Giant Pyramid UFO ‘Hovers Over Moscow’ – Yahoo News: A mysterious ‘UFO’ seen in the sky over Moscow has sparked speculation that the city has been visited by an alien spacecraft.
The pyramid-shaped object was said to have remained for hours over the Red Square in the Russian capital.
The fuzzy grey shape was apparently captured on film in at least two separate videos – one filmed during the daytime and another at night – which became an online sensation.

I would say ‘Yikes’, but it looks fake. Maybe this is part of some kind of viral marketing related to the Avatar movie?

  1. amodedoma says:

    Like I said get used to it…

  2. ECA says:

    Something that STOOD over the city for hours and we get 6 seconds of it??
    IF it had been anything SPECIAL..fighters would have been up there WITH IT.

  3. moondawg says:

    “Hovered for hours” and all we get is one shitty video? right.

  4. Carcarius says:

    And why is the video footage always getting this stuff at a distance? Why are there not 100 different videos from all angles? Russians can afford cameras now, right? Total BS.

    It would be cool if an extraterrestrial race did visit though, would make life a lot more interesting. Are those in power trying to pull a “Watchmen” on us? lol

  5. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Seems fake. The wobble of the ‘UFO’ doesn’t match the wobble of the camera.

  6. Curtis E. Flush says:

    Was there a small child from Colorado inside?

  7. BigBoyBC says:


  8. RTaylor says:

    I told them they shouldn’t shit with that damn Stargate.

  9. mentor972 says:

    Absolutely fake. Doesn’t match the camera movements and the gaussian blur is almost too perfect. Plus, if it were there for hours, there would be way more pics, videos, new coverage, and military involvement.

  10. qb says:

    I can only that the alien overlord is Adria from Stargate.

  11. chuck says:

    For the first 9-10 seconds of the video, it appears to be somewhat rectangular.

    It’s a large flag, or maybe just a sheet. The video image is so poor you can’t see the thin pole or aerial it’s attached to.

    The reason millions of “UFO’s” are spotted every year is because millions of idiots look up in the sky and see something (like a bird or a plane or superman) and say “what’s that? – I don’t know.”

  12. Dennis says:

    Ya gotta appreciate it that people state it is a fake because there is only 6-9 seconds of grainy footage….yet they fully get angry when you say the Pentagon wasn’t hit by a Plane on 9/11.

    Not sure it qualifies as Irony though…..

  13. It’s the return of Jesus, he’s got a new ride.

  14. bob says:

    #12 Dennis, what a bizarre and inappropriate comparison. It says something ugly about you that you made it.

    Among other differences, there was not a 6 hour period during which the plane that hit the pentagon was hovering and available for photos.

    That’s not all that’s different, but that’s all the help you’ll get from me. Try to do better- hell, try to >be< better- in the future, m'kay?

  15. gaykid says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  16. gaykid says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  17. Are you kidding me says:

    hey bob #14

    Are you actually telling us you believe a plane hit the pentagon?

    Why would you so publicly admit you are a moron?

  18. Dennis says:

    Bob, you make my point for me.

    I was pointing to how people get upset over one thing, but not over the same type of thing.

    Human response is amazing if you step back and look at it objectively.

    Obviously, you have some deep seated issues…..

  19. Faxon says:


  20. Faxon says:

    It is a flag, people…

  21. clancys_daddy says:

    #20 whatever you’ve been smoking either lay off or share. By the way the cars were not melted they were crushed and sandblasted by concrete and other building materials.

  22. clancys_daddy says:

    By the way its fake.

  23. Dennis says:

    I never said what my opinion was, just that I found it ‘funny’ (in quotes = unique,peculiar) that people were instantly denouncing this “With Video” and yet, without any Video (other than lack of video) they were able to accept it as truth.

    People believe what they feel, are told, or are conditioned to believe.

    The natives of America never saw the ships coming, because they had never seen them before (this may be a ‘wives tale’) and their minds could not process the info.

    Thats all I was mentioning. Not anything else.
    The fact that it created such a diatribe….actually reinforces the point I was trying to illustrate. Still don’t know if it qualifies as Irony though…..

  24. soundwash says:

    clancys_daddy said,

    #20 whatever you’ve been smoking either lay off or share. By the way the cars were not melted they were crushed and sandblasted by concrete and other building materials.

    Um…I’d share..but my lonely friend will not be ready for a while.

    -as for the cars..i was there. i saw them up close and in person.

    (look at other pics in the folder) -if you saw them in person, esp in relation to the distance they were from the main carnage, and how some metals and plastics in the cars melted and others did not, you would have a different and [perplexed] opinion (if any) as to what caused them to be scorched in such a manner.

    Had two rolls of pics i took not been lost, it would have been clear as day.

    #25, Dennis.

    I understand completely what you were/are eluding to in both posts. -and yes, it is very ironic in a most humorous way -that is lost on most who post here.

    what i posted above was various tidbits of stuff i have written over time slapped together and combined with small sample of over 8 gigs of pics and vids i collected between 2001 and 2006. -some of which i recently recovered off of a fried drive. [thank you Spinrite]

    While on the surface it seems completely disconnected from the main OP’s post and yours, it is not, -and will be apparent in months to come.

    Nonetheless..i was in the middle of going through the recovered data and while waiting for some utilities to finish, i was browsing the web, ran across your post and used it a as a weak reason to launch one of my rather “infamous diatribes” seeing as how i had found some old scattered writings that were related to pics i found and uploaded to my site a few days ago..

    My apologies. goal (if i really have one) as just to plant seeds of alternative “thought” to peak the curiosity of a mostly brain dead society in hopes to raise awareness of the fact the nothing [esp in this country] is what it appears to be.

    For as you observed, [-and are ever so careful in the way you word yourself] people no longer think at all. they only respond with preconditioned thoughts they think are their own.



  25. Uncle Patso says:

    I have been called a lefty loon, but today the REAL loonies have taken over:

    # 12 Dennis:
    “[…] yet they fully get angry when you say the Pentagon wasn’t hit by a Plane on 9/11. […]”

    (Damn straight we do!)

    I can’t even BEGIN to respond to Soundwash; I don’t have all night. Dude! Time to go back on your OTHER meds: the ones the actual M.D.s prescribed you!

    Okay, ONE thing:
    “[…] -how does a *gravity-fed collapse* create SO MUCH ENERGY to disintegrate the top of a building with almost no weight on the structure relative the rest of the building?? explain? […]”

    Okay, you build a little building, or what would go on top of a building. Make it sturdy! Next we’ll take a big heavy lift helicopter and raise it, say a quarter mile in the air and drop it. I think it might gain substantial potential energy on the way up, and an equal amount of kinetic energy on the way down, don’t you?. Anyway, chances are VERY SMALL that it will remain intact as it comes to rest…

    (Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. No matter what I or anyone says, Soundwash, Dennis and Are you kidding me will see conspiracies and Reds [or Grays] behind every leaf, tree and bush for the rest of their lives. But if I can get ONE person who would have followed their twisted path to actually THINK about what they’re saying, it will have been worth it.)

    As to the lithium in the drinking water story, they can’t start soon enough!

  26. Dennis says:

    Wow….ironic. 😉

  27. Ben_Franklinov says:

    Guess the Russkies can now afford kites….

    It’s pretty obviously fake or there would be tons of videos of such a pheonomena at various times and all kinds of distances/angles. Well…maybe now that the Russkies can afford kites, they can start buying cameras….

  28. Buzz says:

    Proof once again that there are zero competent videographers in all of yet another major city.

  29. WmDE says:

    I suspect the collapse of the towers generated quite a bit of heat. All of the energy used to lift steel and concrete did not go away when construction was completed. It waited for 30 years. The energy put into the building during the 5-6 year construction, energy used to lift furniture by elevator, even energy used to lift the victims was released in seconds. Heat would have been present in large quantity.

  30. Glenn E. says:

    All this proves, is that the atmosphere is so polluted that somebody can project a movie imagine onto the sky. Like that “spiral” that showed up last week. The “tail” of which was pointing down, instead of upward. Like a real comet would produce. The downward tail was likely the projector beam’s origin.


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