1. noname says:

    Can’t atheist (being that they are so smart and know more then anyone else), at least be original?? Such copy cats.

  2. skipjack says:

    I host the mug of Holy grog to all

  3. eggman9713 says:

    I lift a bottle of Blue Moon to all!

  4. Gerry says:

    Ia Cthulhu! Ia!

  5. Mac Guy says:

    That’s what she said!

  6. bobbo, talking about premature gesticulation says:

    #1–noname==hah, hah. Claiming their rip off as “the original” and revealing their good will towards man all at the same time.

    To the seasoning.

  7. Postman says:

    I was sad when fox news canceled the war on xmas this year. They should bring back that war on xmas show.

  8. noname says:

    # 6 bobbo,

    I am claiming atheist are anything but original.

    What more bobbo you intend to read into my comment it, well; is just another failing Rorschach test.

    Again, if atheist claim to be soo smart and better then everyone else, at-least be original.

    Show “us”, that indeed atheist do know something better, that’s all.

  9. amodedoma says:

    I wish all of you peace, love, and good luck. Unless of course your offended by my wish, to those I wish nothing.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Remember, traditions are what you make of them.

  10. Marc Perkel says:

    #1 Apparently Atheists are recognized by believers as smart. Interesting.

  11. qb says:

    noname, I hope you’re not touched in an inappropriate place by a noodly appendage.

    hhopper, boobo, and Mr. Perkel. May you have the warmest and happiest of Christmas’ and may the New Year bring you wisdom, joy, and blessings in abundance.

  12. qb says:

    Sorry for trouble fingers bobbo! I’m nestled in the Rockies with an 18 year old Oban. 😉

  13. Jägermeister says:

    God is like Santa… You believe in him until you know better.

  14. Animby says:

    For He gave his only marinara to save us from our sins.

    To All the Regulars: Have a happy pasta fest this solstice season. May you all survive global warming, health care reform and Captain Trade.

    #10 – Marc : be careful. Soon they will realize we’re better looking, too. Then the real trouble will start!

  15. sargasso says:

    Just finished my Christmas, I live near the international date line, so it’s 18:21 hours on Christmas Day. Very good, way better than average, spent time with the great nephews bombing in the swimming pool, discussed the world economic crisis with an ex-millionaire, helped a family member with problems, bagged a seriously good Barossa red wine, held a new baby, got a Big Bill Broonzy LP.

  16. Beamish says:


    Really, no, this is truly witty and clever.


    You sure showed those stupid Christians a thing or two.


  17. Number 6 says:

    #8 – noname, no sense

    What does this post have to do with Atheism?

    Clearly it is a holiday greeting from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    They are fellow people of faith.

  18. Hmeyers says:

    @9 “I wish all of you peace, love, and good luck. Unless of course your offended by my wish, to those I wish nothing.”

    I wish all of you peace, love and good luck.

    And if you are offended by my wish, fuck you and I wish you peace, love and good luck anyway and you’ll just have to deal with it.

  19. nick the rat says:

    baste a good one!

  20. ChrisMac says:

    that chick is hot
    merry xmas

  21. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This is indeed a holy day.

    Thank God it’s Friday!

    May the peace and joy of Friday be with you throughout the coming year.

  22. canucklehead says:

    The solstice has passed and the sun is coming back. Time to celebrate!

    For those who need more than the natural world, and who don’t mind copycat rip-offs of the soltice festival, Merry Saturnalia and all it’s derivatives.

  23. soundwash says:

    Have a Cool Yule and a Frantic 1st!

    -it’ll be the last “normal” one you all will have for dogs spell..


  24. Animby says:

    #23 canucklehead : Oh my god! Saturnalia lasted a week. I don’t think I could stand it…

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    С Рождеством Христовым и счастливый день рождественских подарков

    [И с Новым Годом Вас! – ed.]

  26. Gaz says:

    Yeah the Church of the FSM should be original and not just nick all the existing holidays and rebrand them. Just like the Christians did


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