1. clancys_daddy says:

    Actually as I recall he felt if was foolish to compete with his neighbor. I agree and commend him for his originality. I am not religious I just don’t see a need to advertise over consumption. Nor do I find tons of lights any more holiday inspiring than a nativity scene.

  2. John E. Quantum says:


  3. Dallas says:

    LOL. That was good.

    #1 Let’s not bring religion into this. It’s Christmas!

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    Love it…

  5. MikeN says:

    Too much effort for me, that ditto sign.

  6. Faxon says:

    Yea. I don’t do anything for Xmas except go to church at midnight. Guess I don’t get it.

  7. TheCommodore says:

    OK, when I first glanced at the picture I actually fell out of my chair. You know, when you laugh so hard your glasses have to be cleaned because you’ve actually squirted tears all over the lenses. Ah, that was great.

    And then I was STUPID enough to read the posts. Expecting to see accolades to the original poster and to the DITTO guy, I instead see a bunch of preachy, atheistic, mirthless prats. Buzzkill. I admit to being a slow learner, but what I’ve finally learned is that the best way to enjoy this site is to NOT to read the user posts. Read the headlines, enjoy, and get the hell out.

    Thanx for spoiling a good laugh.

  8. Mac Guy says:

    C’mon, John… Get off your ass an put up a few more lights!

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    I saw this picture and emailed it to my wife a few days ago. The house on the right will be ours next year.

    And I find “nativity scenes” boring and tasteless. Those who put them up seldom have any concept of times 2000 years ago.

  10. Glenn E. says:

    Not lazier. Think “greener” and “frugal”. What a waste of electricity. When so many people are now struggling to pay for theirs. Bet the well lit house is owned by someone trying to compensate for overcharging the public for their services.

  11. Glenn E. says:

    I’ve got a clown living four houses down from me, who’s lawn is littered with lit up junk. He does the same think for Halloween. Just changes the arrangement a little, between the two “seasons”. It’s not pretty. Just super gaudy. He’s not keeping it lit thru the night, this year. Maybe the E.bill got to him.

  12. deowll says:

    Love the post! I can understand how the guy felt!

    Anything I can do is going to look lame next to that so forget it!


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