The government is clearly trying to associate the crotch bomber with Yemen, which leads me to think that some sort of invasion or attack on the region is coming.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

Somebody in our government said to me in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, Iraq was yesterday’s war. Afghanistan is today’s war. If we don’t act preemptively, Yemen will be tomorrow’s war. – Joe Lieberman

Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab, the Nigerian suspect who tried to ignite explosive chemicals with a syringe sewn into his underwear, may have been equipped and trained by an al-Qaeda bombmaker in Yemen. He […] made that claim to FBI agents after his arrest. – “U.S. authorities”

Update: Apparently John and Adam talked about this on the latest edition of No Agenda.

  1. Paul Camp says:

    Joe Lieberman doesn’t speak for the government. He is free lance crazy.

  2. MikeN says:

    How many transferred prisoners have to ‘escape’ before people realize transferring people there might be a bad idea?

  3. sargasso says:

    At one time, Yemen had a Jewish king. For a while. Look it up.

  4. Lou says:

    The day I look for leadership from Joe Lieberman, is the day I put a rope around my neck and jump.

  5. Lou Minatti says:

    Adam doesn’t know what he’s talking about except when it comes to tech. Any of Adam’s theories/rants regarding geopolitical issues should be taken with a grain of salt.

  6. yanikinwaoz says:

    Lets see…
    (1) Right now Saudi Arabia is at war with Yemen.
    (2) There is currently a civil war within Yemen.
    (3) Yemen is currently being invaded by Somalian refugees.
    (4) Yemen in running out of water

    Basically, Yemen is Afghanistan-by-the-sea. A s**thole non-functioning Islamic state on par with Somalia, Sudan, and Afghanistan that is hosting terrorist groups.

    So it was just a matter of time.

  7. Troublemaker says:


  8. Captain Howdy says:


  9. Captain Howdy says:

    Yawn. . .

  10. MikeN says:

    #6 it’s by the sea and running out of water?

  11. LDA says:

    There were reports (before the crotch bomber) of cruise missile strikes in Yemen that people have missed or forgotten e.g. “US backs Yemen’s raids on Al-Qaeda – AP” etc.

  12. JimR says:

    I could drop a crotch bomb that would clear an entire airport.

  13. FRAGaLOT says:

    >> Iraq was yesterday’s war.
    >> Afghanistan is today’s war.

    No Afghanistan was the war before Iraq. So we are repeating it all over again? …why? And what does Yemen have anything to do with it? Aren’t Al-Qaeda essentially vagabonds? They don’t belong to any one particular country, with “cells” all over the world… right?

    They call them “terrorists cells” we call them “military bases” is there really a difference anymore?

  14. amodedoma says:

    Funny how all of the nations of strategic interest are oil producers? Yemen produces 320,000 bbl/day.

  15. Ah_Yea says:



  16. Glenn E. says:

    I chemical explosive in the dude’s underwear. What was he gonna do to detonate it? Fall down and go boom? So terrorists have resorted to Pampers now. Seems like the mighty have fallen, in some way. What’s next. Exploding breast implants? Just thoroughly scrutinize anyone with Dolly Parton sized boobs. Who doesn’t have a convincing enough Nashville accent.

    Interesting how the “No Fly List” and the “Terrorist Watch List” don’t coincided. There’s plenty of innocent people on the No Fly list, who were never suspected terrorists. Often, just for having a name like one. Or for some political reason. The last administration got pissed off at them. So they made the list. But suspected terrorists, from rich foreign families, who supplied the Feds with warnings about their offspring? That’s not good enough a reason to deny them a plane ticket? Or strip search them? COME ON! What’s it take?!

    This is a prime example of how the “security theater” that the TSA has been subjecting the rest of the public to. Just fails to catch the real terrorists, if they’re the slightest bit clever. So is the TSA going to start requiring all passengers to remove their underwear, bend over, and smile? I very much doubt it. The whole thing has just gotten ridiculous.

    They’ve gone from a time when they allowed people on planes, with large cooking knives. To where nobody is allowed on with some tanning lotion, because it might explode. To me, the disruption of all this super cautious security, is worse than the rare occasion when a terrorist might actually strike. And improved intelligence gathering, would probably prevent a lot of that. As would this incident, if the No Fly List were kept current.

  17. ebolamonkey says:

    Perhaps it’s just me but the tsa keeps saying that “one got through”. Why haven’t we heard about people getting caught getting on a plane with explosives? Seems like everyone that has tried has gotten through or we would be hearing about how they were having caught someone?

  18. TooManyPuppies says:

    Nothing new about Yemen. If you think it’s new, then I guess you had a lobotomy to remove the USS Cole event. Or you’re just a natural born retard.

  19. soundwash says:

    this is more scripted war..nothing to see
    here, move along.

    the “bomber” is a distraction.


  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, Ebola,

    Perhaps it’s just me but the tsa keeps saying that “one got through”.

    It’s just you. The TSA has not been “keeps saying one got through”. The suspect boarded the plane in Amsterdam. In case you were unaware, that isn’t in the US and the TSA has no jurisdiction.

  21. jescot418 says:

    The US fights terror all the wrong ways. We setup extensive operations in one country and the terrorists move on. We spend far too much time saving a country when we should be strategically striking targets. Our military is not following the target fast enough.

  22. yanikinwaoz says:

    Yes. They are running out of fresh water. And unlike KSA, they don’t have the money or oil to run a desal plant.

  23. yanikinwaoz says:

    Today’s New York Times has an article about the new “Third Front” in Yemen, and the reasons why we are doing this.

  24. msbpodcast says:

    Screw it. I’m taking the train.

    F*ck the TSA. F*ck civil aviation.

  25. Winston says:

    Good job. ALWAYS read between the lines and look for ulterior motives. The powers that be lie to manipulate more often than they tell the whole truth. In light of that, here’s something you’ll want to read:

    The Lap Bomber Mystery
    A case that just gets curiouser and curiouser

  26. Winston says:

    “Our military is not following the target fast enough.”

    Our military actions probably create at least one terrorist for every one it kills:

  27. bill says:

    This stuff seems to follow where ever there is Islam and Oil. Right?

    Probably we will end up at war where ever the two exist.

    Maybe it’s time to just take the oil.

  28. Rabble Rouser says:

    The only way that we could get into another war is to have a draft and a war tax.

  29. deowll says:

    Extremist have been in Yemen for decades. We have been trying to get the local government to deal with them. The local nuts supported by Iran are trying to take over the local government and have attacked Saudi’s so yeah we were supporting the Saudis and the government of Yemen before this happened.

    I think it’s fair to note the nut at Fort Hood had a mullah in Yemen. The crotch bomber visited. There have been other incidents.

    I’d say these people are trying to get our attention.

  30. ebolamonkey says:

    #20 said, The suspect boarded the plane in Amsterdam. In case you were unaware, that isn’t in the US and the TSA has no jurisdiction.
    Although i was indeed aware that Amsterdam was not in the States, I was unaware that the Security for planes coming to the usa was left to foreign governments. This seems completely insane to me, but if this is the case why are we taking any responsibility for failures in our system? Should we not be pointing the finger at Holland or perhaps East Jibbip, or wherever Amsterdam may be?


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