
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin said she cut short her Hawaii vacation because of paparazzi, who photographed her wearing a sun visor with the name of John McCain blacked out.

The pictures were circulated widely on the Internet with speculation the redaction was a slight against McCain, but Palin said she meant no disrespect to her former GOP running mate.

“In an attempt to ‘go incognito,’ I Sharpied the logo out on my sun visor so photographers would be less likely to recognize me and bother my kids or other vacationers,” Palin said in a statement.

“I am so sorry if people took this silly incident the wrong way. I adore John McCain, support him 100 percent and will do everything I can to support his re-election,” the former Alaska governor said.

Other photographs of the Palins relaxing on the beach showed up on celebrity Web sites such as http://www.tmz.com.

“Todd and I have since cut our vacation short because the incognito attempts didn’t work and fellow vacationers were bothered for the two days we spent in the sun. So much for trying to go incognito,” she said.

Riiiiight, she couldn’t afford another cap, so she crossed out McCain’s name. What a classy broad.

  1. JimR says:

    So don’t go to a public beach.

    … Wait… that requires thinking ahead and she already used the sharpiest pen in the box.

  2. Floyd says:

    Palin is apparently not a political animal, and apparently had no clue that blocking out McCain’s name on her visor would have political repercussions.

    I’m mostly a Democrat. I actually like John McCain, but Palin worries me enough that I would never vote for her as a Presidential or Vice Presidential candidate.

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    Nice touch.

    Yes, a definite message is being sent. Besides, not advertising for a RINO cross-the-aisle loser is pure gravy.

    Looks like the new sheriff is not going to be the same as the old sheriff.

  4. amodedoma says:

    I’ll bet she’ll end up wishing she never got involved in politics. I think she’s a noteworthy woman, but she’s just isn’t slick enough to stand up to so much public scrutiny.

  5. riker17 says:

    Are you sure this is Sarah, doesn’t really look like her.

  6. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever

    To: All

    Who knew? Who Knew?

    Who knew that Palin was stupid AND cheap?

    We Knew! We knew!

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m thinking along with Dodd. #3.

    So she blacks out McCain and looks directly at the cameras just to be sure to get a good picture.

    Ok, why? Either she is a complete moron (possible) or she is intentionally setting herself up as the “alternative” Republican. (??)

    I can see a campaign lead-in slogan. “I’m the Anti-McCain”.

  8. Faxon says:

    Who cares? God! The news junkies are always desperate this time of year, aren’t they? The fact that this woman is still headline news is encouraging. Maybe Secretary of Commerce or something in the next administration. Obama is a one term president. Get over it, and get used to seeing more of Sarah in the future.

  9. WTF says:

    Really you couldn’t find another cap??

  10. RBG says:

    Her skillful manipulation of the press and blogs for her own purposes is breathtaking. Or maybe she was trying to go incognito.


  11. deowll says:

    “Riiiiight, she couldn’t afford another cap, so she crossed out McCain’s name. What a classy broad.”

    Let me guess, the person that posted this is constantly buying and throwing away things that aren’t used up, worn out, etc. In other words another wasteful consumer using up all the planets resources causing the people in the third world to be poor!

    Well that’s what a liberal says about others.

    They are just being cool when they do it.

  12. bac says:

    If she was a normal person, she would have just worn the hat without the redact. I see normal people driving around in cars with bumper stickers for candidates for previous elections.

    Sometimes the act of trying to hide something makes the something just that more visible.

    She could have worn a different hat. I am sure she has more than one hat. Most woman have a couple of everything. Or she could have found a blue shaprie instead.

    She is like the clutz that tries very hard not to be a clutz but ends up being a weird clutz.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    But she’s hot… right?

  14. Postman says:

    No one wants to talk about how her book is written to a 6th grade reading level. I guess it doesn’t reflect upon her though, because she didn’t actually write it.

    The only other Reginery book I’ve read was art bells book. It also was really dumbed down, are all the right wing books like that?

  15. Todd Peterson says:

    Don’t you guys have anything better to than to slam Palin? Isn’t the worlds greatest scam by the psychiatric patient and criminal liar St. Al Gore more important????

  16. soundwash says:


    wtf…This is an “AP worthy” story??

    This is a total psyop “filler” distraction story to keep the brain-dead, fluoridated lemmings of America firmly entrenched in pointless scandal & gossip “news”.

    -This, to further ensure that NO SIGN of Climategate , or the data leaked at Copenhagen [and the complete failure of Copenhagen and outrage by the 3rd worlders] along with the proof provided by Russia that the the entire CO2/Greenhouse gas Climate movement was a planet-wide manipulation-scandal 30+ years in the making, which also implicates every “1st world” western govenment their science organizations (ie: NASA et al)

    -from ever showing up in MSM headline news.

    That AP actually provided a link in the article to TMZ.com

    Other photographs of the Palins relaxing on the beach showed up on celebrity Web sites such as tmz.

    . AP pushing celebrity sites? (-wtf?)

    -only further illustrates the subtle programming used in the “news” to recruit even more lemmings into the scandal/gossip rag “news” world and away from any real news that might [perish the thought], make the lemmings aware of the the real motives behind Climate Change, the “green movement” and the ultimate goal of the current and prior administration at large..

    Excuse me, but hasn’t AP been very vocal against bloggers and the like, linking to, or using their articles?

    That AP Press Writer Jaymes Song had a hand in the article tells you right their that it was a manipulated sham article.

    wake up people.


  17. Surfer Dude says:

    Hey, she got your attention… suckers!!!!

  18. Dallas says:

    I knew under all that make up she was poor white trash.

  19. Phydeau says:

    #16 Is it a full moon tonight?

    -This, to further ensure that NO SIGN of Climategate , or the data leaked at Copenhagen [and the complete failure of Copenhagen and outrage by the 3rd worlders] along with the proof provided by Russia that the the entire CO2/Greenhouse gas Climate movement was a planet-wide manipulation-scandal 30+ years in the making, which also implicates every “1st world” western govenment their science organizations (ie: NASA et al)

    Wow, an enormous planet-wide conspiracy by thousands of scientists, for 30+ years, and no one has gotten a whiff of it until now. Amazing! That people could be so dumb as to believe in global, decades-long conspiracies involving thousands of people.

  20. Bhelverson says:

    I adore John McCain, support him 100 percent and will do everything I can to support his re-election . . . .

    And over in snowy Washington, John McCain realizes that his reelection chances are toast.

  21. ROFL pal says:

    More media attention for her yet again, which will help sell more of her books and get her elected as the first woman president if not in 2012, 2016. It’s so funny how the libs get all worked up about the use of a Sharpie as if it’s anything more than a National Enquirer issue. ROFL. Hey guys, keep the stupidity coming I can’t stop laughing when you make these inane comments about a soccer mom who has tons more power than you could ever dream of.

  22. qb says:

    She hasn’t really left high school yet, has she?

  23. cfk says:

    A question to consider:

    How would the media have played this if she hadn’t blacked out McCain’s name?

    Just asking.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    Did anyone notice that that shirt makes her butt look big?


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