I wish the congressman would have said f you, Stein.

  1. Schuyler Colfax says:

    What if I could prove to you that evolution is as much a fact as gravity? If you are curious, you’ll take the time to read “The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution”. It’s a truly fascinating book.

  2. Phydeau says:

    #28 Say you buy a house, a fixer-upper. The previous owner didn’t do any maintenance on it. The plumbing is falling apart, the electric is falling apart, the roof is leaking, everything needs painting.

    You start working on all the repairs, which will take years. After a short while, your friends start coming around, and say “Why don’t you have all this fixed? When are you going to take responsibility for all this mess? Why do you keep blaming the guy who used to own this house? He’s long gone! Take responsibility for this mess!”

    For those analogy-challenged among you, Obama’s the president, so he’s responsible for cleaning up Bush’s mess. That’s his job. But he’s not responsible for causing the mess. That’s Bush’s fault. And until Obama finishes cleaning up Bush’s mess, we’re still going to be talking about the mess and who caused it. Capice?

    Now, whether Obama can do it or not is another question. Maybe, maybe not. We’ll have to see. Perhaps the Republicans were smart to lose this election — Dubya f*cked things up so bad that it may not be possible for anyone to fix any time soon, and the D’s will just end up looking bad when they fail.

  3. Guy says:

    #17 AKA Father,

    It is very evident you have no idea what you are talking about. If you would have had any idea you would know that many Muslims live in Israel and nobody is trying to kill them or otherwise harm them, and you would be surprised to know that Israelis don’t want to kill the people in Gaza, or anywhere else for that matter, either. The vast majority of Israelis simply want our neighbors to let us be, which, unfortunately, is not the case.

    In fact, I would bet you that there are more Americans than Israelis who would like for such a thing to happen… (and no – I am not a US hater, on the contrary)

    I do not know you so I will say the with regards to what you wrote, and not on a personal level: as an Israeli who knows his own people very well, you are the brainwashed one if that is what you think and the so called statements that you’ve made are nothing more than ignorant, sorry ass, BS.

    Have a nice day.

  4. qb says:

    According to Ben Stein’s movie, God created this mess. Let him clean it up.

  5. Thomas says:

    > And that movie that
    > you’re all crowing about,
    > is not about Creationism.
    > It’s an argument for giving
    > equal time to the Intelligent
    > Design model of origins.

    ID is a form of creationism. So, giving equal time to ID is in fact giving equal time to creationism.

    Rubbish. Most Muslims in that area are taught from childhood to hate Jews. Jews are not taught to hate Muslims. They have merely observed local Muslim behavior and speech over an extended period of time and have come to the conclusion that most Muslims wish to kill them.

    > Evolution isn’t fact.

    Wrong. That species evolve is an observable fact. It is akin to observing that the Sun rises.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #23 Eric Morris…your complete ignorance of science is noted. Let me try to help you….The theory of evolution is the result of science. Creationism is a belief based on legend. They’re not necessarily mutually exclusive, but trying to replace a well-studied science topic–one that has hard and replicable evidence– with an unprovable legend is stupid.

  7. Thomas says:

    Your friends might ask you why, worse that nothing being done, that the mess is actually significantly worse. They might ask why you are pissing on your own lawn. They might ask why you are letting your neighbors pick through you mess and take whatever they want.

    Blaming your predecessor about a messy project lasts about six months. Six months is enough time for improvement efforts to have taken effect and to show some sort of change. Obama has had about a year.

  8. Phydeau says:

    #37 Dubya spent 8 years wrecking the economy and Obama’s supposed to fix it all up in six months???? Dubya got us into these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and Obama’s supposed to tidy it up in six months???

    Dream on.

    We know you wingnuts hate Obama for reasons mostly emotional. You hated him while he was running, you hated him after he got elected, and you hated him after he took office. Just like Clinton. Just go ahead and bash him — you know you want to. Don’t worry about reason or rationality.

    And the irony of it all, is that he’s more like the Republicans who you worship than you give him credit for. He’s giving away the store to the big bankers, just like the Republicans would have done. He’s turning over the health care bill to the big lobbyists, just like the Republicans would have done. He’s keeping the unconstitutional spying just like the Republicans would have done.

    I don’t like him much more than you do, but you are laboring under the delusion that if McCain had been elected, things would have been any better.

    As I said — dream on.

  9. jccalhoun says:

    It is akin to observing that the Sun rises.

    That’s not really the best example since the sun doesn’t really rise…

  10. Thomas says:

    It works as an analogy to illustrate that it is observable. Clearly we know much more about the Sun and what it is actually doing, but it starts there. A human cannot easily observe that the Earth rotates around the Sun, however, they can observe shadows, eclipses and such to deduce that it does.

  11. Thomas says:

    Perhaps you might try actually reading a post before responding? I never said that anything had to be fixed in six months. I said that we should see some sort of progress in six months.

    Obama campaigned on going into Afghanistan. All your Democrat buddies wanted to go into Afghanistan. How is that Bush’s war? Further, it is the one thing Obama has done somewhat correct. I say “somewhat” because in addition to giving the commanders (most of) the troops they needed, he also set a timetable which was dumb. Still, we’ll see how it goes.

    Seriously, put the bong down, take off the tie-dye shirt, get out of your mom’s basement and start living in the real world.

  12. bac says:

    I consider ID(Creationism) to be the alternative to faith concerning religion. Faith is spiritual which provides religion with hope and goodness.

    ID(Creationism) tries to be logical and of sound reason. It wants to quantify and qualify religion.

    Both faith and ID(Creationism) have only one reference point which is a book written by humans.

    Those two things are nothing like science and are not even close to being an alternitive.

  13. Phydeau says:

    #41 You’ve decided that six months is the magic number for “showing progress” for fixing an 8 year mess. Who says six months is reasonable? Who says things aren’t getting better? The stock market is improving. Unemployment isn’t going up as much. I think you’re just looking for a reason to bash Obama.

    Afghanistan is Bush’s war because he started it. Does anyone think Obama would have started a war in Afghanistan in 2009 if one hadn’t been going on? He has to play the hand he was given and make the best of a bad situation.

  14. bac says:

    #41 — Agreed that Obama can take credit for the finnishing of the Afghanistan war. Bush Jr. started it right after 9/11 but quickly left it for dead when he wanted to take out Iraq. Obama is just finnishing what Bush Jr. started. Bush Jr. should have been a responsible adult by finnishing the Afghanistan war before dictating to other lands.

  15. Thomas says:

    Unemployment is anywhere from 10% to 17% depending on who you ask. The deficit is twice that of Bush’s. Yes, worse.

    > Does anyone think
    > Obama would have
    > started a war in
    > Afghanistan in 2009

    An irrelevant question. Bush would not have started a war in Afghanistan in 2009 either (A: because he isn’t President and B: because we were not attacked).

    I believe the question you should be asking is whether Obama would have started a war in Afghanistan after 9/11. Given what he said during his campaign and while he was a Senator (as brief as that was), the answer is probably yes.

  16. Phydeau says:

    #45 You’ve already decided Obama sucks, with your arbitrary six month period. Everything bad that happens from now on you will blame 100% on Obama, even though he was left with a huge mess to clean up. Fine. Knock yourself out. Sheesh.

  17. amodedoma says:

    # 32 piedough

    Why stop there? The middle eastern conflict is really the responsibility of a forward thinking pentagon, preparing the next enemy while they finish off the previous one. It’s ludicrous to say that this situation is the result of poor planning, when it seems that everything that the US has done in the area has had a destabilizing effect, and no, I’m not just referring to the help to Israel.

  18. ID = creationism.

    Anyone who believes ID and/or creationism is a crazy idiot and can kiss my ass.

  19. Phydeau says:

    #47 I agree, there’s evidence that our military-industrial complex has gained the power to ensure we are always “at war”. 🙁

  20. Thomas says:

    > Everything bad that
    > happens from now on
    > you will blame 100%
    > on Obama

    That sounds so familiar: blaming the current President for all the country’s and world’s woes. Where have I heard that before…? Oh, that’s right, that is exactly what the Democrats have done for the past eight years.

    On the contrary, I do not blame Obama for the financial crisis he inherited nor for situation the Middle-East. I do state that he now owns the problem and I do blame him for lack of progress (or worse) in effecting change. If you don’t like the six month period, then let’s extend it to a year and what we find is that our plight is no better and in some cases worse than when he took office.

  21. canucklehead says:

    re Ron Paul’s idea that the US meddles too much:

    criminals from Town A invade a bank in Town B, killing dozens of evil bankers, themselves, and hundreds of innocent bystanders. The mayor of Town B decides to do something about it. But he has friends who live in Town A, so he has his police force go after the criminals in Town C. But the police are sloppy and not only take out the criminals in Town C (who had nothing to do with the original attack on Town B), but thousands of innocents people who happen to live in Town C.

    – Saudi Arabia for Town A.
    – USA for Town B.
    – George Bush for the Mayor
    – Iraq for Town C.

    Do you think the citizens of Town C might be a little pissed at Town B and it’s police?

    Some would argue that the same scenario is played out by powerful people from Town B all over the world. Ron Paul is one of them.

  22. Father says:

    Thomas and the Israeli Pretender #33,

    If you think that approximately 1/2 of Israelis don’t want to kill all the muslims, then I suggest you live there during a hot war. Your eyes will open.

    The Israeli Pretender: you my friend have never been to Israel in your life, or, at best, are a sheltered Kibbutzie. More propaganda.

    The funny thing is that Israel is actually the land of Canaan, and the Jews should give it back to Egypt – the rightful owners.

  23. Two to the Head says:

    #10 and #23

    You can’t wait for “the rapture” can you?


    It fits so well with “intelligent design”.


  24. Thomas says:

    Frankly, I place the blame on the mayor of Town C. Had Hussein and his people not acted like they were withholding information, had they been open about inspections, had they not fired on US aircraft, had they not invaded Kuwait, had they abided by the UN resolutions, had they actively worked with the international community in stopping terrorists especially those in their own country, they would not have been invaded. Btw, you are also forgetting the thousands of Town C residents killed by the (former) mayor of Town C.

    On the contrary, quite a few of my friends are Israeli, one of whom recently returned to Israel. Frankly, Israelis are fed up with the hate of Muslims. If you had a collective group that hated you for generations, that bombed school buses, trained people to commit suicide and indiscriminately fired rockets at you, you would also develop some reciprocal hate.

    > The funny thing is that Israel
    > is actually the land of Canaan,
    > and the Jews should give it back
    > to Egypt – the rightful owners

    Why stop there? The Egyptians should give their land back to the Hittites, right? What about Chaldeans? What about the empires after that such as Greece and Rome? Are you saying that the Egyptian’s should give their land back to the Italians? Sheesh.

  25. darrin says:

    Ben Stein is representative of what most mainstream Jews in the US think. He’s just the physically freakish messenger.

  26. Father says:


    I’m not saying recipricol hate isn’t justified (well I don’t think that’s what I said), I just am pointing out that in my experience in living there (not as a tourist) that the Israelis are not innocent at all.

    That guy “Guy” is so full of it I can’t even begin to explain.

    When I lived there, the newspaper I was reading descriped the destruction of “illegal” Muslim homes out in the desert, and the random beating of desert Muslims. From my daily trips through the desert, these desert Musilims were hurting no one, were “living” off land that had zero value to all but the most hearty goat herder, and were simply an easy target on which Israelis work out their frustration. Many of the Israelis I spoke to were openly hostile to these people, the people on the Gaza Strip, and to the West Bank and Syria.

    Only one woman, who taught both Israeli and Muslim children, seemed honestly concerned about the Muslim people.

    Netanyahu, from what I read a while ago, is a large problem rather than a solution.

    Again, my experience is that of someone who experienced a hot war in Israel. And while I may technically be partially Jewish (aren’t we all), I have no allegiance to anything Israeli or Jewish.

  27. Somebody says:

    Screw you, Ben Stein!

  28. Guy says:

    Father…. I pitty your children….

    The emotional amplitude of your response proves that you are uncomfortable with the truth…
    I was born, raised and still living in Israel, and I, as opposed to you, know what I am talking about.

    But I guess that’s how it is with people like you… you never ever let facts confuse you.

    As far as Cannan go all I have to say is LOL YOU ARE SUCH A PATHETIC FOOL! 😀

    And in the spirit and language of our neighbors I will say this last thing: Maktua rekbetak ya kalb! :DDD

  29. Bob says:

    Wow! Talk about a public soapbox. Regardless of your level of intelligence and understanding, step right up and make your ignorance known to the world. Incredible!


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