From ABC News.

  1. Jopie says:

    @JCD thanks for clarifying that.

    Although i’m not completely convinced yet.
    Indeed this whole thing stinks like dirty underwear on fire.

  2. canucklehead says:

    another goof up this guy did — if you want to bring down a plane over the US, why pick a border city like Detroit? This one was going to fall out of the sky in Canada, still 100km from the border.

  3. sargasso says:

    #26. JCD, From your link, , a congressman complained that the US had supplied money to Nigeria to improve airport security which had not been done. Knowing that airport, and Nigeria’s reputation, that cash is probably gathering interest in a Cayman Islands bank.


    No plane has ever been bought down because of a man burying his face in a hot woman’s cleavage. As a preventative measure, I think the TSA should provide hot, busty women for every man on a flight.

  5. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Johnny (aka John C. Dvorak) per #26


    Johnny, did you find the link in #26 on your own or did you go to a right–wing blog? You must have spent a lot of time trying to find a link that would discredit the main stream media and the (Obama’s) government.

    I suggest you wait a bit longer for the facts to come out before posting a link to a site that does not exactly inspire one with confidence. (Note: The facts on the site may be correct, but I would have posted some sites that would have inspired a tad more confidence.)

    As for your “burn” remarks; Jasper Schuringa received injuries when he jumped on the bomber. Based on news’ reports the injuries were BURNS.

    In my opinion, there are two reasons why you do not see extensive burn marks on the underwear:

    1. The fire was very localized.
    2. The flight crew (with help from Schuringa)
    quickly put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. This kept the fire from spreading (see #1).

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #32 canucklehead… Normally they land at DTW from the southwest or northeast.

  7. Animby says:

    My fear is this will inspire more Nigerians to crave their 15 minutes of fame. So, what I suggest is we apply butane flames to his weenie until he can barely pee through it. Then we send him home. We claim his injuries were caused by his own actions and buying a bomb at the Yemen Wal-Mart. He tells everyone in Nigeria how if you terrorize America you lose your peepee.

  8. Tomas says:

    To: Obamamoron

    “Johnny, did you find the link in #26 on your own or did you go to a right–wing blog? You must have spent a lot of time trying to find a link that would discredit the main stream media and the (Obama’s) government.”

    Obama does a fine job of that himself. As for the main stream media…are you fucking serious? How old are you…..11? Does mommy realize you’re not in bed?

  9. Special Ed says:

    Is that a panty shield?

  10. canucklehead says:

    #36 Olo — crash would have happened somewhere between Grand Bend and Petrolia, Ont.

    I guess only the last minute or two the plane is over US soil.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #40, thanks. That day I drove past the airport at about 11:15 am…winds were strong from the south IIRC, which shifted the landing from the more common SW approach.

  12. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Tomas (aka just another Tea Bagger) per #38

    Dear Tea Bagger,

    Tomas, I see that you are still fighting mental health.

    bye, Bagger


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