Cryo-squirrels give scientists a wake-up call – – Crikey! The miracle of squirrel juice!

  1. Animby says:

    You have to wonder about the validity of the science when they say things like a hibernating squirrel is “…not vulnerable to radiation.”

  2. RTaylor says:

    We study both Squirrel and Moose, yes Natasha

  3. deej says:

    Who is to say that hibernation (as a trait) was not selected out as we humans became more technologically advanced? No need to hibernate once you can make fire.

  4. soldierjoy says:

    Decades to other galaxys?

    Light takes 2 million years to get here from the nearest galaxy, other then the one we are in.

  5. honeyman says:

    #4 One swig of Dr Shyshova’s Pure Squirrel Juice and you WILL sleep for two million years or longer 😉


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