Swamp Gas.
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It is a interesting formation of lights. Because some branch off and join another group it eliminated a huge aircraft with lights on. They definately create several types of formations indicating a intelligence. That’s all you can really tell from the video.
That was pretty trippy even without a joint.
Eh? What?
Quick, hand me the crackers so I can eat the chili before the aliens get it.
I notice that the photographer and anyone in the vicinity of the camera microphone are completely dumb-struck by the event, even before it becomes strangely interesting. None of that “Oh, what’s that over there…” stuff from these folks.
Then there’s the vague sound of a distant engine of some sort for a few seconds, the sort of thing you get from distant airplanes turning in a way that projects more acoustical energy your way.
Unidentified? Sure. Flying? Yeah. Objects? Ok. But I think the acronym ILT is better. Interesting Levitating Thingies.
What does “Attack” mean to you? I want laser beams and shit on fire goddamnit!
Not UFO’s but IFS’s….Identified Flying Swampgas.
Looks like flares to me.
Get used to it. Our interstellar voyeurs will want to position their monitoring devices before the apocalypse. So from now till 21DEC2012 we’ll be seeing lot’s of strange lights in the sky.
I, for one, welcome our new flying saucer warloards…
Give me back my weather balloons!!!
If that was filmed in Santiago then a quick calculation suggests that the space ship should come to a halt somewhere between St Petersburg and Volgograd.
How likely is that?
airplanes towing strings of lights
Military flares.
I thought flares too… until they moved off to the right in formations of four. I’ve never seen flares do that.
We Live in a Mirror Image of the True Reality.
-Our Reality, as we know it, is false.
The History of the Humanity’s beginnings is a grand deception.
What modern science teaches us as the laws of nature and the universe is a gross delusion of the truth.
We have been deceived into living in an inverse world of the truth. Where Reality is Fantasy and Fantasy, is the true Reality.
Until Further Notice,
The Mirror Image Rule Applies to all things that confuzzle the mind.
If I were an Alien Inteligent Being, why would I parade and dance over large populational areas for long periods of time? Seems to me these aliens have a lot to learn from our infiltration and observation military tactics.
OTOH, maybe this is just the alien’s teenage kids, smashed and having a good time with the parents “vehicles”…
prolly just an errant Russian missile test!
in a similar story, linux invades earth.
microsoft users flee in ignorance
UFO = Unidentified flying objects. These were flying. I don’t have a clue what it was but helicopters and some guys out hoaxing anyone they can for a hoot seems likely.
P.S. If you have never hoaxed someone nor been hoaxed yourself, what kind of weirdos are you running with? Get out and meet some real humans!
good posting.i like it. thank u. :)-
Adobe Premier.