you’re reading is making up details. That guy in the suit thing is a real whopper.
Also where are the burn marks on the underwear? I thought the guy was on fire.
This whole thing stinks to high heaven.
God what next , are going to be given hospital gowns and ask to a except a rectal exam before flying.
A whole new meaning to “suspicious package.”
I wonder if ABC will also commission an engineering study to tell the terrorists exactly how their bomb failed and some suggestions on how to do better next time.
Make a great prime time news hour.
Cripes, I’ve seen guys light their own farts and get a better result.