An historical look at the reasons behind muslin hate for Americans and infidels in general.
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Its was the pirates fault! I knew it!
#13-GF-Muslims are kind of irrelevant today.
Most of Europe might disagree with you as they watch the steady Muslim invasion reach a critical level where each nation’s culture is in danger of extinction.
If you have the patience it’s quite a clever way to totally defeat an enemy and slowly steal his land right from under his nose.
Apparently Muslims have an abundance of patience with the philosophy that the end justifies the means.
Muslim is just another word for uneducated poor person.
Europe is right now fighting against uneducated poor people who set cars on fire in France.
Give them an education and they can’t be Muslim any more.
Almost correct.
Under muslim OLD religion, women dont get educated.
we might as well go back 80 years in the USA. When after 6th grade Woman werent EXPECTED to continue school.
Its not Americans per se.
They’ve had a hard-on for anybody and anybody who wasn’t in on the religion since the 800 AD’s.
Its nothing personal.
Muhammad was a real angry >bad ass mother-fuck*r and his disciples are only following orders.
Trick or treat!
Interesting history but no one pays attention to history. The majority of these people can’t read and wouldn’t be able to learn something from a forgotten past, and carry on on that grudge.
I mean seriously if this was the original reason why they hated Americans then we would be having 9/11-like events for the entire history of the USA.
Why did the Muslims take 200 year break from it? Assuming if it even WAS the Muslims; didn’t they deny responsibility for 9/11? What happen to Al-Qaeda (wait they are Islamics), and the Teliban (Sunni Islamic also)?
None of this makes sense.
So the video has the unspoken recommendation that we should kill all Muslims, yes? The Bush doctrine on steroids, combined with a “survival of the fittest” mentallity.
What is obvious is that this war will never end.
They even kill each other.
#39 Fragalot
It doesn’t need to make sense. The guys main thesis is that Muhammand commands all good Muslims to kill non-believers an gain everlasting life in paradise. It’s clearly a mechanism to motivate the troops, not dissimilar to the Pope’s granting of indulgences for taking part in the crusades.
While there is some truth to what he says, its clear that few Muslims actually live by this doctrine, in the same way that most Christians don’t live by the fire and brimstone parts of the Bible.
The Barbary pirates in the video clearly have need it, as do the mujaahidiin and other warriors of the faith in our own times. Its simply another way of using ones belief in God to justify the killing of others. Most religions have these codes and caveats.
Some folks kill for heavenly reward, others for land, wealth and power.
A good many people have just demonstrated that they don’t know what they are talking about and a few do.
Islam is taking over Europe according to the EU. It will be mostly Muslim in 50 years. Europe is past saving itself so why blow the place up when you are going to own it?
It would appear that very few of you have looked at the Koran even in a translation though technically speaking only the Arabic version is acceptable for religious studies and is the unchanging word of Allah. Not a word of it can be changed and any who challenge it is worthy of death. There is absolutely no way any Muslim can challenge that without risking death.
Somebody is upset and doesn’t thank a reason given in the 1700’s for attaching Americans and anybody else who resists the will of Allah could still be meaningful?
Dude, this is the reason given by Mohammad at the start of the Islamic expansion and is accepted as Allah’s word. As long as people resist the will of Allah it is going to be a valid reason to kill those people. Other reasons may exist but no other reason is actually needed.
Many of you have just shown that you had rather believe your own theories of why these people do what they do than believe what Muslims have to say about why they do what they do or their most holy teachings.
Sure all sorts of things may motivate a Muslim. They are human but if they are a Muslim the words of the Koran and what it means to them play an overwhelming role in everything they do.
There is no separation of church and state.
The teachings of Mohammad, Allah’s prophet controls their lives.
Anyone who resists the word of Allah is worthy of death. Paradise awaits the one that does it. There is nothing more to be discussed.
you got most of it..
Mohamed was trying to gather all the tribes into 1, so they wouldnt FIGHT each other as much. He did a good job. The problem comes AFTER he died. They went back to being NOMADS and CLANS..only with a religious base and EACh thinks they are RIGHT.
Its the SAME with the Christ religions..YES there are more then 1..MORE then 10..and in the past they DEBATED and killed each other and EVERY infidel they could find.
Sound familiar??
Even AFTEr the 1400’s and we found the NEW TESTAMENT.. We continued to Slaughter ANY AND ALL that did not believe…INCLUDING JEWS..Hitler was NOT the first to do this. EVEN knowing that the BIBLE is based on the Hebrew faith(old testament).
Frankly, it is you that needs to go back to school. The basis on which the Japanese attacked us was entirely different AND the Japanese stated that fact quite bluntly: domination and oil were the reasons for attacking us. Islamic terrorists have said repeatedly that killing Jews is ok and anyone that helps Jews or is a non-believer is a candidate to be killed…as he showed in the video.
Btw, it should also be noted that an equal portion of the sources in the video were clueless liberals.
This isn’t a “secret” Muslim conspiracy. Like with the Inquisition, these Muslim fanatics are accurately interpreting what is written in their holy book. Just as the Bible says to stone homosexuals, the Koran says to kill non-believers.
Furthermore, to put the final nail in your argument, if money were at issue you would have thought they would have done more with the oil they have. They are sitting on the single greatest source of energy for the planet and yet most of them still sleep next goats. Sorry, but financial gain alone does not explain their behavior.
Wow. Who needs that history stuff anyway? Well, then you are not angry about Iraq right? Since that’s pretty much history, who cares right? We should just tell the Muslim world, “Just let it go already…”
As the video stated, that doesn’t explain the problems we had with Islam at the founding of the country.
Funny, Bin Laden was fine with our imperialist policies when it helped him get the Russians out of Afghanistan.
#44 Wow you’re not smart. I KNOW the reasons Japan attacked us were “different”. That was the POINT. Damn. The point is that just because Japan and the United States were two countries with different religious backgrounds, that wasn’t the reason, or the cause of the fight…the POINT I made was that the cause was anything BUT religion. But the idiots on here think EVERY time a “Muslim” nation does something it’s only religious based. Of the 1.5 billion Muslims, most are as ‘religious’ as most Christians (re: just going through motions, cultural more than religious). And those “Muslim” countries get into conflicts that have NOTHING do with religion, but things like oil, boarder disputes, political power, etc.
You people are taking a 4th grade approach to history. It’s MUCH more convoluted and complicated than your little magical belief of “us good” and “them evil”.
#45 You’re a murder if you’re a Christian sir.
ALL Christian kill blacks, gays and Jews. All Christians are members of the KKK. What? That’s not true? The KKK, or the Oklahoma City bombers or NEO Nazi’s don’t represent ALL Christians? They’re just a radical fringe and 99% of Christians are boring normal people?
So they are 1.5 billion Muslims. Dude, if even 25% were radical and wanted to kill us that hundreds of millions…we’d be at constant full scale world war.
Your views of history, about how one side is always pure as the driven snow and the other cartoon mustache twirling evil is FUNNY but childish. Grow up. The world is far more complicated than your silly comic book view of it.
Muslims and Christians have been pissing on each other for 1,400 years.
In my personal view, both of you, both sides are IDIOTS and childish fools who kill each other over your made up sky gods, trying to prove who’s god has a bigger d**k. My god can beat up your god. My magical invisible god is real and your magical invisible god is fake!
GROW UP! You’re just violent dumb children killing each other over fictional characters. Zeus, Iris, Thor, Raven, Vishnu, Jehovah, Apollo, Rani, Jesus, Quan Yin, etc, etc are just made up mythological characters to make dumb people sleep well at night. STOP KILLING EACH OTHER OVER CHILDISH CRAP LIKE THIS!
My point is that this video is a very weak reason for why Muslims hate us, and that statement is false if it’s implying they ALL hate us, since we know they do not.
First argumnent about this is that it’s been over 200 years since those events, no one is alive now to remember this, and history books get re-written, just as it was in this video.
Next, like ECA said after Mohamed died, the Muslims broke up into many different factions with their own beliefs and agendas. Not everyone Muslim born is a killer, and doesn’t want to be in a constant battle against “infidels.”
rofl.. that had to go back to the 1700’s to make their case? -lol
Americans must be pretty stupid if any are buying into this BS.
The short answer is: we still need to create the illusion of an boogieman to keep the endless war on Liberty, er, terrorism justified. Why do you think they “picked” a muslim to go AWOL at fort hood? –to keep the muslim-hate illusion alive and foster the idea that now, “the terrorists are amongst us”? -there for we must allow government to become a full-on police state to protect us from “the enemy within”
Remember: “when one finger points forward, three are pointing back”
-you take that to the bank. (although there, you’ll be “terrorizes” by their
An absolutely ignorant piece of work. They hate us now for exactly the reasons stated by the left. They once hated us for the same or different reasons. So what?
You are being naive if you think that a significant portion of the conflicts in the Middle-East are not solely due to religious differences. What you clearly missed in my response is that BOTH the Japanese AND the various Muslim nations stated quite bluntly the reasons for their violence and in the case of Muslim nations it was always for religious reasons. We “think” the Muslims act with violence due to religion because that is what they tell the world after they attack someone. Grow up and face how the real world works. If you hit someone and say it is because pink leprechauns told you and you keep saying that every time you hit someone, we are left to conclude that you really think pink leprechauns commanded you to do it.
Where did anyone post any claim this is about “good” or “evil”. That is a strawman. This is about deluded people justifying violence because of their religion.
Again, a naive argument. If we were to compare the religious background of all terrorist attacks worldwide in the past 30 years, what do you suppose we would find?
Look at all the crap the USA did to China (suppression of Boxer rebellion), Vietnam (the war, duh), Native Americans etc…
None of those folks are truck bombing us now.
Its obviously the poisonous religion of islam itself, which radicalizes nations regardless of their ethnic origins.