Senate Democrats confidently advanced health care legislation Sunday toward a make-or-break test vote in a push for Christmas-week passage. Republicans vowed to resist what they appeared unable to stop.

Under Senate rules, Democrats needed 60 votes on three separate occasions to pass the measure. The first and most critical test was set for about 1 a.m. Monday. Democrats said Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson’s announcement Saturday that he would vote for the bill gave them the support they needed.

While most Americans are sleeping… yet no one seems to care.

  1. chuck says:

    Are Democrats incapable of conceding defeat?
    First Obama announces a “deal” at Copenhagen which does nothing to address climate change. Now they’ll pass a “health-care reform” bill which will result in mandatory payments to insurance companies, but no actual health-care reform.

    Well, at least they won’t be able to say “Bush did it”.

  2. Faxon says:

    This should clinch the Congress for the Republicans in November.

  3. Obamaforever says:

    Frrom: Obamaforever

    To: All

    As I write this the senate has not voted on the bill. We can assume it will pass so I write the following words:

    Senator Kennedy, this is your bill. You did good. I wished you were still alive to see the passing of the bill. Where ever he is I would like to think he is smiling down on the senate.

    Most of you anti-Health Care Reform People think this is the end of the Democratic Party. The party may have its ups and downs, but it will survive and grow stronger.

    It will be the Republican Party that will go down in flames. The reason for this is the simple fact everybody gets sick. You can tell all the lies you want, but people still will get sick and people will still need health care–affordable health care. This simple fact
    will destroy the Republican Party.

    With this I await the senate vote—the beginning of the end of the Republican Party.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Voting at 1am. Does the phrase “like thieves in the night”, ring a bell. Actually it’s Biblical.

    But Congress seems to like to sneak these things thru, at the wee hours of the night. And Chuck is right. It will probably be a financial boon to the insurance industry. Who is threatened by millions of American, going with health care. So making it mandatory, keep the insurers in the black (ink). But still doesn’t fix many of the inequalities.

    They may say they’ve eliminated “prior condition” exclusions. But I’ll bet there’s so clause allowed to charge such clients a much larger premium. And whatever anyone can’t afford. The government will supply. Which basically boils down to a subsidy for the health care system. But using this subterfuge to hide it.

  5. deowll says:

    #4 I’m in favor of health care reform however I expect health care reform to make the situation better.

    This is going to drive the cost of health care up for most people while putting the hurt on seniors. It is also going to mean most people are going to pay for years before they get jack.

    To put it bluntly if they had tried to pass a bill in parts they might have ended up with something. As it is I think they ended up selling just about everybody down the river starting with the voters.

  6. Uncle Patso says:

    Do I care that a bunch of Congresscritters will have to stay up late? No. I’ve sat up many a night tending to ill family members; let them have a taste of it if they can’t manage their affairs any better than that. Let them all have to work on this from eight A.M. until midnight every day until they get a passable bill, and I mean that in both senses of the word.

    And #6 Ryan, I, too, hope Texas succeeds, but if you mean secedes (from the Union) — ain’t gonna happen. As much as I hate and have always hated sedition laws, if all this talk of secession isn’t sedition I don’t know what is…

  7. LibertyLover says:

    Democrats said Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson’s announcement Saturday that he would vote for the bill gave them the support they needed.

    Yeah, he held out until they beat him with large pork projects for his state . . . just like Mary Landrieu.

    What, you thought he “saw the light” or something?

  8. Bob says:

    From: The Republicans
    To: The Democrats

    Thanks for giving us back control of congress. We know we screwed up, alienated, and never listened to our voters in the decade we had control, but you manged to do the same thing in just a fraction of that time. Amazing, our hats off to you for self destructing in record time!

  9. Mac Guy says:

    I have never understood how it is the job of the government to resolve every perceived social inequity.

  10. SparkyOne says:

    fuckn pigs play the poverty/unemployment line so close that many between 55 and 65 do not qualify.

    These asshole need their lives cut short

  11. Godfish says:

    I bought it all, when Bush ran I saw a man that was as stupid as could be, he couldn’t even talk? and sounded like a moron. Even knowing that the whole system is a scam I had to vote ageist him, and when he ran again I thought the country had really lost it’s mind and why would anyone vote this guy in again? so I voted ageist him again. And when I heard the buzz about Obama and the promises he made I thought that this country had come to it’s senses and we could get back on track again.

    But I will never vote again, and if you think voting has anything to do with our system your as stupid as me! I’m done with this country and I don’t care what it does now. The rest of my life will be spent trying to keep as much of my money away from them as I can.

    I say YES on NO! from now on.

    Now I don’t have a job, I don’t have health care, and I will be charged for something I can’t even get.

    I just don’t know why I need to pay to be alive! I was born on this planet and I have to pay to live here, I hate slum lords.

  12. t0llyb0ng says:

    It’s not Ted Kennedy’s bill without the government option.

    Does anyone know, are the health insurance companies still going to be for-profit corporations if this bill passes? Just wondering.

  13. MikeN says:

    Godfish, that sounds like one of George Will’s Chicago Cubs conservatives.

  14. Mathue says:

    Methinks you might want to re-read what was voted on folks. I’m pretty sure this is the normal procedure of three sets of votes. This one I believe was the ‘End to debate’ vote which is hardly unusual. Why it matters that it happened at 1am I’m not sure. How would doing it at 3pm change anything?

  15. soundwash says:

    This is Just Great.. The 535 ignorant and fraudulent in congress have propped up the 60 completely *treasonous*, bought and payed for traitors in the senate that voted “Yay” for the health care bill.

    I still cannot fathom how *anyone* in their right mind, -or in the media (bought off or not) can allow this complete act of treason and fraud to continue unabated and unreported in full truth to our people and the world at large.

    This has taken us one step closer to sealing this country’s fate forever by binding America to a proxy Global Corporate Fascist Dictatorship run by the Rockefellers and all the other tyrannical and traitorous factions on the planet that control all the shadow governments involved in the the One World, Global Government charade.

    You cannot have reform of any kind, anywhere without first addressing the rampant and systemic corruption that has been coursing through our government like a cancerous plague for over a century.

    How can anyone believe that their is any legitimacy whatsoever to this health care debacle when the criminals who created and wrote the laws that have led [and continue to lead] our country to economic and financial RUIN are in FACT, the very same disgraceful people who have written and promoted the health care bill?

    -Further, these are in fact, the very same people who are now FULLY AWARE and yet sill FULLY IGNORE, the wholesale rampant and systemic fraud that they themselves participated in, whether complicit or not, in relation to the CO2 Climate Scandal [known as Climategate] and STILL, we hear not a peep, NOT A PEEP! -of outrage from our dully elected officials on a matter that has accounted for the outright thievery of untold billions of not only the people’s money in America, but WORLDWIDE as well.

    How can ANY ONE OF YOU dare, -DARE to stand up and cheer in victory and shout “Job well done, -We have done a great thing and Triumphed for our People today!” -when you have willfully allowed the people you elected, for whom you proudly call the Leaders Of The Free World, to repeatedly lie for years on end not only to your face, but to your countryman’s faces as well?

    Is this is how we, the once honored and cherished people of the Free World pay homage to our brethren who came before us?

    Who sacrificed not only their lives, but entire generations of their familes so that we, as their envisioned progeny, could live a True Life of Liberty and Prosperity?

    -They, who fought and spilled their blood willingly, so that we would learn by example and never have to know first hand as they did, the tyranny of lies, deceit and double speak that spewed from the mouths of those who thought themselves to be royalty, kings, queens and nobleman, -and that such tyrannous titles would never be sought after or created again here in the new promised land they died for.

    This is how we repay their sacrifice?

    By not only accepting, but willfully promoting once again, the tyranny, lies and deciet as the order of the day and as a means to and end, we have spat upon the sacrifice of our fore fathers and are now wilfully driving a stake through the very heart of not only our Country and it’s future, but also that of Humanity’s as well.

    We have now just traded our Mortal Coil, the very Soul, Heart and Liberty of our planet and it’s people..and gained nothing in return but perhaps, a vale of tears.

    These words are from my Heart and my heart is truly lost.. -for it knows no longer, the country from which it was born.


  16. Dallas says:

    While most Americans are sleeping… yet no one seems to care

    Agreed. Americans were anxiously awaiting to watch this on C-SPAN LIVE. Now look what they’ve done. Those slimy democrats.

  17. LibertyLover says:


    Slimy is right.

    My favorite line:

    The deal gives Nelson’s home state of Nebraska “a permanent exemption from the state share of Medicaid expansion for Nebraska, meaning federal taxpayers have to kick in an additional $45 million in the first decade,” as Politico notes.

  18. Dallas says:

    #20 My first reaction to your shocking discovery was that deal making to pass legislation is ordinary, so WTF is LibertyLoser complaining about.

    My second reaction was, $45M over a decade? Is he serious. I think the military spends $45M A YEAR on bubblegum (to give away).

  19. Redneckerson says:

    #21, Perhaps you should read the rest of the article . . .

    And if “free” Health Care was so important, why should a Senator want $45M to vote for it?

    You are treading in quicksand if you think this was standard deal making. This was not a compromise.

    This was outright bribery and you know it.

  20. LibertyLover says:

    Quoted from Campaign For Liberty:

    Left-liberal Glenn Greenwald points out that the health industry’s stocks are exploding as Obamacare comes close to passing. This bill is a huge gift to big business, as much as its supporters and some of its opponents claim otherwise. In another post, he notes that the tea party movement and the progressive left, the latter of which opposes a health insurance mandate so long as it doesn’t have a public option, are actually more in agreement than people realize as it concerns their opposition to corporatism:

    It’s certainly true that health care opponents on the left want more a expansive plan while opponents on the right want the opposite. But the objections over the mandate are largely identical — it’s a coerced gift to the private health insurance industry that underwrites the Democratic Party. The same was true over opposition to the bailout, objections to lobbying influence over Washington, and most of all, the growing anger that Washington serves the interests of financial elites at the expense of the working class.

    Whether you call it “a government takeover of the private sector” or a “private sector takeover of government,” it’s the same thing: a merger of government power and corporate interests which benefits both of the merged entities (the party in power and the corporations) at everyone else’s expense. Growing anger over that is rooted far more in an insider/outsider dichotomy over who controls Washington than it is in the standard conservative/liberal ideological splits from the 1990s.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    It’s about time


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