An historical look at the reasons behind muslin hate for Americans and infidels in general.

  1. Reader1 says:

    Very interesting and informative ,

    at the beginning of the video I was like what ?!, than after watching it to the end i got it , good job.

  2. Eric says:

    I don’t get it. There were Christian European pirates at the exact same time doing the same thing in the Caribbean and else where. In the end their (Muslims and Christians) motive was the love of money, not the love of God.

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    It’s refreshing to see that everyone isn’t duped by the Muslims and Islam. Cowardly politicians and a daunted media have effectively carried Islamic water for far too long.

    History is a wonderful tool and to disregard it’s lessons will always lead to tragedy.

  4. George W says:

    Ohhhhhh, I get it now. My bad.

    Anybody wanna watch Nemo today? Wanna see what all this globil werming is about.

  5. jescott418 says:

    I think it goes much deeper then just religious differences. The fact that we have united and have become a wealthy nation and have left countries like them living in the stone ages except for a little oil revenue has given them a reason to resent our way of life.
    Simple jealousy is at work here nothing more. They use religion all the time as their excuse but the reality is that religion at heart is all the same. You cannot base violence on religious differences. It may be your excuse but it is not the reason.

  6. Fat_Anarchy says:

    The somewhat ironic truth is that Islam is the saving grace of the west. Hundreds of years ago before Islam was created, the middle eastern region was completely dominating Europe in terms of scientific/mathematical advancements and general societal advancements. Had they kept on the same track, they would have easily taken over Europe, and no doubt dominated the rest of the new world. However, when Islam was created, with its very anti-science principles, it put a sudden stop on the advancement of the middle east. It really is a shame, that they have not made any real advancements since then. Like the domaination of christianity in the Dark ages put serious dampers on progress in Europe, so has Islam done in the middle East. The unfortunate thing is that Europe had their renaissance, and broke away and carried on where they left off, and the middle East didnt.

  7. two to the head says:


  8. qb says:

    You’re kidding me, right? He’s talking about the Barbary pirates and states. The US got sick of paying the tribute (ransoms, duties, whatever you want to call it) basically because they didn’t have the money any more for safe passage through the Mediterranean.

    On the plus side, the First Barbary War was good for the military reputation of the US. On the down side the US continued to pay “tribute” not “ransom” for safe passage after the end of the war.

    The Barbary states were the 18th century equivalent of Somalia with the government backed the pirates. And like then, the US has a military off east Africa to support safe passage. And just for the record, they did take Americans as slaves. They also took 3/4 of a million Europeans as slaves which was common practice in those days.

  9. jim says:

    The guy conveniently forgot to mention that 4000 years ago Jacob threw a rock at Ali for no apparent reason. That’s really why they hate you. Jesus!

  10. freddybobs68k says:

    Lets try it another way. What’s to like?

  11. chuck says:

    In the war of “us vs. them” you can pick any point in time and see that either “they” were attacking “us” or “we” were attacking “them”. Both sides use this to justify their next attack as “defense” against the previous attack.

  12. JimR says:

    Why then, did the Megalosaurus fart in the face of a Lambeosaurus 75,188,322 years ago?

    Because the Lambeosaurus was over there!

  13. GF says:

    Muslims are kind of irrelevant today. Against the Chinese and the Russians they are being massacred. Cheznia is a wasteland and thousands of muslims in west China are dead. They couldn’t even attack Israel and win. They are nothing but flies in the ointment.

  14. Glass Half Full says:

    This guy has a 4th grade understanding of history. Sounds like a wingnut who managed to sneak into a college and listen to 4 hours of a lecture of world history.

    Terrorism like 9/11 has nothing to do with Muslim terroritorial conquest of 200 years ago. Apples and Oranges. Both involved “Muslims” but have NOTHING to do with each other. Republicans need to read books, not burn them. Using this idiots analogy, in WWII we fought Japan. So that was a Christian nation attacking a non-Christian nation…why does Jesus want us to destroy Japan? The non-Republicans on here understand that our fight with Japan had NOTHING to do with Jesus or us being Christians, it was simply a power/nation fight. So nations that “happened” to be Muslim 200 years ago fought their neighbors, were pirates, kidnapped folks or did naughty things is no more proof of some wide evil Muslim conspiracy then Christian nations like America fighting Japan, or the Spanish killing thousands in the inquisitions, or the Italians siding with Germany in WWII.

    This idiots idea that nations that are primarily Muslims ONLY do things because of some secret Muslim hatred of everyone else is as STUPID as assuming everything every Christian nation does (America, Italy, Germany, England) is done because of what we think Jesus tells us to do. It’s about money and power…no matter which religion. Yes there are Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Muslim extremists, but the nation states do this crap for money and power and their leaders glory, it’s always been that way.

  15. amodedoma says:

    I’m beginning to think that DU is just another outlet for propaganda from the ministry of truth. Historical justifications are ridiculous. Go back far enough and you’ll find you can justify anything ‘historically’. As if history were a reliable source for moral or political justifications, don’t these people know that only the victorious survive to write history, and that it’s full of bullshit justifications. All of this is just a brainwash to justify a total lack of skill and commitment to diplomacy, and justify a hostility that just happens to coincide with a region rich in energy resources.

  16. Thinker says:

    Wow, for a Glass Half Full, it seems like you focused more on the empty part… How much do you know about Islam?? 🙂

  17. Troublemaker says:

    Nice to see more bullshit Zionist propaganda on DU…

  18. dwight david diddlehopper says:

    I have a simpler explanation: the only thing that muslims in the islamic world know of America is what they see on video from our movies and television shows.

    I had a bad cold a couple weeks ago and spent a week at home in front of the boob tube. I came away from that experience with a very low opinion of America too.

  19. John E. Quantum says:

    You have to ask yourself “What would Marc Perkel do?”

  20. bob says:

    Premise 1: The US is still effectively a hegemonic power in the world. Our actions impact others far more than their actions impact us.

    Premise 2: We act (as do all nations) primarily in what we see as our own self interest.

    Therefore: everyone has a problem with us.

    The premises lead directly to the conclusion.

  21. jealousmonk says:

    That was the single stupidest thing I have seen on this site.

  22. JimR says:

    …it all started when the green primordial ooze pirated the brown primordial ooze, whilst traveling to the new pond on tiny pumice “ships” to trade RNA.

  23. Tippis says:

    Interesting how he quickly skips over the answer to the question, even after using it to formulate the context, and then go off on a tangent…

    Why do Muslims hate Americans?
    They don’t – Barbary coast rulers liked to get paid and made sure to get paid by everyone they encountered outside of their own band of robbers, in one way or another, regardless of nationality.

  24. Carcarius says:

    #21 – That can’t possibly be true, I have seen worse.

    For Muslims, Jihad is like a code of honor. In reality it is a method of control through a discipline of one’s faith to carry a believer through a perceived struggle. It’s a manufactured plight that drives a group of people to go on the offensive against an opposite… in this case Christians and Jews. If not Christians and Jews, then Hindus, Buddhists, Communists, Capitalists, etc…

    The Jihad keeps Islam alive as a religion because it influences the Muslim to do these things as part of their faith. To stop would be to dilute the meaning of their faith leading to an eventual migration from the faith.

    What else can the US do in the face of this threat? They will attack us no matter what. The only way to make peace with a muslim is to become one. Who on these boards is about to do that?

    Yes, money can help to cure all ills. We can pay for peace, but that only lasts as long as we have money to pay them off with.

    In the end, this is just part of human struggle. We are not a peaceful species. If we were we wouldn’t dominate the world like we do now and likely would have continued to be prey for other predators on our planet (lions, tigers, opposing simian species, etc). It is the way it is for a reason. We fight because we have to and there is no way around it. Advanced technology helps, but mostly to improve our capacity to kill each other.

  25. David says:

    Regardless of any Muslim piracy that occurred in the 18th century, modern terrorists have been quite explicit on their justifications for attacking western populations. Bin Laden’s declaration of war against the United States cited a number of imperialist policies conducted by our government. Note also there are many prominent, wealthy western countries that have not attracted the same level of resentment from terrorist groups.

  26. bdgbill says:

    Dear Mullah,
    I am a good Muslim and obey all of our various religious laws. Our country floats on an ocean of liquid money, yet I am left squatting in the sand next to the same stone hut that my great grandfather was born in. What am I doing wrong?

    Dear Mohamed Q Public,
    Your recent letter just arrived here in my winter palace. It is of course the fault of the Great Satan America that you and your family are impoverished. If you are interested in freeing our people from the Evil Great Satan, I may have a job for you. What size vest do you wear? My brother Mohamed will stop by your place next week in one of my Bentleys to fill you in on the details.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Mullah Mohamed

  27. ECA says:

    The problem with this, is many fold.
    AS with WWII, there were FEW who could become a HITLER.
    Only those that can Either BRING groups together or those with MONEY/POWER can make this type of thing happen.
    Then Figure that there HAS TO BE something in it to GAIN. MONEY/POWER..
    THAT is the power of greed.

    Even if you look to the past at PIRATES..MOST werent pirates. They were HIRED by nations to raid OTHER nations ships. They were Privateers and mercenaries.. It paid better then the military.

    1. the USA, Britain, Spain, and other WHITE EUROPEAN nations have been #$%#%#@ with these nations for Centuries and even NOW we keep putting out FINGERS in OTHER nations business.

    2. EITHER TAKE IT ALL OVER or GET out of the kitchen. Either HELP those 99/100 that want PEACE in ALL the nations, or LEAVE this crap to the 1/100 that want to RULE those nations with terror.

    3. Bring the LEAD muslim religious leaders together to MAKE 1 OVER RULING body(another pope) to clear things up…OR GET OUT OF THE MESS. This is as bad as the Christians and Catholics, Lutherans, Protestants, …. over the last 700 years.. All the infighting and OUT fighting and they are defeating THEIR OWN PURPOSE.

    4. there is only 1 control over the INFIGHTING/OUTFIGHTING. BOX them in and let Them FIGHT INSIDE. LET them figure out HOW they are going to DEAL with the Koran.. Let them FIGHT themselves.

  28. The Tick says:

    I once spoke with a muslim scholar who had studied the koran for 30 years. He told me that in context, jihad was nothing more than the internal moral struggle that anyone of faith deals with. Any other interpretaion was a stretch and only used as a weapon by exremists to promote their own agendas. So we need to stop lumping all these people together. It’s like saying all christians shoot abortion doctors. Mankind needs to stop letting these dipshits filter our info, we need to educate ourselves and we all need to take a step or two closer to the center.

  29. ECA says:

    very nice.
    And its those that LOOK OUTSIDE for a fault, that are the problem.
    AS hitler did, pointing to an OUTSIDE source to concentrate Hatred/energy/and pass the buck from INTERNAL strife.
    ALL these rich oil companies and the OPEC, control WHO gets the money and what its spent on.
    Many people have left the middle east BECAUSE of the religious problems, and to SPREAD Muslim AROUND..99.9% are NOT extremist/terrorists/idiots, they only wish to live in peace. But, as the Aussies have found and EVEN the USA, that their BELIEFS must be AUGMENTED if they come to another country. POINT to change FROM THE INSIDE of being MUSLIM..dont change the world, MAKE IT BETTER.

  30. electrohead says:

    This guy is hurting for attention. I admit I do sometimes talk to myself but he’s talking to a video. The old (In a battle of wit) saying could certainly be applied here. What a cheap shot and insult toward civilized people.


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