Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security:

I think the important thing to recognize here is that once this incident occurred, everything happened that should have. The passengers reacted correctly, the crew reacted correctly, within an hour to 90 minutes, all 128 flights in the air had been notified.

And those flights already had taken mitigation measures on the off-chance that there was somebody else also flying with some sort of destructive intent.

  1. Waltersobchack says:

    I don’t get the joke. Why is this funny enough to post in ‘humor’?

  2. geekykid12 says:

    This seems like a reasonable statement. Why is this quote of the day-worthy?

  3. gromnie says:

    Because the first thing the TSA did in reaction to this recent event was to make the “passengers’ correct reaction” a federal crime.

    Ha ha…

  4. ECA says:

    Its funny that when you NEED to protect yourself, this nation makes the protection to CALL 911..and its illegal to do it yourself.

    AS the lady that called 911 because the kid was having a FIT, because they were supposed to go to bed..and the COP tasered the KID.

    EVEN with he NEW rule, that ALL persons MUST remain seated the last hour, BEFORE landing.
    What happens if you GET UP?? ARRESTED.
    What happens in the plane??

  5. ECA says:

    “what happens to the plane?”
    insted of destroying it as its LANDING, they BLOW it up over the ocean.

  6. Dallas says:

    I don;t quite the supposed joke either. I also agreed everything went fine.

    Once again, God has blessed the Obama administration and prevented a tragedy.

  7. Father says:

    Would she have reported the same reaction if the bomb exploded?

  8. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: All

    One may have to be a tea bagger to get the joke!!!!!!

  9. testtrubebaby says:

    To: Obamaforever
    From: All

    What are your doing? Why do you make such comments on this blog?

    There were probably no tea baggers on that plane. When are you going to pay your back taxes to Britain for your tea?

    Janet is clearly the joke and she will be removed. This guy should not have been allowed on flight. Plain and simple. She should have been working on that rather then guesting on the “View”.

    Sorry, forgot, don’t feed the trolls.

  10. Dallas says:

    #9 You have a spelling error. It’s testtubebaby.

    You have so many aliases that you’ve even lost track of their spelling.

  11. RPage says:

    “I think the important thing to recognize here is that once this incident occurred, everything happened that should have.” Wake Up! He never should have been on the plane to begin with. He had a bomb on him. They keep saying that he was on a list, but not on the “no fly” list. Wrong answer! Over 200 people were in danger of being blown up!

  12. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: pedro


    How can I put this? pedro, you are the hairball got in the throat of life?

  13. Yef says:

    She looks like a pig.

    Is there some kind of hidden Animal Farm joke in there somewhere?

  14. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: All per #13

    Please change “got” to “caught”.

    Sorry for the typo!!!!!!!

  15. testtubebaby says:

    Obamaforever: I know you are, but what am I?

  16. bobbo, international pastry chef and healthcare expert says:

    Hey Cherman: calling this response from “our government” as humor is playing way over the heads of too many, even amoung the sophisticated audience on this blog.

    What else could anyone call this response from Napolitano? Truly Pathetic comes to mind, so call it humor to help ease the pain?

    The government is only good at interfering with its own citizens freedom. Can’t even get the specific name of a “warned of” troubled kiddie onto a no-fly list or get his visa revoked. PATHETIC!!!!

    As commented on tv: Homeland Security shows itself to be more of a jobs program than a security program. We should be profiling these assholes WHILE making the flying experience as transparent as possible.

    We do pretty much deserve what we get if we choose to be this stupid==electing people such as we do. Listening “with respect” when vomit like this is offered up as an official response.

    Where’s my pitchfork?

  17. Tech_1 says:

    90 minutes?

  18. Thermo says:

    Please people – wake up!
    If the bomb went off, and and the ambulances arrived within 1 minute of the explosion with 200 dead passengers, she would still make this statement.
    The point is that it doesn’t matter if the reaction was successful. They did everything wrong before and this never should have happened!

  19. Dr Dodd says:

    It is kinda funny in a sad sort of way that with all the billions spent on airline security the paying customers are still required to save their own lives.

    And it is real funny that Janet Napolitano is now taking the credit for the successful passenger response. I mean do you really think she would have taken credit if the plane had exploded?

    Typical Obamacrat.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Here’s a potential detail that hasn’t hit the national news yet.

  21. testtubebaby says:

    #14 Very insulting to pigs. And pigs dont eff up like this.

  22. brm says:


    Yeah, 90 minutes? That’s the funny part.

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #24, read that article I posted. I’m assuming it’s true because I know of these people (friends of friends), how did “Obama’s” TSA make a mistake?

  24. testtubebaby says:

    What did the 90 minute warning say? Be alert for a passenger attempting to make disaster with underpants.

    Napolitano hates responding to threats since it makes us fear those she loves.

    But she loves to profile solders and right-to-lifers.

  25. testtubebaby says:

    I want to see photos of the damage to the interior of the plane.

  26. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #27, you’re a moron. Freaking out over this is exactly the wrong response. But Mitch Albom says it better than I ever could:

    Which leads us to the one thing we actually can do about terrorism that would have a measurable effect on it.

    Expect it.

    Figure that it’s coming the way you know someone, somewhere, is going to shoot up his workplace. Someone, somewhere, will start a riot in a stadium. Someone, somewhere, will drive drunk and kill innocent people.

    These are horrible events. We try hard to prevent them. But no amount of security, gun laws or alcohol warnings can keep them from happening completely. We accept this as a tragic part of life, but we still go on living.

    Maybe the same needs to be done with terrorists who think airplanes are the way to unnerve our society. If we refuse to be terrified by these raging idiots, they lose their effectiveness. If and when the next airplane is victimized, our stock market doesn’t go south with worry and our politicians don’t go overboard with retaliation tactics, the terror is, to a large degree, neutered.

    After all, what do these bombers want? It’s not as if they’re seeking a cessation of war, the return of a specific land or a specific prisoner release. What they want is mayhem. Hysteria. They want us stirred up with fear and hatred, which enables them to recruit larger masses to do their evil bidding.

    We shouldn’t play into that. We should thank our stars that this incident was thwarted. We should unblock the money and politics that keeps our security hamstrung. And we should accept that someday, even with all that, something’s going to happen.

    The more prepared we are for that day, the less terror it will wreak. And terror, for the enemy, is what it’s all about.

  27. Animby says:

    “If we refuse to be terrified by these raging idiots, they lose their effectiveness. ” I posit we are less terrified by the idiots then we are angered by our governments’ responses. In this case, we will all pay a price for a security breakdown that allowed a known risk to fly on a one-way ticket and with no luggage.

    As for Napolitano: She was an idiot when governor of Arizona and her IQ appears to have declined since then.

  28. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I thought it was pretty funny, Now that all the passengers have to stay in their seat an hour before landing, I guess no one will be jumping up to save TSA from another fuck up.

  29. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Animby, I posit that this is true for many when a Dem is in the White House. If Cheney was still relevant he’d react by cranking up the terror color and searching the shit out of Americans flying from Chicago to Dallas, the terrorists would celebrate success, and his boss would jump up in the approval polls.

    Who really wins in that scenario?

  30. Bobkat says:

    Funny it is.
    See the following:



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