In this video, two men sentenced to hang are actually rescued by a mob who are then shot at by the regime police.

Live blogging of Iranian action here. Lots and lots of amazing videos. This should be on the top of all the MSM news, but the crotch bomber provides good cover.

  1. sargasso says:

    Any mobile phone with a camera built in, can do more damage to a regime than a year full of UN resolutions.

  2. clancys_daddy says:

    Why do we read this on a blog? Because there is no revolution in Iran. The groups that are fighting are not fighting for the USA, or great change, they are fighting over which religious side (both fundamentalist)get to control the government. Think of it as dems and pubs having a bar fight. Lots of thunder and fury with no real change.

  3. Father says:

    No one rules without the support of the majority.

    Mr. Dinnerjack is in trouble. His policies of fear and anger are fueling the fire.

    We aren’t in the same boat because if the ready pablem of free money.

  4. Dallas says:

    Hopefully, big changes are in store for Iran.
    Even a change in which religious wing nut rules is probably good.

    Thank goodness the religious wing nuts here (the good ones of course) are under some sort of control.

  5. tomyerex says:

    Heh – if the US invaded Iran now it seems like the perfect way to suppress any attempt at democracy. The goal is not to create democracy, but to create regimes that are friendly to those in power. This is not unreported, it is outright ignored.

  6. bahramks says:

    dear clancys_daddy
    As an Iranian, and with all due respect, please keep your over-generalized and under-studies opinions to yourself and don’t mock a nations struggle for justice. What we are doing here is greater, more respectable and more dangerous than anything you have done or will ever do in your life, so shut it.


  7. yanikinwaoz says:

    I read about this yesterday. The police got them back and finished the hanging job.

  8. Jopa says:

    There is no question that the people of iran will bring the islamic revolution to an end and topple the ayatollahs. The only question is will it happen before or after they have nuclear bomb.

    The clock is ticking.

  9. clancys_daddy says:

    [deleted- violation of posting guidelines and general ignorant behaviour – ed.]

  10. clancys_daddy says:

    Its called freedom of speech thank you very much. When and more importantly if you ever get it. Your welcome from the good ole USA.

  11. t0llyb0ng says:

    All those GMT times are pretty silly & nonspecific without a DATE

  12. cgp says:

    Rescued? Recovered and paraded around in actuality.

  13. kidgloves says:

    This has been carried by Fox News since yesterday..

  14. mustardtits says:

    Ya this is being reported on the mainstream news, and why wouldn’t they? We want to invade Iran and stories like this are easy enough to spin in a way to convince the retarded American public that the people of Iran want us to . It’s a win win(for the powers that be).

  15. Phydeau says:

    These are the same Iranians the wingnuts were clamoring for us to bomb not too long ago. Good thing we didn’t.

  16. Rick Cain says:

    Moussavi is far from a liberal reformist. Its just that iranians are tired of a religious oligarchy running the country and want the democracy they demanded back in the 70’s.

    By no means does it mean they want to warm up to the West. We are busy arming their devout enemies (Sunni nations) so its unlikely they will be shaking our hands in public soon.

  17. Floyd says:

    #19 probably has it right. Iran’s probably tired of a theocracy based government. The question is whether the next government will be any better. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

  18. deowll says:

    #3 Many governments have ruled without public support. As Mao said, “All power comes out of the barrel of a gun.” I think Thomas Pain said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Each can win.

    At the moment the mullahs do appear to be riding the tiger. The question to be answered is can they master it or will it devour them.

    Highly repressive governments have weak economies with wretched masses however the mullahs are rich with oil money.

    The Revolutionaries seem to be more interested in domestic affairs and less interested in spreading terror. For this reason I think we should place no roadblocks in their path and if we can give them some assistance I see no harm in doing so.

  19. Phydeau says:

    They elected a democratic government in 1953, and the U.S. overthrew it ( Don’t know if those accented characters will come thru… google “Iran 1953”.

    Hopefully our government won’t interfere again. Even if they have the nerve to try to control their own oil production.

  20. Phydeau says:

    #24 Wow, little pedro, an attempt to express a coherent thought. Good for you! You want to give some evidence that Mosaddeq was a dictator? Or have you exhausted your capacity for critical thinking today? Here’s a little snippet from

    US support and funding continued after the coup, with the CIA training the Shah’s secret police, SAVAK. Originally, the Eisenhower Administration considered Operation Ajax a “successful secret war”, but, given its blowback, that assessment is no longer generally held, because of the coup’s “haunting and terrible legacy”. The coup d’état was “a critical event in post-war world history” that replaced Iran’s native, and secular parliamentary democracy with an authoritarian monarchy. The coup is widely believed to have significantly contributed to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which deposed the Shah and replaced the pro-Western monarchy with the anti-Western Islamic Republic of Iran.

    Go ahead and explain how a “secular parliamentary democracy” is worse than an “authoritarian monarchy”. Take your time.

  21. Father says:

    deowll, tacit support is what I’m talking about. This is very difficult to control because tacit support can swing wildly, and an avalanche of support can shift from one side to the other. He who controls the information, controls the tacit support. The Iranian peoples’ opinion of the information they consume will decide this civil war.

    You can’t rule with a gun unless: 1) you’re prepared to shoot everybody, 2) your people aren’t willing to make new demands (see tacit approval).

  22. Phydeau says:

    #26 That’s OK, rest up and try again tomorrow. You did good today. 🙂


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