A HUMBLE dad is being hailed as a hero after he leaped into action to save a young girl trapped under a car – by lifting it off her and moving it aside.

Ashlyn Hough, 6, said she was walking down her street on her way to school when someone backed out of their driveway and hit her, pushing her out into the street and rolling on top of her. Nick Harris, who was in his car at that moment after dropping his own daughter off at school, happened to see Ashlyn get hit. So he jumped out of his car and ran over to help. “I just seen a child get hit, pushed into the street and rolled underneath the car,” Mr Harris said. “I grabbed the car, picked it up and pushed and moved it out of the way.”

The Ottawa, Kansas man still isn’t quite sure how he did it.

“I’ve tried four or five times since then, (and) I can’t do it, it’s impossible,” Mr Harris said. “Christmas miracle, I guess.” Ashlyn’s mom, Kristin Hough, said: “I didn’t witness the Superman heroic events of Nick, but I heard all about it and I’m so glad he was there at the right time. “She said her daughter has some scrapes and bruises and road rash, but otherwise she’s fine.”

“I was amazed because I was expecting her to be in a half-cast; the car was laying on her hips,” Mr Harris said.

Yeah, I know. Sounds bogus to me too.

  1. FRAGaLOT says:

    This it’s a plausible occurance, adrenaline rushes can do amazing things. Though I would have thought if it were this man’s daughter that got ran over would defiantly get the father into an adrenaline rush to do something like this. Not so much if it was someone elses kid.

    But what about the driver who hit the girl?

  2. sargasso says:

    Spinach. He ate spinach.

  3. yanikinwaoz says:

    Adrenalin. Yes, it can happen.

  4. sargasso says:

    #3. i’m sticking to my spinach story.

  5. Breetai says:

    I was an amateur powerlifter. There’s nothing supernatural about it and it’s not BS. Were just conditioned to believe it’s impossible. I used to do push-ups with cars on my back when I was young, stupid, and invulnerable.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    Still sounds like something for Mythbusters check. I wanna see Adam Savage pumped up on adrenaline injections.. that would be HILARIOUS.

  7. dvdchris says:

    Gamma rays from the sun were at a peak at the time.

  8. AdmFubar says:

    phhhttt she was hit by a yugo, you can sneeze at them and they fly away..

  9. Breetai says:

    #8 lol I just rewatched that too

  10. amodedoma says:

    Back in the 80’s I saw a guy flip an ambulance by himself, of course he was high on PCP.

  11. Troublemaker says:

    [Comment deleted violation of posting guidelines – ed.]

  12. bob says:

    WTF – ‘seen’

    I seen it!

    Did you seen it?

    Duhhhhh , we all seened it.

  13. Floyd says:

    “Seen”: Nick Harris was either misquoted or the adrenaline messed with his English. It happens…

  14. RSweeney says:

    I believe this. My mother (5 foot, 90 lbs) did something similar to this in the 1960’s.

    A large tree limb had fallen on my grandmother, pinning her legs. Mom ran over, grabbed the tree which was huge… we are talking many hundreds of pounds. Picked it up and threw it off like it was a broomstick.

  15. allesg says:

    This is definitely possible. It’s not B.S.

    A friend of mine lifted a car up off his dad

    after the jackstands toppled.

  16. incred_hulk says:

    Search ‘Angela Cavallo’ AP news story.
    It was a 60’s Chevy Impala in her case!

  17. Timuchin says:

    In major accidents it’s common to see a twisted up steering wheel — caused by the drivers hands. The question really is, why are we so weak per pound? Animals have the same kind of muscles we have, but a little chimp can overpower us. Why?


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