In the wake of the terrorism attempt Friday on a Northwest Airlines flight, federal officials on Saturday imposed a new layer of restrictions on travelers that could lengthen lines at airports and limit the ability of international passengers to move about an airplane. Among other steps being imposed, passengers on international flights coming to the United States will apparently have to remain in their seats for the last hour of a flight without any personal items on their laps. Overseas passengers will be restricted to only one carry-on item aboard the plane, and domestic passengers will probably face longer security lines.

The restrictions will again change the routine of air travel, which has undergone an upheaval since the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington in September 2001 and three attempts at air terrorism since then.

Just a day after the attempt on Friday, travelers at airports around the world began experiencing heightened screening in security lines. On one flight, from Newark Airport, flight attendants kept cabin lights on for the entire trip instead of dimming them for takeoff and landing.

The limits, which brought to mind some of the most stringent policies after the 2001 attacks, come at a difficult time for the airline industry.

TSA Motto: “We’re not gonna stop till no one wants to leave home.”

  1. McCullough says:

    Think of all the money you’ll save on rectal exams.

  2. The DON says:

    Did the wannabee terrorist remove his ability to reproduce, and does he have any offspring?

    Could be a darwin award nominee

  3. adoggz says:

    Everyone should just stop flying. The TSA will ease up once the airlines have gone out of business.

  4. ArtSpot says:

    Terrorist win. They get some dumb-dumb to do these asinine things to tie up and paralyze our country’s transportation system. They’ve got us walking on eggshells worrying about stupid stuff!

    Meanwhile the terrorist sit & plot their real plan which probably won’t have anything to do with planes.

  5. canamrotax says:

    Screw it all. I’m staying home as much as possible, and when I have to travel, driving instead. Nothing makes me loose my cool faster than idiotic airport procedures and rules.

  6. yes says:

    Well if the American people could just get their collective asses together, and come to the conclusion that they really dont need to go anywhere until all this security BS takes a saner turn.

    Let the airlines friggin starve for awhile and make it plain and simple that strip searching xray machines will not be tolerated etc, etc..and things will change. When the airlines start running even deeper into the red, they will force the TSA to reconsider.

  7. jescott418 says:

    We just have too many people crying about having their rights violated that true security cannot be done well enough to prevent this type of bombing. You cannot profile, you cannot delay passengers you cannot do much until another bombing actually happens and then people are more willing to accept more evasive searches.
    Let’s face it, the terrorists just wait until we get tired of the security and begin to let our guard down. Then they strike after discovering our weakness. We are not vigilant enough about security. We accept it for so long then we go back to our old ways. We have a government who creates things like Homeland security to make us feel good. But it amounts to more spending and very little real difference in protection. We have the FBI and CIA. They have long been our protectors. We have simply tied their hands at times and not allowed them to do their jobs. We are too worried about our privacy more then our life.

  8. Uncle Don says:

    TSA – Theoretical Security of America

  9. csdibiase says:

    Before too long everyone will be required to fly naked and sedated

    On the bright the airlines will be more profitable because they can cram more people per flight if everyone is out cold and do away with all in flight services.

    A conspiracy theory for the No Agenda show would be that now that some crazy has tried to take a plane down by blowing up his crotch, all men will need to have an high powered x-ray of their package, which as an “unforeseen side effect” will be sterilization due to irradiation. Thus helping reduce global populations.

  10. Father says:

    Short of a real x-ray of every person, including TSA folks working near planes, we can’t stop them. If someone is willing to die, they would submit to having all their guts removed, and have 25 lbs of C4 inserted in their belly. This procedure could be done through the rectum, leaving no visible scar. I think something like this was already done once for a ground attack.

    Sedation would not work. The bomber is only a vessel.

  11. dusanmal says:

    @#11 Actual conspiracy is more likely their want to impose unpalatable whole body scan as mandatory. My bet: they knew this maniac (confirmed in press), they provided him with ready-to-fail “explosive” and “safe passage” (he needed to get visa despite his status on terror-list). Oh, yes, “they”=leftist World Govt. nuts hungry for control over others. Let’s help them fail.

  12. brm says:

    Limit their ability to move about? How about like, properly detecting their explosives?

    Oh lol, I guess you spent all your time making sure that every single person didn’t accidentally bring shaving cream and water on the plane instead.


  13. MikeN says:

    So do you guys support the full X-rays being put in place at airports?

  14. MikeN says:

    I’m getting the impression that yuou wish this guy had succeeded.

  15. Special says:

    Can’t anyone build a decent detonator anymore?

    And I got detained by TSA for my home built Ipod amplifier.

  16. Animby says:

    McCullough: Please don’t link to articles that require registration.

    Full body scans: Trust me, no one is going to be looking at your package and getting all stimulated. First, time will limit their ability to appreciate your jewels and, secondly, after the first couple of hundred swinging dicks this morning, who cares?

    It doesn’t matter, anyway. Every time one of these incidents is greeted with knee jerk restrictions on passengers, the terrorists have achieved their goal. You can’t move around during the last hour of the flight? Pity the poor pregnant woman who has to pee every 15 minutes. She’ll be tazed and just pee on the floor. No personal items on your lap? Is the latest Grisham novel gonna be confiscated?

    Just more nonsense from people who have no idea what they’re doing. Instead of further inconveniencing travelers, wouldn’t it be best to spend the money finding the security problem at Schipol?

    I say, if you want to save money on health care, put the TSA in charge. People will stop going to the doctor just to save the hassle.

    [I agree, but it didn’t req. registration when I posted is the NYT. go figure. ed.]

  17. Faxon says:

    Muslim? Camel yes, airplane no. Stay in the 14th Century, assholes.

  18. Animby says:

    I was only kidding about the no book to read for the last hour in my post (#18) but it turns out I was right! For the last hour and half, no on-board entertainment. For the last hour, no blankets, pillows, books, magazines. WTF?

    Also very strange, for the last hour they are not allowed to inform you of where you are! Terrorists (not the TSA – no no no) must be very stupid. They want to bomb the plane just before landing so they wait until the flight attendants tell them they are about to land. Without this information, they will not know when to blow off their own nuts.

    Of course, they have no idea that since the scheduled landing time is 8 pm and that it is nearly that time and they are descending and maybe the landing gear is down and the flight attendants are strapped in, etc. – they might be about to land.

    The terrorists are definitely winning.

  19. deowll says:

    As always a few posters said something reasonable and prudent.

    Father has a point but it should still show up on infrared or ultra sound. Some modern X-ray machines use very low power.

    You can’t tell by looking who is and who is not a Muslim and not all Muslims want to die.

    On the other hand the failure to check people out because of Politically Correct thinking is killing people.

  20. Animby says:

    TechCrunch is reporting TSA -MAY- ban all personal electronics for in-flight use. This is unconfirmed but if it becomes real, then would we be required to put our laptops and Kindles, etc into out checked luggage? Which, of course, the airlines ask us NOT to do…

  21. Named says:

    3 pedro,

    “I’m sorry, but I would not mind if all muslims get profiled and not allowed to board a plane. There, easier & faster airport security.”

    And how do you figure that out? If they are as dark as a dirty Latino like yourself put them to the wall?

    And what do you do with the Tim McVeighs in the world? Give them a reward?

  22. msbpodcast says:

    Gawd! The TSA is a whore outfit. Get over it…

    THEY don’t want you to travel.

    If the airlines go broke (again in some cases,) THEY could not give a flying fart.

    THEY don’t own shares in those losers except to “short” them.

    Who are THEY?

    THEY are the people who don’t fly commercial.

    THEY board right off of the runway from their private limos into their private jets. (Like the uppity auto execs who were shocked at their reception in Washington a little while back.)

    THEY don’t put up with the TSA.

    They OWN the TSA.

    THEY are laughing their asses off because THEY even have YOU paying for it all.

    YOU can’t even take the train anymore in North America because you bought all those cars which ran on all that oil that THEY had/have you sacrificing your children in far away lands to get for them.

    YOU paid THEM to TEAR UP THE TRACKS and you were too distracted to care.

    Until YOU build up the train infrastructure, YOU’re going to have to get used to flying naked and afraid.

    Ba-aa-aa-aah! Ba-aa-aa-aah…

    “Pow, pow, clink, tinkle” sheeple.

  23. qb says:

    Let’s hope this dipshit smoked his nards.

  24. Father says:

    So no pacemakers (the perfect trigger for the gut bomb)?

    And no wrist watches?

    I appreciate the updates because I’m flying back home Tuesday.

  25. bill says:

    I’ll never fly again, and I’m fine with that.

    The train is a lot more fun anyway.

  26. Troublemaker says:

    ArtSpot said:

    Meanwhile the terrorist sit & plot their real plan which probably won’t have anything to do with planes.

    Like invading Iran.

  27. Troublemaker says:

    ArtSpot said:

    Meanwhile the terrorist sit & plot their real plan which probably won’t have anything to do with planes.


    Like invading Iran.

  28. Troublemaker says:


  29. Troublemaker says:


  30. Captain Howdy says:

    ArtSpot said:

    Meanwhile the terrorist sit & plot their real plan which probably won’t have anything to do with planes.

    Like invading Iran…


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