Great title, great article:

When world leaders in Copenhagen argue for days in knife-edge talks to save the planet, what more fitting way to relieve the tension than an environmentally-friendly vibrator? The global sex toy industry is worth an annual 15 billion dollars (22 billion euros), and uses up a mountain of batteries in the process, many of which end up as toxic waste.

But now one Irish company reckons they’ve got the solution to shake up the market: a vibrator they are calling the world’s first-ever “green technology sex toy”. The Earth Angel, described as “eight inches (20 centimetres) with a sleek white finish”, is a wind-up vibrator which comes with a handle built into the bottom.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Whatever rings your bells.

  2. Postman says:

    Doesn’t heavy breathing increase co2 output?

  3. Steelcobra says:

    You’d think having to crank it up every ten seconds would kill the mood…

  4. Faxon says:

    Bend over, Al.

  5. Buzz says:

    I like the ones with the pull starter rope.

  6. sargasso says:

    That is 20.3cm, not 8″. Eire is a member of the EU, and if I am not mistaken, electrical stimulators are included the metrification protocol.

  7. Red says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  8. Red says:

    $15,000,000,000 does not equal €22,000,000,000*

  9. James says:

    @Red you’re right. They must have converted the wrong way, ‘cos 22 billion U.S. dollars is equal to roughly 15 billion Euros.

  10. amodedoma says:

    Somebody ought to tell these people about solar powered battery chargers and high capacity NiMh. Still, a step in the right direction.

  11. John E. Quantum says:

    I have a flashlight in which a magnet slides back and forth through a coil and generates electricity to power the light. Vigorous shaking makes the light brighter and last longer. That gives me an idea….

  12. Postman says:


    or that virtually every battery is recycled before it goes in the dump.

  13. Dallas says:

    Brilliant idea to win over the conservatives.

    If saving a few bucks on batteries these stiffs on board (pun intended), I’m all for it.

    Now we got to find something to convince the conservative women!!

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Jägermeister – Whatever rings your bells.

    Guilherme Cherman censors things he doesn’t like. Perhaps John should rename the site to Dvorak Censored?! The original post was:

    Whatever rings your bells, Guilherme.

  15. Green? I like the big black ones.

    [Are you one of Tiger’s girls? – ed.]

  16. pilgrim says:

    You could always just use the energy from your motorcycle.

  17. soundwash says:

    Too funny…

    This will ensure people remain frustrated and disappointment with their sex lives when the gizmo dies before you even get started. (appropriate for catholic brainwashed types, i guess..) lol

    The only good thing is that they will equate “Green” with disappointment. -as the current “Green climate movement” scandal has overwhelmingly proven. The only other plus? you wont have to worry about your “carbon credit” meter getting tilted when they put a smart meter on your mains..

    This just goes to show how much is “riding” on the “green movement” 😮



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