This Episode’s Executive Producer: Steven Pelsmaekers

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  1. TTHor says:

    What kind of art cover is this….???

  2. SparkyOne says:

    Sir NerdyDude, thanks!

  3. Beggar says:

    Apparerntly, AC’s education was cut off somewhere around the 9th grade. So his ignorance of a word JCD has used leads to his assumption no one else knows it either. Then, with his common sloppiness, he spells it for us – incorrectly – and then commences begging for money for having taught us this great word we can use to impress people.

    Not impressed, Adam. Better keep your day job.

  4. Joe says:

    Guys, the Bilderbergers’ one-world government would split the world into rulers and slaves. With one currency, one religion, and all progress stopped.

  5. agenda says:

    [posting guidelines violation]

  6. Zbguy says:

    #5 Obviously you do. Otherwise, how you know it is crap AND why the h..l do you post on this site?

  7. Are you kidding me says:

    No Agenda used to be fun, now it definitely has an Agenda and it’s a boring one.

  8. needs less jingles says:

    I’m tired of having all these new and annoying jingles. They mess up the already disjointed flow of the show (mostly caused by Adam’s seemingly never ending interruptions of everything). Just because someone sent you an “oh so wacky” jingle doesn’t mean you need to play it a dozen times every show. The “in the morning” one definitely needs to be taken out back and shot, and this is NOT an excuse to play that horrible sounding suppressor sound effect that sounds like it was taken from a 80s era Hong Kong flick.
    And also, when will we ever be told of this magical number of donations that Adam is waiting on receiving so he can “quit his day job” (doesn’t that consist of alimony payments anyway?).

  9. SomedudeinPAUSA says:

    I still like it. The sound effects do seem to interrupt the flow of show occasionally though. Keep it up.


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