- iPhone all over the news.
- Verizon already talking about the iPhone and Palm new offerings.
- iPhone selling big overseas.
- Dark matter being tracked down.
- Psystar company gives up for good.
- VMware Fusion3 is out.
- Military analysts say the iPhone may be useful in war?
- Bing for the iPhone coming out as MSFT gets sued for using the name Bing.
- Waterworld exists.
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On Tuesday, Apple won a permanent injunction against Psystar following summary judgement in favor of Apple’s claims of copyright infringement and violation of the DMCA. (court document PDF). The court orders that Psystar is now prevented from the following:
Basically ANYTHING to do with manufacturing a Mac clone…
Here’s the Dark Matter story:
It isn’t only the iPhone but all cell phones now have GPS tracking built in with trapdoors for the government intelligence agencies to track the location of the phone. Again, all cell phones made since 2001 have this GPS tracking built in. Knowing there is an active cell phone in any location is important in warfare and probably in targeting specific people.
This is a big use to the DEA, especially since the dope growers in Mendocino County all use cell phones and don’t seem to care that the phones guide the sheriff when he comes to make an arrest with the DEA in tow.
I don’t even care to see AVATAR. And yet that’s all anyone in media talks about (or is paid to). And with a supposed $500 million dollar price tag. I think it ought to be investigated by the SEC or something. “Sky Captain” only cost about $70 million. Which was the last all CGI flick I bothered to see. Not as 3D as Avatar is. But can that make such a huge difference in cost? Seems like the production and marketing bill is heavily padded. Screwing their investors. Maybe this is now the newest form of investment fraud. Over-priced movie budgets. Not as bad as Bernie Madoff. But they’re getting there.
After hearing (reading) here that the climate scientists probably faked the world temperature data, to prove AGW. Why shouldn’t we be suspicious about this “waterworld” claim. Coincidence, that the Moon water news isn’t selling with the public, as much as they hoped. So now the scientists believe a distant world, is nothing but water. So I guess by extension of that revelation, it must be teaming with evolved life. Not that there’s any solid proof of any of this. But that won’t stop these scientists from end running past the old review process, and going public, to help bring in the research bucks.
#5 The climate fakers are getting big government grants by using scare tactics.
I don’t think there is any money to be made off finding this planet and it basically figures that a big stony planet in the life zone would show up before a small one because the bigger they are the easier they are to locate.
It is more or a less a given that a large stony planet in the life zone will have have a thick atmosphere and be mostly or entirely covered by water. Even a 1960’s level of earth science will tell you that.
Last and not least this claim will be checked out by their competition and if nobody else can find it their reputation is shot.
The climate scare mongers were in part getting away with their claims because at one time it was at least possible they were telling the truth or at worst not completely wrong. Now I’d say it’s clear their modals don’t match up with the data.
I think they should all be fired not because they were wrong but because they tried to fudge the data.