Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we highlight a discussion about specific stocks to examine. Plus: A look at the the climate conference.

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  1. laxdude says:

    How come DH Unplugged is the slowest to propagate podcast that JCD does? A quick turn around is usually 12 hours from showing up here, sometimes it takes days to show up on the iTunes feed – even with forced resets.

  2. Alterity says:

    The US is still no 1. At least for the time being.

  3. Dallas says:

    Not many days left before the big Horror Witz prediction of global collapse and anarchy. Need a new prediction.

    Like to suggest the earth will collapse when the super collider gets turned on in February. At least there is scientific hypothesis behind that one.

  4. Santa says:

    Agree with #1 still not appearing on iTunes.

  5. Postman says:


    I want to be optimistic, I really do, but politics aside, what reason do you have to think the economy is getting better???

    I don’t think you can look at the crude economic indicators and come to any conclusion that the economy is improving…

    Yeah, after a year of shedding 750k jobs a month, losing 250k jobs a month doesn’t seem that bad, but is still among the worst job losses over the last 60 years…

    Also, in the face of more than a year of an effective 0% interest rate, and the economy is still racked in the throws of deflation…

    Please tell me why you are so hopeful, I don’t see it.

  6. Zybch says:

    Me neither. Things just keep getting worse and worse no matter where you look,


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