Parents threaten suit. — Wow, these a-holes are really amazing at this school.

The mother of a 10-year-old girl suspended for bringing peppermint oil to her Commack, N.Y., school Monday says she is considering legal action if school officials don’t apologize and revoke her daughter’s suspension.

Sara Greiner, 10, a fifth-grade student at John Mandracchia-Sawmill Intermediate School, was suspended for one day after bringing organic peppermint oil to school and putting several drops in her water bottle and several classmates’ water, said her mother, Corrine Morton-Greiner, 46.

The Commack School District posted a news release on its Web site saying a student was suspended for “bringing, and then distributing bottled peppermint oil to other students.”

“Peppermint oil is an unregulated over-the-counter drug,” the release reads.

The principal is Michelle Tancredi (shown above).

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. Jeff says:

    Only in America!

  2. overtemp says:

    Wow, peppermint flavored water. Thank goodness school officials acted quickly! Perhaps if they act immediately, they can find students who are users of peppermint flavored toothpaste and get them out of the school population!

  3. Animby says:

    Think how much worse it would have been had she brought peppermint candies! An unregulated drug AND a sugar high. This child should be in jail!!!

  4. SparkyOne says:

    She was spreading Christmas Terror, ahhhh Cheer.

  5. FRAGaLOT says:

    Unregulated drug? That would mean it’s okay to have, right? When did “unregulated” mean it’s illegal and contraban? Aspirin is also a OTC drug and unregulated but even the TSA won’t bother giving you a full body cavity search if you have that with you.

    What fucking idiots.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    her email address is: mtancredi@commack.k12.ny
    tell her how much of an idiot she is. Probably doesn’t know how to read email anyway. The link in the story lists all their e-mail address.. and they aren’t even hidden from spam bot and email address scrubbers. fucking idiots.

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    there’s also a link for sending an “anonymous email alert” to school officials.

    I’m sure they likely track IP addresses.

    [So what? — ed]

  8. Mr Diesel says:

    “I’m sure they likely track IP addresses.”

    Then use Tor.

  9. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    We use to merely have crack whores at our school.

  10. steve says:

    Kids shouldnt bring crap to school. Leave your stuff at home princess, I dont care if its organic.

  11. overtemp says:

    I wonder if the girl is on a no-fly list now.

  12. Dale says:

    The only male name I see listed involved in that school is on the sign. I hate to sound sexist but is this a mere coincidence?

  13. sargasso says:

    Peppermint oil, is a lead drug to Ginseng root.

  14. Hyph3n says:

    Damn Nancy Reagan and her war on drugs. Well, let me take the unpopular position of sticking up for the school (a little bit, at least.)

    Apparently, peppermint oil is used for medicinal purposes…

    ” * Peppermint oil has been used for a variety of health conditions, including nausea, indigestion, and cold symptoms.
    * Peppermint oil is also used for headaches, muscle and nerve pain, and stomach and bowel conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.”

    While I definitely don’t agree with a suspension, imagine the angry mob of parents if one of those other children had a serious allergic reaction. We have put our school in-between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

  15. Rick Cain says:

    Back in the 80’s in school we used to get in trouble for possessing cinnamon oil, which was a fad at that time. We would dip toothpicks in it and make extra-spicy toothpicks. They were smelly and could easily burn your lips and tongue.

    Its nothing new, kids do wierd things.

  16. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #5″Aspirin is also a OTC drug and unregulated but even the TSA won’t bother..”

    Kids can and have been suspended for giving out aspirin, Tylenol, and other OTC items. All it takes is one parent going ballistic because their precious Jennie had a mild reaction or loose bowls.

  17. Animby says:

    # 14 Hyph3n said, “…imagine the angry mob of parents if one of those other children had a serious allergic reaction. We have put our school in-between the proverbial rock and a hard place.”

    Hyph3n, I’m a doctor. I have never heard of anyone allergic to peppermint. Probably is someone but it isn’t common. But, it seems over the top to me to ban a substance that is found in chewing gum, pastries and children’s perfume. Are these substances banned, too? Maybe they should be. I won’t argue the point except to say, if they ban peppermint oil, they better damned well ban Wrigley’s chewing gum, too.

  18. Lou Minatti says:

    Just more government union employees who want to keep their bloated pensions.

  19. Glenn E. says:

    Yeah, ya know because peppermint oil is a gateway substance to wintergreen or spearmint. OH BROTHER! Bet they don’t have as big a problem with the kids eating processed junk food for lunch. Just don’t drink self-flavored H2O. What is this weird school? Some kind of stimulus deprivation environment? The Bland Academy? Nothing too sweet, spicy, loud, or colorful, allowed? Is their moto, “Everything here is very boring, even our moto, so kids will get use to that in life.”? Yeah? I wonder how that little social experiment is working out? A place like that would be where you’d expect some future Hitler to come from.

  20. Uncle Don says:

    A few drops accidentally dripped into a crotch could cause an explosion, no doubt. Can’t be too careful with unusual substances.

  21. RTaylor says:

    John don’t you know these principals have no choice. She would be disciplined, demoted or lose her performance bonus at the least if she didn’t follow protocol. Like It’s the states Department of Education and local boards that mandates this crap. Insurance carriers for these school districts may also have a say. It’s the electorate that is ultimately responsible. I’m not disagreeing with your objections, but lets place the blame where it belongs.

  22. deowll says:

    #14 On the positive side peppermint oil is supposed to keep you awake. Since many students want to sleep in class it might have it’s good side.

    A warning not to share with others might have been saner.

    Of course they won’t even let you have over the counter stuff like aspirin.

    As to why we had some dolts about that age that tried to get high on aspirin. Blood shot eyes and stomachs pumped. Enough and you start to bleed internally.

  23. 1ofmany says:

    I think that pencil sticking out of her breast would be a bigger concern for her.

  24. MollyB says:

    Good for the school for shutting down this student and her promotion of sugar free, tasty water. Now they can go back to focusing on selling Coke and Mountain Dew in the cafeteria. Well done! Don’t let them do anything that promotes health at the cost of profit.


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