The STATS study polled nearly 500 randomly selected members of the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union listed in American Men and Women of Science, the longtime “Who’s Who” directory of the scientific community. This provided the best glimpse into the views of prominent American scientists with expertise relevant to climate change. We asked them not only whether they thought global warming was occurring, but how severe the effects might be, and how certain they were about making such judgments.

As with all polls, the answers you get depend on the questions you ask. We found that almost all climate scientists believe that the world has been warming: 97% agree that “global average temperatures have increased” during the past century. But not everyone attributes that rise to human activity. A slight majority (52%) believe this warming was human-induced, 30% see it as the result of natural temperature fluctuations and the rest are unsure.

Dickmnixon reminds us in a comment that this study is from 2007, before Climategate. The numbers are probably lower nowadays.

  1. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: Cherman

    Another half-assed article from Cherman.

    Here is an up-to-date poll. (released in July, 2009)

    The poll was conducted by the Pew Research
    Center in collaboration with the American
    Association for the Advancement of Science


    View on climate change

    Warming is due to human activity…. ..49%………84%
    Warming is due to natural charges…. ..36%……. .10%
    No solid evidence Earth is
    warming…. 11%………4%

    Global warning is….

    Very serious problem………..47%…….70%
    Somewhat serious………………….…26%…….22%
    Not too serious …………………….11%……..4%
    Not a problem ………………………..13%……..2%

    Somehow Cherman “missed’ this poll.

    Cherman, please go on an extended vacation
    and take Dvorak with you.

    Note: There is no telling what this post
    will look like.

  2. JimR says:

    re:#31, Obamaforever, Somehow Cherman “missed’ this poll.”

    … and somehow you think your poll is more scientifically meaningful?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, Obamaforever,

    I admire a person who can do some research and post some facts. Good job !!!!!

    The only problem is you didn’t supply a link so forgive me but I got one for you.

  4. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: JimR
    per #32

    Here is information on the PEW/AAAS poll.

    The poll consisted of three surveys. Opinions of the general public were gathered in two telephone surveys, one of 2,001 adults in May 2009 and the other, a science knowledge quiz of 1,005 adults in June 2009. The survey of scientists was conducted online with a random sample of 2,533 members of the AAAS, the world’s largest general scientific society, in May and June 2009.

    The entire poll is available online.

    JimR, please tell me how the out-of-date Forbes’ poll was conducted.

  5. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: Mr. Fusion

    Thank you for the comment. My post #34 shows a link so I corrected my mistake. I was trying to make my poll post half-way intelligible so I was not thinking of a link.

    Anyway, links are lost on the tea baggers on this site. But is always good to be thorough!!.

    Mr. Fusion, I would like to apologize for the time you spent correcting nospam. His posts were pure junk. He gives out disinformation. He is a liar.

  6. bill says:

    Call NOW! Operators are standing buy!

    Scientists predict!

    Hit the MUTE!

  7. zancudocom says:

    OK, this does it, my Dvorak bookmark is officially trashed.

  8. bobbo, still no connection says:

    Maybe the good news is the coming crises has been studied enough and warned against enough that folks are even looking at what can be done once the crises is really upon us and everyone does agree “it is here.”

    Nice cheap way is to pump hydrogen sulfide into the stratosphere using hoses suspended from balloons. Some guy from Microsoft Inventions Investments (?) says it can be done. System acts like the large volcanic explosions we have seen that lowered the earths temperature 1-2 degrees for 1-2 years. “Mankinds Control of MotherEarth.” Kinda cool really. Screw urban or regional planning, controlling climate sounds like a gas (sic!)

    Now, the guy didn’t talk about the non-warming effects of pumpming HS into the stratosphere==but why talk about juggling more than one ball in the air when most still don’t believe that balls exist?

    Thank you Ah Yea==yes government assisted big time corporate fraud for ex-politicians/business men is something to contemplate. If I were a “nutbag” I would say Algore’s involvement IS PROOF that AGW is a fraud………..but really now, the truth is independent of the media hoopla/fraud/politics that surrounds and often engulfs it.

    Yes, pray verily that the science will continue.

  9. WTF says:

    Oh no you didn’t #37

  10. JimR says:

    Obamaforever, you just don’t get it. When did science become a product of voting? Science isn’t done by asking a room full of scientists to raise their hands for aye, or nay. Read my post #13 for more info.

    Now, tell me one statement I’ve made that’s a lie, and back it up.

  11. LibertyLover says:

    #33, Pointing out your hypocrisy . . . AGAIN

    How many times have you said that if “We the People” want something, we should get it?

    Well, it appears that “We the People” have said AGW is hogwash.

    Why would you sacrifice others to save your wife?

  12. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: JimR

    The reason I gave my poll because it is
    more up-to-date. Take it or leave it.

    Your post #40 and post #13 tells me you
    are insane. You rant and rave over
    something you do not understand!!!!!

  13. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: pedro

    per #42

    pedro, you are nothing but a critic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do something useful. Go home and wash your
    goat-it smells!!!!

  14. TThor says:

    I am pretty tired of the rants of Obamaforever… and all his aliases.
    But let just let him play. It is amusing as well…

  15. Buzz says:

    You can always trust in things Cherman reveals. He’s infallible.

  16. JimR says:

    Obamaforever, you are the worst ambassador for the climate change alarmists I’ve ever come across. You must be making poor Mr. Fusion cringe so much, that he feels the need for damage control on your posts (the only reason I can imagine), but no amount of damage control will fix stupidity.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, Loser,

    How many times have you said that if “We the People” want something, we should get it?

    None. Zero. Rien. Nada. etc. etc.

    And no, “We the People” haven’t said AWG is hogwash. I suggest you look at Obamaforever @ #31 and see yourself. A solid majority of people believe climate change is a problem and is caused by humans.

    Why do you hate America so much you have to lie about her?

  18. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Buzz
    per #46

    Cherman thinks he is the Pope!!!!

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, JimR,

    Obamaforever is on the money. You have lied. Repeatedly. And you have misrepresented the truth.

    You said you haven’t made up your mind yet you dismiss all the evidence and go with your hunch and non scientific mass hysteria.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, Obamaforever,

    Sir, one suggestion. Please don’t ever, EVER apologize for some POS tea bagger.

    Your sentiments are appreciated.


  21. bobbo, still a man of science and letters says:

    #47–JimR==yea!!! I haven’t followed Obamaforever closely but in this thread anyway he is being quite helpful and constructive with Fusions help in providing the link.

    WHAT????? You want every post to be about the scientific method even when the Original Post was about the stupidity of poll driven pop culture==and irrelevantly old to begin with??

    You sure you want to be a one note pony? In fact you are very wrong. Excellent to always keep in mind that science always proceeds by one man disagreeing with the accepted science but until that man stands up and presents his evidence, the consensus is exactly how, and the ONLY WAY, science and society proceeds.

    Find the orchestra of your wisdom and wit and stop salivating all over your piccolo.

  22. nospam says:

    #35 and #51:

    Are you two done swapping spit yet? Two numbers on the bill were transposed on that last thread. Fusion caught it, I corrected it. Grow the fuck up.

    So now I guess “tea bagger” is the new term for anyone who doesn’t agree with your particular brand of politics or just something you guys use as a crutch due to lack of imagination?

  23. LibertyLover says:


    Read #66 you hypocrite.

    We have told our representatives we want everyone covered.

    Where does it say that in the Constitution, hypocrite?

    Why would you let others die to save your wife?

  24. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    #55–Now Loser, this is NOT ABOUT everyone wanting to kill your wife, this is about finding ways to intelligently plan to safeguard our environment for our kiddies.

    How many kiddies will you force into an unclean degraded environment so that you can continue to pollute without paying for it?

    Round off to the nearest billion?

  25. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: nospam per #54

    Quote: from per #31 (see More On Obama’s Big Sellout)
    Section 7201 of HR 3692
    End of Quote.

    What it should have said: H.R.3962 Sec501 and the Internal Revenue Code section 7201 and 7203.

    nospam, yours was no common typo. This is a lot more then transposing two numbers.

    You were giving out disinformation either knowingly or unknowingly!!!

    Please no more posts from you. Disinformation has no place on this blog!!!!

  26. RBG says:

    How many kiddies will be deprived of medical care and other necessities of life as the nearest trillion is instead needlessly pumped into the fantasy that may or may not be Global Warming?


  27. nospam says:


    Oh yes, lots of big disinformation because I typed 3692 instead of 3962. How about I follow you around and rub your nose in every typo you make. Seriously, it that your best? You’re the diet coke of trolls.

  28. Thomas says:

    It’s not that simple. First, we aren’t “choosing” to be greener. Someone will dictate whether you are being green enough (unless you are wealthy enough to ignore those rules like Big Al). Second, you are ignoring opportunity costs. If we are spending billions to force people to be greener then we aren’t spending those billions on other uses such as clean water, paying down the debt, fixing roads, education and so on. Third, forcing businesses to be greener will mean increased costs which will compel more business to move to countries where it is cheaper to operate.

    The real question people should be asking is, “What would you be willing to give up to have stricter carbon emissions?” Would you be willing to give up any hopes of universal health care? Would you be willing to lose your job so that we might be a few degrees cooler in a couple of generations?

  29. JimR says:

    re: Mr.Fusion, “Obamaforever is on the money. You have lied. Repeatedly.”

    yeah, yeah… and you are incredibly gullible. You demand proof on the thread, by ask a scientist for proof and you are quite happy he lost the data… or deleted that which didn’t fit in with global warming.

  30. JimR says:

    #47, bobbo… when has a topic ever stayed on topic on DU?

    “Excellent to always keep in mind that science always proceeds by one man disagreeing with the accepted science but until that man stands up and presents his evidence, the consensus is exactly how, and the ONLY WAY, science and society proceeds.

    Where have you been? Hundreds of scientists have stood up and disagreed and presented valid evidence. Your blinders are on a little too tight.


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