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This guy is in Burbank near the studios where there are lots of jobs. This is a scam and shows his stupidity, no one is going to give him food for watching FOX news, he would have to pay the drivers. They will THROW money at him though from their withdrawals at the Tomato Bank for offending their intelligence, as that’s all they have is intelligence, and then realize he should be a star, and then give him an acting career, get a home in the Hollywood Hills, so I guess he will get food, my mistake. I do like the guys that have the signs that say “Will work for beer” and “Will work to send my kids to college”. I’m wondering when we are going to start seeing people with signs like “Will visit if you visit” and “I need YOBSYOBSYOBSYOBS.COM” and my favorite “Don’t give any of us standing here any money!!!!”
Fox News is the worst in America, but in some countries the media across the board are worse than Fox News. For example, in India.
Now that poor guy is desperate.
This is not about the sign. It’s about a guy who certainly looks to me as if he could push a paintbrush. Now, if some liberal could explain why this guy can’t stand next to the Mexican here illegally who is in front of the paint store looking for a day job, I would be enlightened.
Me? I will get up out of a warm bed and go out into freezing weather and shoot news video all day long of stupid apartment buildings ready to tumble into the Pacific Ocean, or airline passengers complaining about TSA security for food.
There are no news channels anymore only political hacks that insist in telling us how we should think about a given event.
If you don’t think like we tell you then you’re an idiot, right?
Don’t see much difference between news commentary and brainwashing no matter which channel you watch.
This guy is trying to make a joke, but fails to realize that the joke is on him.
Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm.
FOX does do a “terrible” job – considering the “job” of American media today is to bury the truth as much as possible broadcast pro-left puffery instead.
Fox news rates as the United States’ number one cable news network, ahead of CNN and MSNBC. …
The number speaks for itself
being number one news channel doesn’t mean much when reruns of Spongebob Squarepants get much higher ratings.
I don’t know how any of these people holding signs make any money. There’s a couple intersections near the college I teach at that have guys there every day. I’ve never seen anyone give them money. I have heard they make pretty good money but I don’t know if it is true.
My sign will read, “I need a beer”
#1: The news article says that the picture was taken in San Diego. That is quite a drive from Burbank and the studios… Regardless, I found it amusing and probably would have given him a buck just for making me laugh!
I’m with Dr. Dodd.
#7 Your post reminds me of when I was in my early teens and tried to defend “Kiss” as a serious musical group by referring to their record sales.
Well, this guy will do something I won’t.
#7, me,
Sorry, but not close. FOX gets a maximum of 3 million day while NBC Nightly News gets 8 million plus daily.
#16 There is something badly wrong with your math. As usual when I do a web search I hit something that just doesn’t agree with your delusions.
Top rated cable news shows.
1. The O’Reilly Factor – 3,440,000 viewers
2. Hannity – 2,937,000 viewers
3. Glenn Beck – 2,810,000 viewers
4. On The Record w/ Greta Van Susteren – 2,450,000 viewers
5. Special Report with Bret Baier – 2,066,000 viewers
6. Fox Report w/Shep Smith – 1,860,000 viewers
7. Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 1,114,000 viewers
8. Larry King Live – 1,063,000 viewers
There was also this for Dec. 22 209 for weekly ratings based on a five day average:
• Total Viewers: NBC: 9,220,000 / ABC: 8,490,000 / CBS: 6,190,000
While some of the Fox viewers might be watching more than one program The Factor beats your guess for Fox all by himself. If you just add up the total though Fox is going to bash the networks.
Who has the most eyeballs? I don’t know. I don’t know off hand of any way to find out either. I do know your guess about Fox was seriously lame.
Damn number 16 looks like number 17 handed you your ass.