Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security:

I think the important thing to recognize here is that once this incident occurred, everything happened that should have. The passengers reacted correctly, the crew reacted correctly, within an hour to 90 minutes, all 128 flights in the air had been notified.

And those flights already had taken mitigation measures on the off-chance that there was somebody else also flying with some sort of destructive intent.

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Malkin is the smelliest pig in a pen of swine. She’s a fu@king idiot, and categorically wrong most of the time. Put her in the same category as Beck, but a lot dumber.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Glad to see Obama has surrounded himself with idiots.

  3. Timuchin says:

    Since Janet has made herself directly in charge of aircraft safety, she is responsible to no one. That’s why government control of ANYTHING is a bad strategy.

  4. MikeN says:

    Is she saying it is the system working if you don’t inform the president for more than two hours? Is Michael Moore going to make another movie about this, that’s 20 times longer, with the audience laughing all the way?

  5. testtubebaby says:

    To: Olo Baggins of Bywater

    The people are not terrified and we respond correctly (ie Jasper). It’s our leaders (all of them) that use circumstances to obtain thier own security and advantage in life. We live in a giant kabuki theater. Nothing is real, only the people. Radio hosts, cable channels, celebs and their problems with paps, are all fake and posed.

    It was once asked, “Is the Jerry Springer Show real?” Answer, who cares the millions of viewers are.

  6. omnicbex says:

    Dumb ass lights himself on fire trying to blow up a plane, and I wonder which untapped resource-rich nation will be invaded next. It’s all entertainment, shitty at best- no one even died. I wonder what they don’t want us to be paying attention to instead now? Oh, yea- the Health Insurance Industry handout- urr, I mean the Health Care bill. Also, the friendly people of the TSA will be making people wait even longer to go through airport security. Go Greyhound, I guess. If these extremist groups hate America so much, why don’t they try blowing up something more useful than a plane probably half-filled with people native to the Netherlands, and then screw up the bomb, unless it was just to cause another terror-scare in this country. For the million-dollar question, who has been benefiting from that?

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    # 29, Mr. Baggins,

    A very pertinent post. Again.

    While so many here feel it is more important to use this as an excuse to shoot their assholes off again, you, sir, bothered to actually do some research and post something relevant.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:


    I fail to see the humor in this. All the TSA and the Secretary can do, they did. You ignore the fact this originated in Amsterdam.

    Maybe you have to be an effen retard to get the joke. I noticed only the retarded found any humor here.

  9. MikeN says:

    It would be better if the system allowed this guy to be interrogated without lawyers, so we can find out about more planes that are being planned.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, Lyin, Mike,

    I am amused that so many right wing nuts want to “enforce” the Constitution yet ignore the included Bill of Rights.

  11. noneofyourbusiness says:

    #2: Reasonable comment??? Are you kidding???

    It was either an act of God or pure dumb luck this wasn’t a catastrophe. How about the President not taking time from his vacation to talk about this incident?

  12. deowll says:

    I agree that it does go under humor.

    The TSA/homeland security whatever failed completely at just about every level one would care to name.

    The only reason no one was killed was the bomb didn’t work.

    The man had to be taken down by passengers.

    A 90 minute response time would have been lame 40 years ago.

    I note the sane responses of 12, 17, 18, 19, and 22 among others.

    Janet N. also said this is not part of larger conspiracy which I find to be ludicrous beyond the power of mere words to express.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Pedro, are you really defending Malkin? She’s one of the stupidest idiots on Fox, and that’s saying a lot. By any and every measure she’s a hyper-partisan hack with absolutely no qualifications to be on the air at all. Careful who you associate with…

    And as for who made mistakes here, you shoot off too soon. Your visceral opposition to all things Obama has blinded you to facts and possibly even reality. Same goes for deowll. Wait for the facts before giving a stereotypical knee-jerk reaction.

    As Fusion noted…check out Tom Ridge on Larry King last night. He’s a lot less partisan than you!


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