Gizmodo puts it beautifully:

  • Step one: bring your iMac to a Panera Bread.
  • Step two: play WoW on it.
  • Step three: be old.
  • Step four: win the unconditional respect of the entire internet, forever.

  1. Mark T. says:


  2. Someone wants a laptop for Xmas.

  3. Dr Dodd says:

    Cubicles seem to be getting smaller these days.

  4. Faxon says:

    What’s a Panera Bread?

  5. Postman says:


    a coffee shop that serves soup in bread bowls.

  6. Steve says:

    Step 5 Order refills online.

  7. Jobs says:

    Step 6

    Send Dvorak a cease and desist order with cheese.

  8. Swampper says:

    His bluetooth thing must be in the other ear.
    I avoid Paneras because of clientele like Mr. Macintosh. The ‘People of Panera’ website will emerging any day now…

  9. Overfifty says:

    Oh man if he had robes on he would look like my level 80 Mage. But I digress.

    WIFI Lag sucks in PVP!! He must have just been checking on the auction house.

  10. Mick Hamblen says:

    Hot looking women seem to like Panera which is why I go to the one in Plainfield IN Yowsa!

  11. Luc says:

    Young people of the internets are such clueless assholes. They can’t see old people actually using technology that is, you know, fucking available for purchase fucking everywhere, without saying something really stupid like “Look, an old person using technology!” That only goes to show how incredibly dumb and insecure they are. They need this feeling of superior command of something relevant in the current society to feel good about themselves. The mere fact that old people are getting weak, sick and closer to death just isn’t enough to these cock suckers.

    And they always hasten to say that “soon everybody will be doing this and that because this is how the drum rolls from now on yadda yadda,” but raise their stupid eyebrows when the proverbial “everybody” actually acts according to their lame predictions. They’re so pitiful that they need to stroke their ego *twice*: first by making “smart” predictions, then by being condescendent with part of the demographics that are making their screamingly obvious predictions happen.

    Speaking of assholes, is this Guilherme Cherman Day at DU?

  12. Mark T. says:

    Luc, “Speaking of assholes, is this Guilherme Cherman Day at DU?”

    Low blow. If the intent is to drive discussion, commentary, and blog engagement, I think Mr. Cherman is doing an admirable job. Cheers!

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    They have some good soups, sandwiches and salads and decent coffee and free wi-fi. Oh, and several types of “artisan” breads.

    Mm. Now I’m hungry…


  14. Jägermeister says:

    Viral advertisement for Panera Bread. It worked.

  15. qb says:

    I like this guy.

    Yes Luc, it is Cherman day. He’s kinda predictable.

  16. sargasso says:

    For confused foreigners, Panera is a US fast food chain which actually produces food, slowly. They lend a cultural attribute to their products, bread rolls, patisserie and soups, that improve the lives of people who consume them. But particularly, in this case, they have an unpopular and controversial WiFi policy, which limits time and filters content. Food which is real, WiFi which is not.

  17. jescott418 says:

    I would not truck a big iMac to Panera. But he could be a Apple tester for the Supersize Macbook Pro! Its for people who miss their desktop because they bought a tiny 13″ MacBook and want portability but still want the huge monitor. Trouble is battery life is a bit weak.

  18. DC says:

    Old does not mean computer illiterate. I turned 70 last month and still work full time doing web apps in Perl. Got my start before most of the commenters were born (1965 on an RCA 301). There are 6 working computers in our house at the moment. (2 desktops; 2 laptops; 1 netbook; one company owned laptop)

  19. JimR says:

    That picture could be me in 10 years. DC, I’m glad you are still at it at 70. Hat’s off to you.

  20. Greg says:

    I have seen this on more than one occasion, in different Paneras. Someone drags a fill size iMac into the restaurant. Funny, Ive never seen anyone do this with a PC.

  21. deowll says:

    There are advantages to being semi rural. For lunch I pulled up a large turnip I grew in my little garden plot. I cleaned it, peeled it, sliced it and put it in a bowl with chicken bullion, water, olive oil, a dash of salt, and ginger. I stuck in the microwave on high. Twenty minutes later I let it cool and I ate it in front of my 30 inch monitor in the comfort of my home.

    That’s fresh food and at least as fast as I could go out and buy the fast food and drive back home. The cost was rather modest. Do they even serve turnips in resteraunts?

    When I get hungry I may go for some nine beans soup I cooked night before last. Reheating doesn’t hurt bean soup.

  22. Carcarius says:



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