ROME — An “unbalanced woman” jumped the barriers in St. Peter’s Basilica and knocked down Pope Benedict XVI as walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass, a Vatican spokesman said on Thursday.

But the pope quickly got back on his feet and celebrated Mass before thousands of people, urging them in his homily to become “truly vigilant people.”

Television images showed a woman in red leap toward Benedict as he began to walk up the central aisle, as the police and bodyguards scrambled to the aid of the 82-year-old pope.

The woman also knocked down Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, said the spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi.

  1. SparkyOne says:

    It’s that damn Church Of NoAgenda Communion wine.

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    Hot New Seasonal Sport: Pope Tipping! aka Kick over an old guy in a dress and hat.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Maybe she was looking for the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or the hand up his back…

  4. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Some video of the action:

  5. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Pope tipping! Now that made me LMAO!

  6. clancys_daddy says:

    It appears she was not the only one unbalanced.

  7. chris says:

    Maybe it was faked to cause sympathy.

    What’s up with the Iron Crosses on his shirt? John Paul seemed like a decent enough guy, but this one is kind of freaky.

  8. AdmFubar says:

    popes dont wobble but they sure fall down…

  9. Floyd says:

    #7: As an ex Catholic, I know that thing with the crosses is called a pallium. It’s only worn by the Pope and by cardinals and archbishops assigned to metropolitan areas, and is a symbol of authority. The Pope really isn’t a member of a biker gang or anything like that…

  10. sargasso says:

    I am pleased that His Holiness, is unharmed.

  11. Animby says:

    First Berlusconi. Now His Phoniness der Fuhrer. Coincidence? I think not.

    #5 Sister Mary : “LMAO”? Oh, that must have hurt. And such a pretty one, too. I hope it isn’t lost. Can I help you look for it?

  12. caranpaima says:

    Knocked down only? What a disappointment… if she had done it right we’d had one less creepy old mummy up there in the Vatican right now…

  13. Flynn says:

    Watever happend to respect the elders ?

    @Animby #5
    Wow, insultung all Catholics and Germans in one Sentence.
    It’s interesting how everybody is up and arms about anybody saying “improper” things about Obama. Instantly the Racist-Card is pulled out.
    Or let´s just remind you of those Mohammed Cartoons they did a view years back. Remember the outcry ?
    It´s really mature to call an old man “Führer” just because he was born in Germany.
    Anyway, that Cardinal actually broke a leg… way to go on Chistmas.

    Live and let Live… Merry Christmas Everone

  14. Flynn says:

    Wow calling out publicly for the assassination of the Pope…. You got some Balls caranpaima

  15. Animby says:

    Flynn: You’re not albino, are you?

  16. Flynn says:

    No, actually I’m a Gray One — We come in Peace Earthling

    btw. I hope you are not refering to those poor Albino Souls in Africa who are being hunted down for their Bodyparts because some Wichdoctor will make Magic Potions out of it. Google it if you don’t know what I’m talking about.
    Or did someone watch “Angels and Demons” and thought it would be funny to bring Albinos into the Pope Story ?

  17. #10 – He would have only been holey if it was a machine gun attack.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    >> caranpaima said, on December 25th, 2009 at 12:31 am
    >> Knocked down only? What a disappointment… if she had done it right we’d had one less creepy old mummy up there in the Vatican right now…

    Wow, you’re a mean SOB. I sure hope you don’t delude yourself into thinking you are morally superior to him.

    I’ve got a lot of criticism of Catholicism but I don’t wish the pope dead.

  19. Hmeyers says:


  20. right says:

    Classic case of Rope a Pope.

  21. soundwash says:

    Too bad..waxing him would have been a major victory for Humanity. -better luck next time.

    How the Italian people stood by and let an ex-hitler youth become pope is a curiosity unto itself.


  22. steve says:

    If you think albino is lucky wait till you have tried rope of the pope. The lady knows what she likes.

  23. steve says:

    Just saw CNN headline:
    “Woman knocks down pope at Mass; Christmas celebrations begin”
    ROFL. It sounds like a ritual or something. Lets floor this fart-knocker and go party!

  24. dvdchris says:

    i bet the pope is feeling less popey today.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    The old guy fell down and went boom. Aahhh, all those abuse kids must be feeling so bad right about now.

    If this old fart hadn’t covered some of it up then maybe the whole “problem” could have been fixed much sooner. When he starts to understand the pain he caused others, I’ll worry about his booboo.

  26. Troublemaker says:

    Floyd said:

    The Pope really isn’t a member of a biker gang or anything like that…

    No, just the Mafia.

  27. Clapper says:

    Help. I’ve fallen and can’t arise!

  28. deowll says:

    The real value of free speech has just been demonstrated again.

    There is no easy way to separate the nice people from the vicious vermin until they express their views.

    Several people just demonstrated which they are.

    Four of the guys walking with the Pope need to be young strong guys with fast reflexes willing to block rather than devoted to hauling junk around or animated window dressing.

  29. JimD says:

    Olympic “Pope Jumping” next sensation ?


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