Finally someone saying the truth.

The real answer to health care and to most problems the world faces today is to do the opposite of what politicians recommend.

A question: Why don’t they just subsidize people with no health insurance (to solve the 50 million uninsured problem) and let companies sell across state lines (to solve the price problem?)

  1. Faxon says:

    I want subsidized insurance too. For the next five years. Plenty of it. And I want my free Medicare in five years. Plenty of it. I paid for other people’s Social Security and Medicare for forty years, and I demand it now. Would you happily subsidize my Medicare? No? You don’t even live here? No? Imagine that.

  2. LibertyLover says:

    A question: why don’t they just subsidize people with no health insurance (to solve the 50 million uninsured problem)

    Because it would end up like Hawaii’s insurance program. Bankrupt in less than a year because everybody will drop their normal insurance.

    What they need to do is give a tax credit, dollar for dollar for all medical expenses.

  3. McCullough says:

    She is obviously in over her head, and should say so. It’s not a crime to admit you are dead wrong, and maybe need to study the issue more. In fact, it just may gain her a bit more respect.

  4. tdkyo says:

    Sorry, but the anchor was acting like a jerk and making the entire interview a circus. Granted, the guest was ready to propagate her talking points, but making the entire interview a rhetorical dance does nothing except make additional noise to this critical issue, which deserves actual rational and truthful exchanges.

    What a clown (Regardless I side with the anchor or not).

  5. Hyph3n says:

    Yea. Selling insurance across state lines… ’cause it has worked so well for credit card companies.

    Enjoy that insurance with a $500 cap. I’m sure it would cover a hang nail.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #4, agreed.

  7. Andy says:

    @#4 – Thank you, I was thinking the same thing. Whether or not I agree with his points or the congresswoman, he was quite the jerk about it. He wasn’t looking for answers, he already had the answers to support his own conclusion. Right or wrong conclusion, not the point, that was no way to conduct an interview.

  8. steve says:

    Why do people have to live here to have a chance at free health care? Doesnt the rest of the world deserve free stuff too? Stick it in the budget.

  9. stopher2475 says:

    Not that I disagree with him but he’s wrong in saying a rise in price can only mean the street thinks they’re going to make more money. Her response could have been, “They went up because they had already been down and Wall St perceives them as about to take less of a hit.” Stocks will go up on negative news when the news isn’t as bad as what the street thought it was going to be. He just kind of yelled at her.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Obviously this asswipe of a host Ratigan is vying to one-up Olbermann and Shultz.

    He never intended to have her answer. This was a hit piece from beginning to end.

  11. Father says:

    #2, LL is on target.

    The guy was a jerk, but this issue is important enough to be “passionate” about the truth.

    The truth is that the current insurance “reform” hands Americans to the insurance companies on a silver platter with mandatory provisions that everyone must buy private insurance “no matter the cost”.

    The republicans couldn’t have developed a more brazen plan if they tried.

    And Liebermann is a discrace to the principals of the republic.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Father, you’ve hit the right assessment with the “reform” and “republicans couldn’t have developed a more brazen plan”.

    This health care reform is a giveaway to the insurance companies.

    Since Obama took office, all we have seen is one sellout after another.

    Change we can believe in!

  13. soundwash says:

    Regardless of the host being a little rude, she was starting each response with typical canned responses. this is why the host was ticked off.

    Using the “i’m not a xxx-analyst” in whatever context to avoid answering a very simple “logic question” that requires ZERO knowledge [in this case] of stocks, is f’n annoying to the nth degree.

    Just using the bits she could get out before being interrupted…she is starting imply that life will be very difficult for insurance companies when/if the bill passes.

    BY THAT LOGIC stocks should be plummeting, not going UP on the news that the bill may pass.

    Also of note: whenever she starts talking about the merits of the bill, here eyes start
    fluttering. she has two distinct sets of facial language depending on what she is stating.

    She is obviously very uncomfortable, lying or saying something that goes against her core belief system when talking about the bill.

    I have used this indicator time and again successfully when dealing with my own doctors –when discussing the probability or faith they have in the success or usefulness of pointless surgeries they are offering to me as a solve for physical issues i have.

    I’ve studied this type of body language for decades.

    She does not have *any* personal faith in what
    says about the health bill.

    -You take that observation to the bank.


  14. jccalhoun says:

    I don’t see how anyone except someone who works for the insurance companies could think that more insurance could be a good thing. Maybe instead of trying to insure everyone who can’t afford medical care they should try to make medical care more affordable.

  15. JimR says:

    Re: #9, stopher2475 … that would have been priceless. 🙂

  16. lakelady says:

    when this is the level of discourse we have about an issue as important as hcr it’s no wonder we get such crap results.

  17. Troublemaker says:

    LibertyLover said:

    What they need to do is give a tax credit, dollar for dollar for all medical expenses.

    WRONG! What we need is AFFORDABLE health care.

    Insurance is a scam, used to keep health care prices inflated by amortizing the insanely overly inflated cost of health care over numerous healthy people.

    A friend of mine just had gallbladder surgery a few weeks ago and it cost $80,000.00 for the entire procedure. $40,000.00 was just the price of the room he stayed in… FOR ONE DAY!

    Turns out his condition is no better after the surgery. Apparently he didn’t need the gallbladder surgery after all.

    Start to get the picture yet?

    We live on a sick and depraved planet, where degenerate businessmen hold your health care needs hostage for windfall, AND I DO MEAN WINDFALL, profit. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for businesses making profit… BUT $40,000.00 A DAY FOR A ROOM???

  18. Father says:

    The procedures of the Republic exist based on two functional ideas (as far as I know):

    1. The People don’t have time to decide every issue and vote on every Bill.

    2. The People can trust their elected represenatives to act in accordance with the best interests of the People and national interests.

    If the representatives can not fulfill #2, then we may have to move towards a direct democracy.

  19. politico says:

    Why would you think that this proves anything at all, except that the woman lacks media training to handle a combative interviewer? All I’m seeing here is the “Rupert Murdock Effect” of bully pulpit badgering made popular on Fox and emulated by the other networks.

    Regardless of your political leanings, don’t deceive yourself into thinking this is an interview at all. It’s purely a rant with the unfortunate victim used as a dumbstruck foil for it. She never even secured the opportunity to state her views.

    All it proves is that he’s a jackass and she’s a creampuff.

  20. Dallas says:

    Repugs were bitching that Obama was picking on poor, vulnerable health insurance industry. Now he’s accussed of being in cahoots with them.

    You guys are total baffoons. Astounding

  21. Troublemaker says:

    steve said:

    Why do people have to live here to have a chance at free health care? Doesnt the rest of the world deserve free stuff too? Stick it in the budget.

    I realize that you’re an ignorant stinking piece of dog shit… other than backwards continents/countries such as Africa, the Middle East and some parts of Asia THE REST OF THE FUCKING WORLD ALREADY HAS FREE HEALTH CARE!

  22. Troublemaker says:

    Father said:

    The procedures of the Republic exist based on two functional ideas (as far as I know):

    1. The People don’t have time to decide every issue and vote on every Bill.

    2. The People can trust their elected represenatives to act in accordance with the best interests of the People and national interests.

    If the representatives can not fulfill #2, then we may have to move towards a direct democracy.

    You forgot the part where we would have to kill all the people in charge… because that’s the only way will we ever have a “direct democracy”.

  23. Troublemaker says:

    Gotta love her blue eyeliner…


  24. Father says:

    Troublemaker, if you want to kill someone, I’m not going to put my defenseless body on the line to stop you. The legal system is equipped to stop the actions that you suggest.

    I was thinking of a national referrundum, if that is even possible under the laws of the USA. Of couse “Connecticut for Liebermann” won’t let that happen.

  25. dg says:

    “and let companies sell across state lines (to solve the price problem?)”

    You’re forgetting the history of these things. Every single insurance company will move to the state with the worst consumer protection.

  26. Animby says:

    Cherman, your headline suggests the Congresswoman is an idiot. She may well be. Or she could be the smartest person in the Congress. How would you ever know when she is never allowed to utter a complete sentence? This clip does not make her look bad, it makes the “idiot” host look bad.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    Radigan was wrong. He badgered his “guest” repeatedly on questions not of her expertise. She is a politician, not a stock market analysist as she readily admitted. She knows about the health insurance reform bills currently in Congress.

    I wonder how much longer MSNBC will keep him around? They have enough anchors waiting in the wings that can do decent interviews.

  28. Cherman says:

    #25, I disagree.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well a quick search of this story shows that MSNBC is cutting his air time in half and moving him to the dead afternoon slot.

    “Morning Meeting with Dylan Ratigan,” which aired from 9-11amET has been canceled. Ratigan will move to one hour in the afternoons at 4pmET — interestingly up against the show he once co-anchored on CNBC, “Closing Bell.”

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #27, pedro,

    You’d disagree with anyone just because you’re a dickhead. Wasserman Shultz was a model of composure, Radigan acted like a Bill O’Reilly.


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