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No Agenda — Yemen and the Nigerian Crotch Bomber
By John C Dvorak Sunday December 27, 2009
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[thanks, fixed]
Adam’s parking lot studio in Yosemite – actual reporting.
Props to you all for the “On Location” broadcast!
I think little Umar can plan on getting Farouk’d in jail.
The Gaza Strip has a border with Egypt. The Gaza Strip isn’t cut off unless the Egyptians also want it that way.
Please keep posting this show on Dvorak’s Blog!
I HATE listing to this show on Mevio, the stupid advert to the right of the player CONSTANTLY plays audio commercials over the show, and I can’t shut it up. If I do try to ad-block it, then I basically block all flash media on Mevio, and can’t play anything on their website.
Thanks John!
John and Adam, you guys are the idiots. You sit there and blast TSA, Delta, everyone. It’s so rude. The terror problems are real, and the situation is extremely complex, 4,300 young men have died in war, DIED, DEAD, GONE, NEVER COMING BACK, FIGHTING THE BAD GUYS, and you just sit there and criticize everyone. They died so you you and the many millions of children, families, etc. in America, can enjoy freedoms. Your complaints are non-sensical. You guys talk like it’s so simple, whining your heads off because you can’t have your silly Kindle and a blanket while you suck your thumbs on the plane. If you don’t like it, get a fucking horse and buggy and use that to get to the eastern shore, then travel across the Atlantic back Europe on the Nina, Pinta, or Santa Maria, your choice! TSA and the many branches of government are run by human beings, not perfect, but doing a very good job, and the have REAL JOBS.
You don’t have the answers, you just complain and think ever so highly of yourselves. Adam routinely laughs at the “stupidity of government” and everyone but himself is supposedly an idiot, yet he goes about his daily activities quite safely because of TSA and all these government bodies keeping the terrorsits from coming in and bombing your cars and buildings and bridges. You criticize the scanners. What is the fucking solution then? Patting down is not perfect either. There is no perfect solution, and the rare instances when someone gets through all the checks, what is it, 1 in a hundred million, you ramble on and on and on. So it takes a couple hours more of time. Big fucking deal. The TSA checks are working very well to KEEP YOU SAFE.
You sit there and brag about all your donations so you can go to Yosemite. So impressive.
This show was a waste of my time.
This episode was totally disgusting.
I thank GOD every day the country is not in any shape or form run by YOU guys.
TSA needs to thoroughly inspect all crotches before boarding and then once again while seated.
This is something that can be done by the air waitresses.
We can never be too careful.
#7 what’s your point?
John – thank you for sticking up for Israel and their right to defend themselves in last years war, 70 minutes into the conversation.
I like Adam, but he can sometimes be very anti-Israel.
Leaving the crotch bomber aside for the moment is Adam the first person to podcast while driving using stolen bandwidth? If so that might be something he can stick in his resume.
Iran is spending money to spread extremism across Yemen and North Africa. This finally resulted in some nuts in Yemen trying to take over some Saudi turf and at Saudi request we’ve been backing them even before the crotch bomber showed up.
I tried looking and it appears Nigerian forces are doing all the shooting so for as I can tell. I think they have a three way civil war or something with extremest in the North. We may be providing some resources for the government which is of course corrupt.
I do think we owe the father of the crotch bomber a think you. He tried to prevent it and it isn’t his fault that we were to stupid to act on the information he gave us.
I think what they need to do is have everybody board naked and only use the embedded equipment. I suppose the seniors and obese could all wear cotton sacks with head holes to avoid making the others want to puke.
If they just converted the john to an outhouse I don’t think you’d have to worry about people wanting to hang around in there and the plane would weigh less too.
You could rig the outhouse with a thin skin that would break outwards and thicker skin on the inward side and if some idiot blew himself up it would all just blow away from the plane.
Of course a passenger still might have a bladder full of flammable fluids or breast implants full of nitroglycerin or something.
Not to worry. You’ll die soon enough and then you’ll rot.
Some of this was said facetiously. If you can’t tell which part I don’t guess it matters.
Criticizing Israel’s conduct doesn’t make someone ‘anti-Israel’…
“What is the fucking solution then? Patting down is not perfect either. There is no perfect solution, and the rare instances when someone gets through all the checks, what is it, 1 in a hundred million, you ramble on and on and on.”
So in other words the TSA have stopped 100 million people before they blew up a plane? Get real dick head! The TSA with all there security measures have at most caught 3 would be bombers… the rest have gotten through security. Seriously… by the way you wouldn’t happen to be one of the useless TSA officers yourself would you?
Although I don’t think #7 should freak out so much, I think he makes a few good points. The air-terror problem is indeed complex, and criticism is always much easier than solutions. Indeed, No Agenda is filled with more criticism than solutions, but we love it nonetheless. No need to get mad though, very few critics are remembered. It’s the creatives that go down in history.
But I also agree that the people in charge of air security make some bad decisions. Like telling pilots to no longer announce famous landmarks or where the plane is? What moron thought that would keep anyone safer? Like a terrorist would decide not to blown himself up because the pilot didn’t point out Lake Michigan? Riiigght.
Sorry, I am not sure what edition to associate this comment with.
You often show what your sources and links to substantiate your claims we can see for ourselves. I have heard you say countless times that both CNN and foxnews are both run by the democrats. My research shows differently.
Is this just a claim you are making for fun or do you have some research to back this up?
Would you please take time to do a detailed segment on this claim?
I listen to the show for it’s “entertainment” value. Don’t agree with anything they say and I also know that both Adam and John don’t believe on the crap they talk. They are smarter than you! They do it because conspiracy theories always sells (only in US of course), so that’s why they created the show. Do you think that they know about the subjects they talk about? Gimme a break! See it as personal marketing 😉
Relax, listen to the show and take it with a pinch of salt.
Ah! and don’t give them money! Now that Adam’s ex-wife is not paying for his luxurious life, he’s begging for the listeners to send him money… pathetic!
PS: Adam, great podcast equipment setup! Mac is the best! :-))