A research released by Live Science this Thursday shows what are the happiest U.S. states. Here you go:
1. Louisiana
2. Hawaii
3. Florida
4. Tennessee
5. Arizona
6. Mississippi
7. Montana
8. South Carolina
9. Alabama
10. Maine
11. Alaska
12. North Carolina
13. Wyoming
14. Idaho
15. South Dakota
16. Texas
17. Arkansas
18. Vermont
19. Georgia
20. Oklahoma
21. Colorado
22. Delaware
23. Utah
24. New Mexico
25. North Dakota
26. Minnesota
27. New Hampshire
28. Virginia
29. Wisconsin
30. Oregon
31. Iowa
32. Kansas
33. Nebraska
34. West Virginia
35. Kentucky
36. Washington
37. District of Columbia
38. Missouri
39. Nevada
40. Maryland
41. Pennsylvania
42. Rhode Island
43. Massachusetts
44. Ohio
45. Illinois
46. California
47. Indiana
48. Michigan
49. New Jersey
50. Connecticut
51. New York
How is Louisiana the happiest state?
What happened? Katrina wash away all the malcontents?
I did notice that nearly all the unhappy states are Democratically controlled.
Wow, California at #46. And New York at #51 (including D.C.).
I would like to see this chart overlaid with a Dem vs. Repub map. It appears that the blue states are the most unhappy.
The report states (no pun intended):
“The scientists caution, however, that the top spot, Louisiana, might not reflect current levels of well-being since the data were collected before the disruption caused by Hurricane Katrina. They are confident that data for the other states does accurately reflect happiness levels.”
Well, duh! Pre-Katrina data! Why even release the study? That’s why all these studies are nothing but horseshit. Lies, damned lies, and…well, you know.
If I could see the screen a bit better I would give the FN smiley face a 40 cal nose. How is that for happy…yea, yea Calif.
Ah_Yeah (#1) and Mark T. (#2):
Remember that the goal of of a liberal ideology is the equal distribution of misery…
Remember that “We’re not happy until you’re not happy”
Ah Yeah…did you notice a geographic split, too?
You guys all suck. (Michigan) lol
Screw you!
Mark from Ohio
I know some pretty miserable people in Florida.
Was this data collected before or after the economy tanked?
Must be that all the ppl living in the ‘happy’ redneck states are just too ignorant to see what shitholes the live in.
@#10 It is much simpler. They have jobs and pay low taxes.
So, in short… the more ignorant you are, the happier you are.
Zybch, um, so all the intelligent people in the blue states are fully aware that they live in shitholes?
Pre-Katrina data? Christ! It took over three years to compile this crap? I think they need more fiber…
Colorado is #21 in happiness??? Colorado is number one where unemployment is under 6-percent! Oh yea!!!
Guess it goes to show that having a job during a bad economy in a dem-crazy state doesn’t necessarily mean anyone is going to be “happy”.
Can’t you just wait for global rule? I swear, we’ll all be absolutely giggley!
Having lived in Indiana much of my life, I can understand why its rating is down at the bottom. Bland food, everyone’s either a farmer or a factory worker except for company managers. The state produces steel, soybeans, corn, and very little else other than insurance policies and Prozac.
New Mexico is much better to live in, even though it’s poorer on the average than Indiana.
Is it just me, or did anyone else automatically try to sort this out by liberal states versus conservative states? And did you all come to the same conclusion? California #46. Better than I thought, but they are right there at the bottom with all the other leftist states, aren’t they?
“The results are based on an examination of two data sets, one that included personal reports of happiness for 1.3 million Americans and the other that included objective measures, such as how crowded that state is, air quality, home prices and other factors known to impact quality of life.”
The second part of that makes this study absolutely useless.
It’s nice in Alabama. Extremely low cost of living, plenty of industry and jobs, clean beaches, beautiful hills and parks, and I have 25 meg internet for $60 a month. I guess being an ignorant redneck getting to keep my money to spend how I choose is bliss. Hows being an intelligent slave to your government masters working for ya?
Potatoes and Vodka.
OMG not another list of these. My favorite state, is the state of confusion I get from reading this blog.
So, when did they make D.C. a state?
#1 I did notice that nearly all the unhappy states are Democratically controlled.
Perhaps there is truth to the term ‘ignorance is bliss’.
@#1 They are truly “blue” states
#24 Ditto.
Pretty happy in NC (and living in one of the most educated areas of the country, RTP).
Well, I’m from Michigan and it sucks here. But, it has nothing to do with having Democratic Senators, Representatives, Mayors, or Governor. It’s because there are absolutely no jobs here. The auto industry is more-or-less gone and dead, which because of intense lobbying and general political whoring, is the only industry here. So, the one industry is dead, and it took the state with it.
Also it doesn’t help that local government officials are more concerned with parties and texting women than increasing educational funding or fixing Detroit.
Also, I think that other people are like me, they hate other people, but I’m sure they like the areas in which they live (although I don’t like Michigan anymore). Since those places are New York and California, which are the two highest concentrations of people in the country, I’m sure it’s just that there are more people who hate people living there.
I live in TN and my sister lives in Louisiana. Both states are great places to live but the mesquites in some parts of the Louisiana look like fog at some times and locations.
Very suspect study. They factored in the price of houses and cost of living…making the assumtion that those are the signs of unhappiness.
So having a crappy house is one of the measurements of “happy.”
Ramuno, I think the fact that housing is cheaper does not necessarily mean that the housing is crappy. I means that you get more house for your money.
If you bought a nice house in Los Angeles, it would probably be three to five times more expensive than almost anywhere else.
Basically, outside of places like New York and L.A., you can have a nicer house and still have money in the back for doing the things you want to do and buying the things you want to have.
In L.A., you would probably live in a 60 year old house for $500,000 to $1,000,000. That would buy a modern McMansion in most other cities.
“the other that included objective measures, such as how crowded that state is, air quality, home prices and other factors known to impact quality of life”
It’s this reason here that the “liberal” (IE, coastal and urban) states are all at the bottom of the list, as they have the majority population. The central states don’t have the same problem of crowding or home pricing, or, presumably, air quality.
So really, the fact that these states are Blue isn’t a causal relationship. They’re both just symptoms of the same cause.
I used to live in South Carolina and that was the least happy I’ve ever been.