We’ve received multiple tips right around 10 pm that Twitter was hacked and defaced with the message below. The site was offline for a while.

We’re looking into this and awaiting on a response from Twitter.

The message read:

Iranian Cyber Army



U.S.A. Think They Controlling And Managing Internet By Their Access, But THey Don’t, We Control And Manage Internet By Our Power, So Do Not Try To Stimulation Iranian Peoples To….

Take Care.

Update: – We have just found out that the same defacement is appearing at at least one other site, We are not able to see what was at this domain before, but it is now displaying the same defacement that Twitter was only a few minutes ago.

The U.S. better be preparing for cyber-war… it’s coming.

Found by Reader1.

  1. honeyman says:

    Yes it was definitely the Iranians who did this. Just look at the gmail address. I’m convinced.

  2. jescott418 says:

    I am a little concerned that these social sites seem to be the target. I think security must be a last thought with these sites. I just deleted my Twitter. I pretty certain we are on a verge of internet mining of personal information.

  3. denacron says:

    CIA (or whoever) posing as “Iranian Cyber Army” to foment dislike of Iran maybe?

  4. fromundacheese says:

    false flag cyber attack

  5. Zybch says:

    Wow, Twitter has finally become slightly interesting. Took em’ long enough.

  6. sargasso says:

    I welcome our new iRANiAN.CYBER.ARMY overlords.

  7. soundwash says:

    First BS news about Iran crossing into Iraq and now this BS from the CIA/MI6/Mossad.

    IF we make it to xmas with no major violence, expect soon after another tiger-woods like sex scandal or similar to distract us followed by news that the Net has to be severely “limited” for National Security reasons of course. This will be followed by a major attack on Iran for some BS reason.

    Those 30,000 troops to afghanistan to be deployed by xmas were not for afghanistan, but for Iran..

    Look on a map at were Iraq and AFgahnistan is in relation to Iran..perfect squeeze-semi-pincer setup..only it is obvious this being run by politicians and idiots, not “true” military men, as no Commander in his right mind would attempt to send battalion sized armies into into a region that is mostly mountains.

    Why the hell are you going to deploy 30k troops against an enemy that is scattered like roaches throughout the mountains?? (in afghan or iran?) Our troops will be slaughtered, one by one unless space assets are used. With luck, the russians will drop 10 feet of snow on the whole area to stop the madness in a civil manner..

    This is what happens when you let demented a-holes in think tanks control our military and country.

    Our leaders are a complete waste of Human Life and will not rest until they kill whatever American blood is left on the battlefield in an effort to extract revenge on people their ancestors have been at war with since ancient times.

    Times like this i really wish there was an easy way to get of the f’n planet and away from the complete crackpots running the country(s)


  8. ChrisMac says:

    So uhm.. If i hack ur webpage. How much enriched uranium do i win?

  9. Nappy Headed Ho says:

    Sounds like they learned engrish at UCRA too.

  10. Unimatrix0 says:

    Incorrect title and incorrect information. WAS NOT hacked in any shape or fashion. Their DNS record was hijacked and traffic destined for was redirected to the lame ass webpage supposedly of the Iranian “cyber army”.

  11. bill says:

    How do you hack the DNS?

    Spoof the master DNS?

  12. amodedoma says:

    I don’t know what’s lamer, the supposed invasion of Iraq, or this laughable crap. Yeah we thought change was gonna happen but they keep using the same old scare tactics to raise the public’s fear against an enemy that is of strategic interest. Now if Iran would’ve attacked several border towns or if their cyber attack would’ve effectively compromised paypal, those would be ‘real’ attacks. As opposed to this crap. Somebody did twitter a big favor by giving them a security lesson. BIG DEAL!

  13. amodedoma says:


    Not too hard the DNS system automatically updates itself from other servers, it has to, in order to work. To exploit this all you need to do is, Hey, I’ll bet you’re a real Iranian cyber terrorist. So go google it yourself.

  14. deowll says:

    “The U.S. better be preparing for cyber-war… it’s coming.”

    If you just figured that out you are running way slow.

    #2 You are also running way slow. I never got on a social network for that reason. Anything posted on line can be used against you. Even posting here is a risk.

  15. Sammy 980 says:

    Jesus, can’t they just like “cyber nuke” them. I mean they have hundreds of them surely they won’t mind us nicking one?

    Also, the person who hacked it was probably one of the more,”left out” taliban wannabes. Do us all a favour and join in when they start doing the internet suicied cyber bombings.


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