1. Steve says:

    In my day we had to drop acid and jump off the edge of the bed.

  2. Robart says:

    I don’t know how these guys keep their testicles from scraping on the rock walls. They’ve got some huge huevos.

  3. JimR says:

    Some people really know how to enjoy life… sigh…..

  4. Troublemaker says:

    It’s funnier to watch these assholes splat on bridges…

  5. deowll says:

    I’m not sure I’m a member of the same species, sigh.

    On the other hand if I were them I think I’d be looking for ways to extend their wings at least a foot or more on each side. This would give them more control, allow them to stay airborne longer, and travel a greater distance before needing to pull the ripcord. I can think of at least two ways but since I’m not about to test those ideas in person…

  6. AlanB says:

    Like that one? Try this one.

  7. Reverse Engineer says:

    #7, that was an awesome video! Thank you for sharing. Those people are NUTS!

  8. Troublemaker says:


  9. Cursor_ says:

    Ah just the modern version of affluent bored Caucasians going on safari.

    I guess when you have too much time and money and not enough prudence and philanthropy you do wasteful things like this.


  10. John E. Quantum says:

    There is just about nothing else in this life as beautiful as looking up and seeing a fully deployed canopy. Rock on, dudes.

  11. 3arabsoft says:

    yes thats true John:
    There is just about nothing else in this life as beautiful as looking up and seeing a fully deployed canopy

  12. yanikinwaoz says:

    Where is that? Norway?

  13. hhopper says:

    Meh… flying squirrels have been doing this for centuries.

  14. t0llyb0ng says:

    What’s with the little sunburst thingie in the middle going round & round while the picture is frozen? This is like RealPlayer in the old days, only worse. What am I doing wrong? He asked naively.

    [Your connection is too slow, so it is an indicator it’s downloading. — ed.]

  15. Nth of the 49th says:

    Get a job logging in the Pacific Northwest or fly choppers there, you’ll get a chance to have your balls retract in abject fear every day and get paid for it.

  16. deowll says:

    It’s so powerful because you are playing with death…

  17. lol says:

    You know what they call people who don’t know jack about base or skydiving, whuffos.

    And you are all huge fking whuffos because that guy was not wearing a wing suit he was tracking.

    Thats why it was a great jump.


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