1. scadragon says:

    And how ARE you liking that Democratic leadership?

  2. Grandpa says:

    #1 It’s pretty bad when the Democratic leadership is better Drunk than sober Republicans. Those moral Christian soldiers had their day, new let’s let the drunken heathens have a go at it.

  3. Cherman says:

    #1, #2, they all suck.

  4. ruffy says:

    I used to work near the capitol. It’s the only place I recall where all the restaurants serve alcohol at breakfast. They’re all a bunch of drunks.

  5. Animby says:

    No wonder they voted cloture. They needed to get to the liquor store before it closed.

  6. nyc2malibu says:

    maybe the kool-aid is spike ? he sounds babbling but drunk not sure.

  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    Don’t light a match!

  8. Mr Anderson says:

    Foster Brooks for brah-presodent ! hic

  9. Godfish says:

    Hello! his name is Baucus,,, IE the Roman god of wine! he gets to be drunk.

  10. Dallas says:

    It’s common knowledge Baucus is a Democrat in name only for election purposes. He has acted more like a Republican, supporting the worst ideas of that failing party.

    Democrats should kick Baucus out. He’s a tool and a mole of the Repug party.

  11. Lou says:

    He should be sent out for drug testing. Like a lab rat.

  12. FRAGaLOT says:

    You’d have to be drunk to think his bill is actually health care REFORM, when we know it just a mandate for health care insurance companies to be forced to have more customers. oh and JOBS JOBS JOBS!

  13. sargasso says:

    The Finance Committee chairman.

  14. valcs says:

    oh thats great… i thought that it is only small nations like slovakia that have drunk politicians. well at least ours get totally wasted and say things like “gypsis need a long whip and a small court” or they urinate on people from a balcony of a restaurant. 🙂

  15. cbl78 says:

    Here’s an idea. Secretly elect an entire new House and Senate and have them convene in another building. We can leave the cameras in place for the old guard and let them think they’re still in charge. We can just turn their bitchy hate-fest into a reality show on TLC. Tune in this week to watch the Republicans argue that public toilets are a bad idea because Obama suggested it, and then let the Democrats argue that air is bad because Republican Senator So-and-So said that it was good for people. It would be much more fun if these people didn’t decide the fate of our society, dontcha think?!

  16. Benjamin says:

    #17 cbl78: Good idea. I like my plan better. Ban anyone from running for office who has held office before Jan 1, 2010. All elected officials are crooks. The only thing the R or D means is that R’s are thrown out by other R’s when caught and D’s have excuses made by other D’s when caught.

    I swear that randomly drawing names out of the phone book might be a better choice than who we are electing.

  17. Dr Dodd says:

    Baucus asks, “Where’s the courage?”

    I’d say for him it can be found at the bottom of a Gin glass.

    Yep, the sight of Baucus slurring and spitting all over the place sure sells me on ObamaCare.

    I am so proud of the Democrats… how about you?

  18. ECA says:

    EVEn drunk, he is making a point.

    3 bills were being selected to be the health care bill..
    Where are they now?

  19. testtubebaby says:

    I hate it when people overuse gestures when talking.

  20. cbl78 says:

    #21: I think he was trying to keep his balance

  21. testtubebaby says:

    Jackie Mason “Morons in Congress”

  22. jollycynic says:

    well hes either drunk of having a TIA. Personally I hope for the latter.

  23. Wretched Gnu says:

    Whereza biparsan work on healthcar form?

  24. Winston says:

    Cherman said: #1, #2, they all suck.

    Ditto! Stop buying into the two-party ping-pong game where you’re the ball. You’re totally screwed either way. Both parties are completely bought and paid for.

    Here’s a quick way to fix it, it least temporarily: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT! Replace them with the person who spends the LEAST on campaign ads and whose positions you can only READ in text media (newspaper, magazine, Internet) interviews.

  25. testtubebaby says:

    Politians are obsolete. We can rule the country ourselves via Skype and LogMeIn.

  26. Dr Dodd says:

    Ahh, so that’s what drunk with power looks like.

    Maybe the voters will provide Baucus a cure in 2010. It’s the humane thing to do.

  27. FRAGaLOT says:

    wow I thought Jackie Mason died years ago.

    Jackie makes a good point, but he doesn’t touch on the fact that all of these bills that congress & senate vote on are just as meaningless and stupid as these politicians are.

  28. moshguy says:

    I wish I could show up to work drunk and make an ass of myself. Whilst still retaining my job.

    Way to douchebag.

  29. Crazy Smart says:


    You go girl! Our Senate would probably produce BETTER legislation if they were all hammered.

  30. Uncle Patso says:

    Drunk or not, he is entirely correct.


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