Kirk Maxey and Two of his Many Children

It’s a crisp fall day in Northville, Mich., a small suburb of Ann Arbor, and Kirk Maxey, a soft-spoken, graying baby boomer with a classic square jaw, is watching his 12-year-old son chase a soccer ball toward the goal. Maxey is doing what he does every Saturday, along with hundreds of other family men and women across the country, but he’s not your average soccer dad. Maxey, 51, happens to be one of the most prolific sperm donors in the country. Between 1980 and 1994, he donated at a Michigan clinic twice a week. He’s looked at the records of his donations, multiplied by the number of individual vials each donation produced, and estimated the success of each vial resulting in a pregnancy. By his own calculations, he concluded that he is the biological father of nearly 400 children, spread across the state and possibly the country.

When Maxey was a medical student at the University of Michigan, his first wife, a nurse at a fertility clinic, persuaded him to start donating sperm to infertile couples. Maxey became the go-to stud for the clinic because his sperm had a high success rate of making women pregnant, which brought in good money for the clinic. Maxey himself made about $20 a donation, but says he was motivated to donate more out of a strong paternal instinct and sense of altruism. “I loved having kids, and to have these women doomed to wandering around with no family didn’t seem right, and it’s easy to come up with a semen donation,” he says. “You would get a personal phone call from a nurse saying, ‘The situation is urgent! We have a woman ovulating this morning. Can you be here in a half hour?’ “

Single-handedly destroying the planet…eugenicists need to take this guy out NOW!

  1. eggman9713 says:

    While it is his genetic code in each one of these children, from a legal standpoint he is not the father of any of them.

  2. McCullough says:

    #1. Lucky for him, eh?

  3. sargasso says:

    Paternity lawsuits addressing sperm donors, are becoming common. The Boston Globe http://bit.ly/sy4Xh

  4. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: All

    I hope he is not a Repuke.

    Repuke genes are baaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!

  5. Dale says:

    I think he’s making another deposit or something behind that coat..I see no hands.

  6. Loupe Garou says:

    To: Obamaforever

    From: Repukes

    How do you think Obama got that cream in his coffee?

  7. Troublemaker says:

    Quality not quantity…

  8. Father says:

    With 400 kids, what is the chance this douch bag will have a two of his half children married? Father of the bride and the son?

  9. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Loupe Garou Per #6

    How do you think Obama got that cream in his coffee?
    End of quote.

    I think Obama got that cream in his coffee by milking Palin.

    RIM SHOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Give it up, Loupe Garou. I eat Repukes like you for breakfast.

  10. Dr Dodd says:

    So he’s going with the strong paternal instinct defense.

    400? No, I’d say that this guy just likes to choke his chicken. Wonder if getting paid for it makes him a prostitute?

  11. deowll says:

    Single-handedly destroying the planet…eugenicists need to take this guy out NOW!

    A eugenicists might approve. I strongly suspect this guy has good genes.

    The man made global warming crowd on the other hand seems to be in favor of genocide the slow way by limiting reproduction in those groups they disapprove off. If they practice on themselves what they want to do to others it should improve the species a good deal.

  12. Faxon says:

    What a jerk.

  13. Faxon says:

    #9 Lame. If that is your example of how you “eat repukes like you for breakfast”, Obama is a one- term president. Now that the country has seen how liberals govern, and how dumb people like you are, there is no doubt we will be done with them in November in Congress, and it is only a question of who will get the nomination in 2012. Nice job on that crooked Health Care scam with which your party just bribed the holdout votes, and screwed the entire country. Hope you like paying more for your health insurance to insure bums.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #12 – Faxon – What a Jerk-off.

    Fixed that for you.

  15. RSweeney says:

    Why all the anger?

    This fellow has helped hundreds of women and couples have the joy of children.

  16. KMFIX says:

    This would never happen in China!

  17. McCullough says:

    #15. “This fellow has helped hundreds of women and couples have the joy of children.”

    Plus he got 20 Bucks a POP!

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #17 – McCullough – Plus he got 20 Bucks a POP!

    Plus free porn.

  19. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: Faxon (aka King of the Repukes) per #13

    I am thinking you voted for Mr. McNasty and Caribou Barbie.

    You will do the same stupid thing in 2012 and vote for a another pair of Repukes.

    bye, King

  20. wirelessg says:

    His codename at the clinic was “Tiger”. What a coincidence.

  21. Zybch says:

    Him and his cumcatcher mustache should be taken out of the gene pool.

  22. plumbum says:

    The guy sounds like a jerk-off! Lol!

  23. Rich says:

    He’s a good-looking and likely intelligent man. Good for him. I hope he keeps donating and his young crowd out the dumbasses on this planet.

  24. Dr Dodd says:

    I bet people cross the street to avoid shaking hands with him.

  25. Dave Simpson says:

    If his one daughter needs a donation, I’d be happy to provide her with services the “natural” way.


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