Amazing how the AP spins this story, turning “a dictator increasing his force” into “a leader improving the nation’s security”:

President Hugo Chavez launched a federal police force on Sunday that he hopes will change the overwhelmingly negative image most Venezuelans have of their public security forces while reducing crime in one of Latin America’s most violent countries.

“We are going to defeat crime,” Chavez told uniformed cadets belonging to the newly formed National Bolivarian Police Force during his weekly television and radio show. “We are tackling one of our population’s most sensitive problems: crime prevention.”

  1. Floyd says:

    With all the clashing colors (plus the bird), he looks like he belongs in a circus. Yet another crazy dictator…

  2. Father says:

    No one rules without the consent of the majority. The many outnumber the one.

    This is how Ghandi won.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    I call him Melonhead.

  4. chudez says:

    Not to be inflammatory, but “a dictator increasing his force” is also a form of spin and bias. I can remember similar headlines, but the country was “Philippines” instead of “Venezuala” and the figurehead was “Marcos” rather than “Chavez”, the major difference being that Marcos was ostensibly Uncle Sam’s boy.

  5. Glass Half Full says:

    P.S. Chavez is a joke. The most pathetic of minor league wanna-be leaders. Just ignore him.

  6. The Warden says:

    When all is said and done, Obama will have to take refuge in Venezuela for the crimes he will commit here.

  7. ruffy says:

    You know, half the stuff Chavez says on his show doesn’t happen because his underlings don’t have the ability or funding to make it come together the way he wants? I wouldn’t be too worried until this national police actually starts cracking down on the people.

  8. Noel says:

    Why is he a dictator? Unlike George Bush, he was actually elected by a (large) majority twice.

  9. Relik says:

    Why the hell are you criticizing Chavez when the Feds are taking over all state and local government police forces here in the US. Do you really think it’s any different than there? We are now part of a global crime syndicate with the Federal government acting as enforcer, knocking our heads and keeping us in line.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    You want to get rid of this guy? Get the price of a barrel of oil down to $35 and he will be gone in the next election he holds. If he doesn’t have the oil profits to buy off the slums, he will be run out of the country. With current oil prices he has 10-15 more years before the tremendous damage he is doing to the economy catches up with him.

  11. jescott418 says:

    Is that his Secretary of State on his shoulder?
    Why do these countries have such nut jobs as leaders? Is it just a natural progression for power hungry nut jobs to aspire to rule a country?

  12. Hatman says:

    I don’t understand why most Americans hate Hugo Chavez so much but have never even heard of Hu Jintao. He is popular in Venezuela, he isn’t going to invade anyone, just leave him alone.

  13. travelsTooMuch says:

    “We are going to defeat crime,” Chavez told uniformed cadets belonging to the newly formed National Bolivarian Police Force during his weekly television and radio show. “We are tackling one of our population’s most sensitive problems: crime prevention.”

    Would you please get the country right? The answer is: Venezuela.

  14. jealousmonk says:

    You mean he’s, gulp, tough on crime?

  15. Hatman says:


    For future reference, would you be more discouraged by:

    A) Me telling you that being obnoxious does not increase your credibility.


    B) Ignoring you.

  16. Rick Cain says:

    Its a good idea. Venezuela still is in the hands of the ultra wealthy, and they have their own militias.


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