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Name a person in Congress who doesn’t sicken you.
We need to end the two party system so Congress might be more representative.
I still am without a fucking job and this bitch is still breathing. What happened to karma?
There are a bunch of people in Congress who don’t sicken me.
Franken turns out to be one, (much to my surprise).
What sicken me even more than Pelosi are those twisted voters who keep her in office.
Not to mention – jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs to CHINA!!
Have the Obamapologist figured out yet that China isn’t getting on the global warming bandwagon because…
As we pay onto the carbon credit scam our products and labor becomes more expensive while China in comparison will be even less expensive because they are doing business as usual.
She and Hillary and battling to see who can look worse.
My guess is she sickens you because she is a woman, a democrat and not fat.
#3 Senator Al Franken gets under the Republican skin because he’s articulate, smart and “in your face”. That’s EXACTLY what we need in Congress.
Contrast that to Republican criminals that are now in Dancing with the Stars.
Lies, Lies, Lies, & Lies. FAAAAAAKK
I agree with #1 we don’t need a fucking 2 party system.
My stomach’s been turning since 1/21/2001. It only recently stopped. It’s your turn now righty.
I listened to the clip and I work hard to find what was said that sickens you. You just find her physically abhorrent? Too freakin bad. You don’t want America to lead in alternative energy technologies that free us from oil imports? Move to Saudi Arabia, you’re obviously on their side.
I’m playing the world’s smallest violin for your upset stomach. No, really.
She’s either profoundly stupid or she has real contempt for us all (us= US voters).
I don’t think she’s stupid.
It disgusts me that her contempt is repeatedly proven to be well-justified by the voters in her district.
BTW, the “two party system” is not a thing in itself- it’s an artifact of our “first past the post” electoral method. Because only the candidate who gets 50% +1 of all votes gets the win, and because voters’ political positions are distributed on a bell curve (fat in the middle) just like most other things, the political fight is always over the center- because that’s where the votes are. Third parties rarely (not never, just rarely) succeed in anything but stealing a potential majority from one of the other parties. It’s a problem, but it’s also a benefit. It’s one of several ways our government is deliberately hobbled, notably.
Proportional Representation has its own problems. Would you want to see Glenn Beck and/or Keith Olbermann in Congress? How about Louis Farrakhan or that Fred Phelps lunatic (google him- Westboro Baptist Church)? If you want those things, then you want PR.
How do these people even get elected?
and wow! Some of my fellow commenters here apparently deserve her contempt, too. You’re her target audience! Eat up!
What’s sickening, you poor benighted souls, is that her response was evasive, dishonest, boilerplate. She knows (correctly!) that she doesn’t have to do better. Meanwhile, the reporter’s question goes unanswered.
Do you REALLY believe that it is the literal truth that her reason for wanting to pass a climate-change bill is ‘jobs’? If so do you believe that a climate-change bill is the optimal way to stimulate the economy?
If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to both of my questions, I have a bridge to sell you. I’d also like to invite you to participate in an exciting business opportunity with my cousin, the king of zambodia. And I’d further like to sell you a bill of goods about how all of the very same social programs I wanted to enact BEFORE the economic shit hit the fan just happen to be EXACTLY what is needed to fix the mess.
My stomach has been churning since November, 1963, and it was a bit sour even back then.
Say what you want about Pelosi, at least she’s not that ‘unt Jane Harman.
#9 “Because only the candidate who gets 50% +1 of all votes gets the win”
This is not the case in most states.
Since two senators can represent more than 1 million people, who voice is being heard?
The democrats have never followed one voice and the republicans need to find more than one voice.
It won’t be long until 435 represent one in a million.
I can better odds at the state lottery.
From: Obamaforever
To: Cherman
Quote (from Cherman)
This woman sickens me.
End of quote.
I am thinking if a small pox bug landed on you it would jump off because it could not stand to be on something so stupid.
If we want any crap from you, Cherman, we will squeeze your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#13, you’re incorrect, and your follow-on comments, while interesting, are irrelevant.
Name any state that allows a group of candidates to run for their 2 senate seats and gives them to the top 2 vote getters. There isn’t one. Name any state that uses a method other than separate elections per seat, 50%+1 wins. There isn’t one. Please, prove me wrong.
# of constituents per congressperson is irrelevant, but it is an interesting issue.
I do agree that our congress is too small. We’ve had the same number of representatives for a loooooooong time now. This was actually a hot-button issue at the time of the revolution, and the founding fathers would be mortified that we’re so underrepresented.
We should have several times over more representatives.
Senators, no. They’re fixed at 2 per state for good reasons.
Government politics is no different than what we all experienced in high school. You have different cliques, some of which are considered “elite” due to their influence in different areas, whether it is in sports, school events, parties, and more than anything, the school’s hottest chicks.
Pelosi is part of the “elite” political structure due to her influence in our countries largest economic force (Cali) and House Speaker standing. She’s also pretty rich, which helps her maintain her seat. Why she continues working in politics is beyond me since she doesn’t have to work any more.
Oh yeah, at this level of power and influence the rich always continue “workin’ it” to maximize their legacy and estate value. They all have gigantic egos and don’t really see themselves as public servants except to private business,… Big business.
#6, #8, I think it’s just delightful that you chose to insert >your< opinions about Pelosi's physical appearance into the discussion.
Not so delightful that you dishonestly did so by asserting out of the blue that her gruesome physical appearance was the real reason for someone else's opinion, ignoring that person's stated reasons. But that tactic is a commonly used crutch of the intellectually ill-equipped, so it doesn't surprise me much. I can even understand it, in a way. It's tempting. Once you give yourself permission to look into the hearts of your opponents in a debate and see their REAL motives, it's just so easy to win all of your arguments! Especially if you don't find it necessary to even refer to their actual, stated position.
You can blame us out here in San Francisco/Marin County for electing her.
The next ‘election’ will be an interesting one.
Electoral mayhem, right? Otherwise you’re just advocating a different mistake…
# 8 DieFundie
“You don’t want America to lead in alternative energy technologies that free us from oil imports?”
Actually, It’s people like Pelosi who keep us dependant on Foreign oil, since she won’t let us drill here for more of it. Just think of the Jobs that would create and money kept here in the US would buy. Her view on Nuclear power too has also hurt us. Just think how much CO2 wouldn’t have been made if we had more Nuclear Power Plants.
Let’s see by not drill for oil here we let others have more control over the price of it. Which helped lead to the recession were in. Let see when the high price of gas had a double impacted on things. People spend less on other things and Businesses had to spend more to operate while receiving less. It killed the US Auto industry since their cash cows were SUV and not making much on small cars. (Not going to get into how they ran the companies badly). This is what the Dems wanted because SUV are evil and the Car companies are evil for making them. Just because Americans want them is out of the question.
Dems want to make things more expensive which kills prosperity. Just look at the Computer industry. Computers have gotten cheaper and better and more people have them. Look at Wal-Mart, the sell stuff cheaper and people buy more from them
The Man Made Global warming scam is nothing more than a way to control us and tell us how to live. Do you think Cap and Trade will really Effect how Rich people live (Congressmen or Senators)? No, but Middle class and poor people will not be able to afford Airline tickets to fly and see grandma. They won’t be able to drive there because they’ll have an electric car that they were forced to buy that can only go 40 miles before it needs recharged. They be forced to live in apartments because they can’t afford a carbon neutral house. They’ll only be able to have one kids because that’s all their Carbon credits will allow them. That’s if they didn’t sell them off to a rich couple since they need to eat.
In the 70’s I was all for Solar Panels because it was free Energy. Guess what, it’s not free and doesn’t pay off for almost 30 years. That’s if they last that long.
Please, don’t squeeze the Cherman.
#18. Bill. I live in San Francisco. There is NO hope whatsoever. This city is so f’d up there is no way in hell any Republican could ever defeat a Democrat. Arnold is a Democrat who only ran as a Republican so he could wipe up Davis. I am amazed how simplistic and vague Madam Speaker’s response is. If it is about jobs, why the f isn’t the money going to the people HERE? What a dumbshit c**t. She is insulting 90% of the time, and to see the reporters suck up to her is disgusting. I see it personally, since I am a news photog.
George Will wrote about Spain’s WONDERFUL green job market where joblessness is now at 18%.
Why are Republicans all of a sudden concerned about domestic issues and jobs?
“We should have several times over more representatives.
Senators, no. They’re fixed at 2 per state for good reasons.”
Big State, small state. Increase the Representatives, triple each states Senators. The only place this country can create jobs is inside the beltway.
Drop the two party system and allow for coalition government instead of a constipation government.
From: Obamaforever
To: Faxon (aka King of the Repukes) per #22
Fess-up, Faxon, you have a crush for Nancy.
To: all Repukes
I have two ways to “out” a Repuke.
1. You ask the person why we have poor people. The Repuke will shoot you a dagger stare, but no verbal response. The only verbal response that the Repuke could muster would be that the reason we have poor people is because poor people are too lazy to work.
2. Say the name ‘Nancy Pelosi’. If the person is a Repuke the spittle will be flying!!!!!!
You Repukes seem to think we need to suck the oil out of the ground as fast as possible and BURN the oil as fast as possible. That is truly stupid thinking.
I guess you Repukes like to pay $6.00/gal for gasoline. This will happen in the near future. It does not matter how fast we suck the oil out the ground. If we bomb Iran we will see $10/gal in a matter of months.
The economy is not doing great and we have 10 % unemployment, but the cost of a barrel of oil is somewhere between $70-$80!!! What will be the cost of a barrel when the economy is fully back on its feet and unemployment is 6%? I am thinking $200/barrel if not higher. Will you Repukes want to burn oil at $200/barrel? No, even you Repukes are not that stupid.
We need to not BURN oil and natural gas, but to make things out of oil and natural gas that we can recycle. No more sending plastics to the dump when oil is at $200/barrel.
I can see the motto of the Repukes: Suck and Burn, Baby, Suck and Burn!!!
Now they worry about jobs! After the free trade agreements.
The link (story, video, whatever) seems to have disappeared. All I see is white space under the headline. Is it just me?
“Suck and burn, baby, suck and burn!” Love it! I can see Sarah Palin chanting it with no sense of irony whatsoever.
Pelosi: Spend, spend, spend, spend.
In order to create or keep those jobs. She is reported to be mainly responsible for adding billions to the US Defense budget. For C-17 cargo planes, the Pentagon “doesn’t want”.
Yeah, but the Pentagon never flat out turns them down. So I suspect they’re “deniers” of requesting all the money they can get for their contractors. If someone like Pelosi didn’t do their dirty work for them. They’d probably step in and order the extra planes, themselves.
#26-Obamaforever-I can see the motto of the Repukes: Suck and Burn…
Maybe, but Pelosi’s motto is definitely Suck and Spit. Strangely enough, that also happens to be the motto of Barney Frank… go figure.