The crux of his complaints are outlined here. Apparently he never gets paid for anything. It all goes to his institute. And he makes it sound as if he doesn’t get any money, ever, for food or water even. He”s going to “take action!”

  1. rectagon says:

    Follow the money…let’s see him openly audit his affairs and take a salary…like Billy Graham does.

  2. chuck says:

    “Dr” Pachauri? what is he a doctor of?
    He’s a railway engineer.

  3. The Corrector says:

    #3 Chuck,

    “Pachauri was awarded an MS degree in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, in 1972, as well as a joint Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Economics in 1974”

    People with a Ph.D are generally called doctor – maybe there aren’t many people who achieve that distinction in the back-woods where you come from.

  4. #4 I know a lot of PhD’s — LOTS — and only the most pretentious call themselves “Doctor.”

  5. Two to the Head says:

    “Every penney goes to my institute.” (And then I take a HUGE salary from my institute.) What B.S.

  6. Wretched Gnu says:

    Dvorak cannot be so stupid as to think scientists have more financial interest in global warming policy than global industry corp. Can he?

  7. chuck says:

    #4 – I asked because I didn’t know. My point, is that he has no more qualifications in climate science than I.

    I agree with John (#5) it’s generally better to only to refer to MDs as “Doctor”. In an emergency, most people would prefer an MD to an Engineer or Climatologist.

  8. Serious says:

    #2 – Appreciate the link and support, but my point wasn’t so much that Al Gore wanted to get him, which is true as it was stated in NYT & Washington Post back in 2002. Al Gore went out publicly against him, saying Pachauri was making a lot of anti-american comments etc.. and that Exxon had pushed him into power blah blah blah. Al Gore had previously made Watson his right hand man and used him for several years witnessing in Congress about AGW etc..

    Seeing however that Pachauri was second in command after Robert Watson at the IPCC at the time and already buddy buddy with Al Gore – later pushing his agenda with Watson; I was more hinting that Bush, India and Exxon who got Pachauri the position at the IPCC (leaked documents showed this) were also in bed with Al Gore, Watson etc.. considering how things have conveniently followed each of their agendas towards one focal point. It was a convenient show to make him popular with developing nations to push the cap and trade agenda.

    Before anyone goes jumping at me, please read my supporting documents and facts for claiming this in my post that pedro refers to – if you actually digg a bit, the info you find on this guy is pretty horrifying and this is written by democratic liberal newspapers – NYT, Washington Post etc.. not conservative, Fox news – i don’t even think they have picked up on this. He is actually pro-vegetarianism and anti-meat, he wants to carbon tax meat production (check his presentation); meat production according to Pachauri and the IPCC make up 11% of human CO2 production.

  9. Dirk Thundernuts says:

    Unless they are qualified to stick a finger up my ass, they are not a doctor.

  10. TThor says:

    Well… he may be right, so let us see him take ‘actions’, legal or not. Juggling all these billions he has to be prepared for scrutiny, especially after the cheating his compadres “tricky-Phil” and “hokey stick-Michael” was caught doing…. and not to forget “poet-Al’s” multimedia, multichannel half truths. Follow the money is good idea. More should do as #9 ‘Serious’ has done; impressive investigative reporting. That should have been done by journalists a long time ago… Maybe we should remind the media that to draw lines between dots is a good idea… they may find something interesting.

  11. Anyone that wants to stick their finger up my ass, I’ll call them anything they want.

  12. chuck says:

    #11 your mom is a doctor?
    #13 I had a date with Dr whats-her-name last night. best $5 I ever spent.

  13. Serious says:

    #10 Ah yes indeed, understand you now 🙂 Patchouli it is! hehe

  14. brian t says:

    Infamy! Infamy!
    They’ve all got it in for me!

  15. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: Johnny (aka John C. Dvorak)

    per #5


    #4 I know a lot of PhD’s — LOTS — and only the most pretentious call themselves “Doctor.”

    End of quote.

    Just think, Johnny, you know “LOTS” of PhD’s,
    but you still do not know a thing!!!

    Johnny, you should ask some questions.
    You could learn a thing or two—maybe.

    RIM SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Tim says:

    This is a busy dude.

    Dr. Rajendra Kumar Pachauri
    IPCC – Chairman
    Board Member for
    Pegasus Capital Advisors
    Siderian Ventures
    Glitnir (Nordic Bank, The Sustainable Future Fund)
    Indochina Sustainable Infrastructure Fund
    Credit Suisse Research Institute
    Rockefeller Foundation
    International Risk Governance Council (Geneva)
    Asian Development Bank
    Climate Change Advisory Board of Deutsche Bank AG
    GloriOil Limited (Oil exploration of mature oilfields)
    The Energy and Resources Institute, India
    Yale Climate and Energy Institute
    Indian Oil Corp
    Gail India Ltd. (India’s largest natural gas transportation company)

    Internation Solar Energy Society
    World Resources Institute
    World Energy Council
    Oil Industry Restructuring Group (for the Minstry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India)

    I don’t know how he does it?

  17. chuck says:

    #19 – the article also points to another reason why no deal was possible: “Probably only about 50 or 60 people, including the heads of state, were in the room.”

    It’s simply not possible for a room of 50 or 60 people (even if 1 of them is the President) to make a deal about anything. Why was the Ethiopian President in the room? Are his diplomatic skills so sublime that we could not do without him?

    The G20 nations produce 90% of the carbon. If you think that CO2 causes climate change, then only a deal between the G20 nations will have any effect. And since China and India will simply never agree to any deal to cut their production, there will never be a deal.

    Lucky for me I’m an AGW denier. I think Copenhagen was a spectacular success.

  18. JimR says:

    Re: 320, chuck, “Lucky for me I’m an AGW denier

    NO! You’re a skeptic chuck! SKEPTIC.

    A denier is by definition “a denier of harsh realities” . There are few harsh realities where anthropogenic climate change is concerned… the shenanigans have to stop before we can ascertain any harsh realities for real.

    Denier is a demeaning term coined by the Chicken Littles… the Global Alarmists, the Gullible Guppies, the Righteous Railroaders, the Carbon-centric Egocentrics, the…


    #11 – What qualifies as a qualification?

    Make it a capital offense to profit from anything that “saves the world from AGW” and see if any of these asshats still believe in it after that. It’s all about money.

  20. Animby says:

    JCD #5 : As a physician, I always address PhDs I’m introduced to as doctor. Most, as you suggest, prefer not to use the honorific and are quick to say so. The exceptions, I’ve noted, are educators and psychologists. They will be seriously offended if you refer to them as other than doctor. Me? Only my mother calls me doctor.

  21. Somebody says:

    ” “Dr” Pachauri? what is he a doctor of?
    He’s a railway engineer. ”

    No, he’s an expert in railroading.

    I am not a denier.
    I’m a debunker.

  22. deowll says:

    Did anyone else note what the poor guy was wearing on his wrist? Enough gold to need a body guard. Of course he’s rich enough it is just a trinket.

    What is clear is that this man, along with many others, is out to make money. He could care less if man made global warming is real or not.


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