According to a Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Occurrence Report, “Shock and Detonation Physics Group researchers heard a loud unusual noise from Technical Area 15, Building 562 after firing a shot from a large-bore powder gun (LBPG).” The researchers accidentally blew a building apart at Technical Area-15, on December 16, 2009 while testing a gun which acts like a Civil War cannon.
While no one was hurt, sources advise POGO that there was over $3 million in damage to property. The explosion blew the doors off the building — which is described in the report as, “two doors were propelled off the facility.”
The Facility Operations Director “declared a management concern due to the significant facility structural damage incurred resultant of the shot.” Parts of the cannon were found outside the building.
“I must say that this is a new twist in the long history of screw-ups by Los Alamos,” said POGO’s Senior Investigator, Peter Stockton. “I have no idea in the world why they have a gun like this, let alone testing it.”
Sounds like these guys may need some supervision. Read more here.
I would sure like to see what the cannon was.
I guarantee that no civil war cannon was blowing out doors and pushing concrete shielding blocks!
The purpose of the large bore powder gun is to measure equation of state information on materials in high pressure and temperature regimes. The POGO person is either ignorant or is being disingenuous.
Awesome answer, WhoMe.
Los Alamos employees have no idea what other employees are up to. It’s all very compartmentalized.
Someone been watching too much Mythbusters again
#2 It appears that some of the actual numbers may have been a tad underestimated or somebody added too much power and when theory was put to the test…BOOM!
They blew the doors off.
One of the things that can happen with loose powder is double charging. That’ll wake you up in a hurry.
Is this the ONLY thing Los Alamos has ever blown up? I don’t THIIINNNK so.
You know those assholes were up there having a few joints and weren’t really paying attention. After that incident they were like, “Ok, lunch time!”
This story has been updated on nearly every site and the initial estimates and claims were grossly exagerated. You can read the update with the info directly from the horses mouth.
Let’s not forget the building was built for the purpose of containing the explosion/experiment.
“Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?”
#10 – Maybe they were just looking to get the building rebuilt.
National Nuclear Security Administration spokesman Damien LaVera:
Famous last words, hey bill whats this button do?
#12. Damage control…..
Could be that new design needs a bit of work.
#15: Or the charge needs a bit less propellant…
What a dope place to work!
The term “going postal” has been super sized to “going Alamos”