Festivus still is about the best truly American-style celebration of the Winter solstice. All the others either mandate or suggest some kind of superstition. So, this will do until there is a December manifestation from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Since many of our readers live and work within the boundaries of nations and cultures that celebrate something-or-other, this month – just thought I’d take the opportunity to wish you happiness in the coming year. Enjoy your family and friends.

  1. LDA says:

    Happy solstice, both friends and foes.

  2. Thinker says:

    Thanks! and Merry Christmas to you too!

  3. Rabble Rouser says:

    Happy Festivus for the rest of us.

    May you all be touched by his noodly appendages.
    Arrgh and Ramen.

  4. SparkyOne says:

    No Christmas tree, presents, dinner or cheer. This is our FIRST OBAMA CHRISTMAS!

  5. Mr Diesel says:

    This goes to the people on this blog who have called me names and the ones who agreed with me.

    Wherever you are, whatever you celebrate, may you and yours have a happy holidays and a great new year.

    Happy Festivus

  6. two to the head says:

    Jack Black’s doppelganger is in this episode.

    Happy “Holidays” !

  7. Winston says:

    Too late, you missed it. Festivus is held on Dec 23rd.

  8. lynn says:

    Thank goodness there are no superstitions connected with the winter solstice.

  9. soundwash says:

    Have a Cool Yule and a Frantic 1st!

    -much love to both friend and foe.

    Give Silver coin for x-mas!


    -there is no good reason for the dollar to be soaring. hold onto your hats!

    -when it reaches it’s apogee in a few weeks time, (perhaps even on Dec 28th) the death spiral down will be most profound..

    I suspect Sovereign Defaults in short order, –will lead the way.

  10. JimR says:

    Happy Holidays to you and your aliases.

    Austere Powers
    a schtick in your eye
    Santa Claws
    Judge Mental
    01001010 01101001 01101101 01010010

  11. woody says:

    Eideard, by any chance are you a member of the tribe? The use of the Seinfeld (member in good standing) clip was too clever on a couple of different levels.

    Merry F*#@ing Christmas!


  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Best wishes to all!

    May next year be better than this one…

  13. Dallas says:

    Best wishes to DU and friends. May your Christmas be gay and full of cheer.


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