These are the videos now being pushed at kids which promotes, among other thing, the possible “cancellation of Christmas” because of Global warming. It’s the worst kind of propaganda as it’s designed to scare kids. This was commissioned by Build a Bear. Watch all three. It’s a whopper.

A Fourth episode was released, but then pulled by the company.

Found by Chris Hollman.

  1. FRAGaLOT says:

    If global warming is real, its due to all the hot hair blowing out of every orifice around Obamamoronforver body. Can we please plug him up so he will STFU? Oh and save the planet too.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, nospam,

    So you’re still looking to cheapen the Holocaust just to add a little more emotion your argument, I see. Glad you did away with all that over-cooked McScience talk.

    Another pedro type troll.

    Just another instance of the right wing nut, denier, tea bagger mentality. Forget the facts, just give ’em emotion. Thet’s all them morans crave. (Although some home made whiskey and pork rinds ain’t ignored)

  3. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: tbeale per #28

    Obamamoronforver…are you twelve or thirteen years old..seriously?
    End of quote.

    tbeale, when I talk to people like you I am talking at the seven or eight year old level. Anything older is above your head—seriously!!!

    RIM SHOT!!! Boy, these rim shots are so easy!!

  4. Mihail says:

    Now Obama has been brought to heel. Good boy. Israel’s obedient House Nigger.

    Livni’s complicity, indeed direct involvement in the continuing, sheer, vicious and unapologetic Holocaust of the people of Gaza and the West Bank, the True People of The Land, which involves the deliberately targeted bombing of schools and hospitals and the use of flesh-eating white-phosphorous, is nothing beyond the extraordinarily evil and inherent mentality of an alien people, the Ashkenazim, whose forefathers were never of Semitic descent, and who, by mere virtue of their hatred for the creativity they possess not within themselves and must steal (as Einstein stole the best ideas of uniquely ingenious German physicists) from real human beings everything to justify their existence as bandits and thieves, is typically indicative of sociopaths who vent their spleen and anger against those they despise as real creators and genuinely hard-working producers of wealth [4].

    When we talk of Livni, Meier, Begin, Rabin, Netanyahu, Sharon (and treasonous dual American-Israeli Fifth-Columnists such as Paul Wolfowitz, Raul Emmanuel, Michael Chertoff and Ben Bernanke) and the founding mass murdering terrorist of the Satanic state of Israel, the antichristic and European-hating Ben Gurion, let us never forget that we are dealing with representatives of an illegal sect of International Usurpers who have brought our entire world to the very brink of not only financial bankruptcy, but right unto the Abyss of nuclear Armageddon.

    Poor little nuclear-armed ‘Israel’, which has even threatened to destroy the entire world unless it gets its own petulant, screaming and kicking childish little ways. Let us, as gullible Christians and westerners, who have been taught to hate all Arabs (the true Semites and the real Children of Shem) release a flood of tears so great for those much-abused hook-nosed destroyers of orange groves and the builders of a hideous wall of evil between themselves and real, suffering humanity, drown them all in a deluge of our overwhelming sympathy for their sheer Christ-murdering cunning and arts of manipulation, blackmail and bribery.

    Let us, as Christians and westerners, never forget their hatred towards us and forgive them for their apparently harmless wisecracks; for surely, these lovable Edomites and Turko-Mongols, who were never the Children of Israel, must be joking when they say:

    “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force.” ­ Israeli military tactician and professor Martin Crevald [5].

    Let us consider the ponderings of the Bolshevik Jewish racial supremacist, Menachem Begin:

    “Our race [speaking of the Ashkenazim false Jews and Edomites] is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” ­ June 25, 1982, as quoted as an enhancement of Rabbi Schneerson’s racist claims in the ‘New Statesman’.

    Yet Satanic asslickers, such as John Hagee, Barack Obama and the demonically selfish and unscrupulous Hillary Clinton, will not hear one word against a people who have always, and will continue, to despise hard-working Americans and Europeans. Let’s name just a small sample of the Jews who have hated and despised America; who have betrayed, and whose ilk will always continue to betray, America and the English people

  5. amddude says:

    am I the only one who thought he said “fleshlight, check”

  6. Dui says:

    amddude, you are not the only one.


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