This episode is about global warming. Here are parts 2, 3 and 4.

  1. Father says:

    Great work C!

  2. freddybobs68k says:

    Amusing for all the wrong reasons. It’s by the numbers ham-fisted propaganda.

  3. What the...? says:

    Holy crap! I was really looking forward to seeing this…and then it started. This is such mainstream schlock it’s unwatchable. Which is surprising since it’s Jesse Ventura here. But the over-the-top music and extreme (laughable even) melodrama is spread as thick as anything you’d see on CSI.

    Can’t anybody just report the news without making it out to be some sort of action thriller?

    C’mon Jesse, don’t become what you used to deride.

  4. KMFIX says:


  5. bobbo, how do you know what you know and how do you change your mind says:

    Yep, unwatchable. Scientific inquiry is not advanced by pop culture hyping.

    Its a given in our society, perhaps all societies, that “any” issue will get the flim-flam treatment by every quick buck artist that has access to stupid people with money, or government in general.

    THAT has nothing to do with the science–it varies independently from the concomitant fraud.

    QUESTION: to anyone who sits thru the show==do they confront the science? Which part at what time?


  6. Father says:

    The schlock is needed to reach the mainstream viewer.

    I’ve been watching a lot of TV lately, and if the number of, and content of those “Hollywood” gossip shows is any indication, this schlock is now required to tell any story. Even the national news is full of schlocky computer graphics.

  7. Carcarius says:

    It’s called TV entertainment. Anything that hopefully gets people thinking is a good thing. Ham-fisted, over-the-top… whatever. Look at it objectively and decide for yourself if the connections they draw have merit, or don’t watch the show. What they are doing no worse than what they do on the “History” channel. Jesse’s a badass!

    I watched the episode about 9/11 and they had a guy who knew flight operators who said that the black boxes of the planes contained proof that the hijackers were in the cockpit before the planes even took off, with the implication that there was no resistance in getting into the cockpit and getting clearance for takeoff.

  8. honeyman says:

    Man that was dreadful.

  9. User7 says:

    Hearing Jesse Ventura on Howard Stern inspired me to read his book which was kind of a let down. I like his question the government attitude but every other chapter in the book was mostly patting himself on the back. Still I was looking forward to this show, but the over the top melodrama has turned me off. I guess once a wrestler always a wrestler.

  10. Faxon says:

    The people will wake up when Judge Judy exposes this Global Warming scam. Until then, we can do without this crap.

  11. What the...? says:

    Jesse is a badass. I think he’s great, but as long as shows like this continue to treat the watcher like a 9 year old then the more people will continue to devolve into 9 year olds.

    You want an educated, informed and overall educated and inquisitive population? Then don’t serve them crap like this. Treat them like adults who want to know the truth and they just might start rising to that level.

    The lowest common denominator isn’t something to strive for.

    BTW, it’s just my opinion, but a great example of informative reporting for adults is Frontline. News for dummies doesn’t have to be the norm.

  12. Marc Perkel says:

    Jesse Ventura once said that Christians were “weak minded”. I guess he’s cashing in on that, and they are cashing in on him. He’s just another sell out.

  13. Buzz says:

    Great job Cherman. Once again you have managed to throw the issue under the bus. With guys like you watching out for us, chlorophyl is doomed.

  14. AdmFubar says:

    the guy off jessie’s right look like a face lifted charles nelson riley

  15. jccalhoun says:

    Thank goodness. I was starting to worry that we might go a whole day without an anti-global warming story posted on…

  16. Zybch says:

    #12 So? He is absolutely right.

  17. JimR says:

    Well, this isn’t as flashy and full of crap as “An Inconvenient Truth”, but hey, what’s good for the goose….

  18. qb says:

    #5 bobbo, read this paper ‘You and Your Research‘ by Richard Hamming. It’s good for the other side of your brain.

    “But most great scientists are well aware of why their theories are true and they are also well aware of some slight misfits which don’t quite fit and they don’t forget it. Darwin writes in his autobiography that he found it necessary to write down every piece of evidence which appeared to contradict his beliefs because otherwise they would disappear from his mind. When you find apparent flaws you’ve got to be sensitive and keep track of those things, and keep an eye out for how they can be explained or how the theory can be changed to fit them.”

  19. Mark T. says:

    Gotta love Jesse Ventura! I hope he runs for the presidency in 2012.

    I have been saying that AGW is about money, power, and control for a very long time. This show was a little “over-produced” but, hey, that is what it takes to get people to watch this kind of stuff these days. This is aimed at average people, not the talking heads set.

  20. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    I saw JV give a talk on CSPAN promoting his book, and I was impressed with how astute he seemed to be (for a show biz wrestler).

    Now this… look, people who see conspiracies going on everywhere don’t understand how dumb human beings can be, i.e. if some ‘secret’ cabal tries to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes they also have to contend with keeping the big secret, not to mention the possibility of someone in their organization saying to themselves, “Hey, if I expose this to the media, I could set it up to sell the story and put my kids through college, or at least put in a new swimming pool”.

  21. Mark T. says:

    KneeJerk Optimist,

    I think you are assuming that whistle blowers are out to make a fast buck. From my experience, whistle blowers are driven by their conscience and not their pocketbook.

    Very few whistle blowers get rewarded (or even thanked). Many, if not most, lose their jobs, are persecuted, and are often sued for slander.

    I think that there is a very good chance that the “hacker” that stole the emails from the University of East Anglia climate research computer database was an insider. If you notice, no one to date has claimed responsibility for releasing those emails. That is very unusual for a computer hacker. Most hackers use an anonymous handle anyways and they love to brag to their hacker buddies about what they have accomplished.

    There is a very high likelihood that this “hacker” is actually a whistle blower that knows that there are shenanigans afoot. They likely did not “hack” into the computers from outside but rather just copied the files to a flash drive or CD-ROM, or some other means.

    No one has “put in a new swimming pool” over this. Only the politicians and power brokers that stood to gain power, prestige, control, and/or revenue have lost anything on this.

  22. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    Very good, Mark. You might be right about what you say, but I’m just pointing out the fallacy of what just looks to me like simple paranoia in a lot of well known people who may actually be just charismatic phonies when all is said and done.

  23. JimR says:

    qb, although not directed at moi, thanks for posting Richard Hamming’s Bell seminar. I’m passing it on to my son. It was an interesting read.

  24. Animby says:

    Sorry. Watched his first show on HAARP and couldn’t believe how poorly the show was put together. How artificial the confrontation was and how dumb Ventura seemed. I will not subject myself to more.

    He was a great wrestler, a mediocre governor and is now showing he’s a failure at schlock TV. Whoever (above) said he hoped the man would run for Prez, well you’re just out of your mind or trying to be sardonic. I pray the latter.

  25. Awake says:

    Now for some more intelligent info:

    Hey… it even includes John’s favorite charts showing periodicity of climate change!

  26. Mark T. says:

    Sorry, Awake, the 70’s still sucked.

    As for your vid link, I find it hard to take any documentarian seriously that uses the movie “Soylent Green” as part of their scientific argument for AGW. Or in a 1958 Bell Telephone Science Hour newsreel predicting that Miami’s tallest skyscrapers would be 150 feet underwater. How high have sea levels in Miami risen? Maybe an inch? Tops? Waterworld it ain’t. It’s all bunk.

    There is no crisis. This is all Chicken Little politics. We are not going to die in a biblical flood. We won’t even get our socks wet. This is all part of the planet’s natural reaction to the sun’s natural solar cycles. Get over it.

    This vid of yours just shows that the Chicken Little alarmists have been around for decades, if not centuries, and time has shown them to be totally inaccurate if not flat out wrong.

    Oh, as for Svante Arrhenius, he was born in 1854. If you think his 19th century CO2 predictions were prognosticative then you suggest that you also look into the predictions of Nostradamus. They probably have a lot in common.

  27. deowll says:

    While the show failed to actually produce any real proof other than the obvious fact that many leading alarmist are making big bucks and stand to make huge fortunes off the anti-carbon movement, I have actually been digging on the net and others better informed than I am have provided the proof that Jesse’s basic claim is correct. Man made global warming is now 95% scare tactics by people intent on making money and gaining power.

    The claim is backed up by the the British emails and the data out of Russia on what was done by the Brits with the Russian data is more than enough proof that the man made climate change crowd are devoted to suppressing any data that goes against their agenda and ….”managing” the rest so that it shows what they want it to show and the reason has to be money/power unless somebody can prove someone can get laid out of this. ?8^)

    It is true that the CO2 increase does have very some modest impact on temperatures but nothing to have a cow about. It certainly isn’t enough to negate the current cooler trend.

    The other big issue is that the upper atmospheric clouds that are supposed to trap heat in the upper atmosphere as the planet warms don’t appear to be a real threat. The upper atmospheric clouds sink of their own weight and the upper layer of the atmosphere remains cool failing to trap the earth’s heat as the scare mongers claimed they would. That is based on recent satellite data.

    Yeah I know I should have provided links but many of the best links have already been posted on this site if you guys have been willing to follow them.

  28. deowll says:

    #18 Thanks for the link. It appears that if you want to do big science first you need big money. In order to get that you need a big problem. I guess we all knew that.

    However once you have found a big problem and big funding it is obviously going to rather painful shall we say to publish data that suggests the big problem is in fact a little one and that we need to move on to other projects.

    If you do that your status and your funding will both go away so the temptation is going to be obvious to keep the gravy train rolling into your lab as long as you can find a way to do it. I think this is exactly what has happened with the man made global warming crowd.

    If you look hard there is more than enough evidence now on hand to suggest man made global warming is not a major or even a minor problem though of course pollution still is.

    The problem is if you are a climatologist whose career is based on doing research on global warming there is no golden parachute nor easy way to transfer over to something else making the same kind of money with the same level of perks. What are you supposed to do? Start working on the need to recycle plastics in order to save the oceans?

    I’d say their best bet is to try and get a scare going about CO2 causing the oceans to go acid and everything is going to die never mind if its true or not.

  29. Zbguy says:

    Very interesting program, very important topic and good revelations. The dramaturgy is however HOPELESS! Such an important issue gets ridiculed by the Cloak & Dagger style drama. Too bad.

  30. BertDawg says:

    The simplest answer to all this horseshit is TIME. Don’t do anything irrevocable, and PAY ATTENTION. Simply wait and let time show us the truth. When the planet fails to warm, when the oceans fail to rise, when famine fails to overtake the world, etc., the truth will gradually become undeniable, even to the mental midgets. When the planet, in fact, continues to get colder, it will be interesting to see what new hysteria we’ll be handed.


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